Attached: three_chatreuse_buzzards_by_rethmeister_dcydhu-fullview.jpg (1408x2048, 377K)

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>kill em all
>pull out and ejaculate on my back and kill all the sperm
Pretty sure that’s what he meant by this.

>kill em all
>right about his ass

what, is he going to kill them with his farts or something?

Attached: 1560838405536.jpg (636x592, 137K)

>has bitch tits, took estrogen blockers and testosterone boosters like an actual tranny
>voice like capuchin monkey due to steroid use. too shy to talk to anyone because of his permanent Danny Devito impression
>officially as of 2019 the lowest drawing WWE champion in history
>responsible for lowest drawing smackdown ever as champion on FOX. Sad!
>SD failed shortly after FOX debut...just like 2000s, once the Rock wasn't around to carry his pasty farm boy ass, ratings went down the drain
>every push since 2000s ratings go down the toilet
>ever since becoming the most credible guy in the company after WM30, WWE has struggled to sell out events, even having tickets left over for WrestleManias because of him
>failed academically in school because embarrassingly stupid. Became a steroid junkie to cope
>cried to Cornette on the phone to bail him out of a Kentucky jail
>Flashed Sunny. Sunny laughed at his dick which looked like a bald shrew
>Never actually been in a real fight in his life. Content with cheating in a highly regulated athletic competition like MMA and cheating like a loser
>Fucking loser of a main eventer in the 2000s. So much of a crybaby he quit after around 2 years
>Had the physical tools in football due to swollen unnatural body, but so retarded he wasn't coachable and thus lacked the mental capacity and skillset to improve
>complete fuck up for NJPW. Too scared to hand back the IWGP belt in person. Japs probably can't decipher his Double D voice anyway...
>Got hired in UFC by carny Dana and hotshotted. Beat numpties like Mir and old man Couture
>So much of a spastic he never ate a vegetable in his life, fucked up his own gut

Attached: Brock Les Lesnar.jpg (1000x650, 272K)

It's just a full lower back tat of pic related

Attached: BORN_TO_DIE.jpg (600x601, 52K)

Ngl the title is going to look good on drew

>Has a tramp stamp
>Kissed Kurt Angle on live TV and dared Jericho to kiss him backstage
>Used to be very outspoken about his hatred for gay people
Is he?

Based? Yes he is

I dont see him being a real top guy get, the guys promos are so bad, he got owned by MVP.

doesn't matter anyway, its the wwe and their fans eventually turn on all their top guy and move to their next FOTM

Kek, Cock Lesnerd ETHERED

homophobia is the opposite of based

yeah I agree to an extent, but with him itll be much faster than what happened with cena for example. there were alot of nights that cena was booed at first and he turned the crowd with a promo. drew will not he able to do that just like roman couldn't.


He literally kisses men tho so I dont think he's scared of em

>turned the crowd with a promo.
LOL no.


Attached: 17401-blood-ecw-laughing-smiling-the_sandman-wwe.png (424x318, 259K)

based velcro strap

Maybe the problem isn't the fans

yeah its obese smelly smarks like you

MVP has a pretty good heel promo, but Drew really needs to step up or get a mouth piece

>QUESTION: Would you rather...
>"Have Brock's tramp stamp or Cody's neck tattoo?"

Me? I'd go with the tramp stamp. Tattoos are okay, if normies can't see em when ur fully dressed.

Attached: 003.jpg (685x1024, 193K)

neck tattoo

Tramp stamp. At least it says "kill em all" rather than being the circumcised cuck slave logo of Israel branded on your neck

Neck tattoo (that says "Kill Em All") followed by "Nigg3rs".

nah he based

I'm really saddened to say this but that promo was better than 90% of promos today

learn the definition of words Gayfo

Tramp stamp because I have a career

looks fake


>Kills all the dick with a senton