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3, 2, 1

>kill, fuck, marry
I would kill Lita, but I want her to live and suffer for what she did and what she continues to do

Christy is underrated as fuck. She always had a really nice ass.

marry gail
fuck lita (because she's lita)
kill whoever the other chick is

>give us $6 million please

is this the wrestling equivalent?

Attached: feministfeefees.jpg (768x768, 116K)

>the state of the fat blonde compared to “her” caricature

Wouldn't be cheaper and more profitable to become a twitch thot?

In their prime

Not the same without the quote

You're actually fucking crazy. Christy is the least walled one there. I want to marry and fuck her and kill the other two 5 times each.

Look at this. The fucking fertility of this woman. Lita's barren womb cannot compete.

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Do any of them look like the caricature to you?

What was their big announcement?

nah. that makeup aint fooling me with those disgusting eyebags.

i genuinely don't know who left and right are, is this some 2006-2012 diva shit I missed

Well no amount of makeup or boots can hide the amorphous blob creature Lita has growing on her neck.

Lita prefers her fursuit


Slang for botox

yeah, but she's still lita. seeing her with saggy pants and a thong would still make me diamonds. i dont even know who the other chick is, so she does nothing for me.

gail still a cute

I'm absolutely convinced that this board is made up of mostly closet homosexuals. Only a faggot would make a thread about women getting old. Literally bitchy fag behavior.


don't be a femcel

Imagine being this much in denial... Haven't you got a cock to suck, ladies?

Gail is a supreme milf

God, imagine the amount of help you could get on the farm.

I like how the drawings of them are all cutesy anime style but then you see their actual faces and realise ya been worked

Hope she sees this bro

ah the daily incel thread
always a pleasure to read your deep insights

not really for the first two, hemme is walled, lita still looks about the same, Gail is still pretty hot.

I would still fuck Anita bros

Attached: Gail Kim.jpg (546x207, 14K)

Yeah that's the point of the image, user

I know, I like it :-)

Did you get her yet or is she still with chad? Keep trying bro, you can always get her when she's ready to settle down at 38

Kim by far looks the worse

Christy Hemme on the right who posed nude for playboy and did mud pool matches, you missed a hot diva who did sexy stuff instead of work rate shit.

Gail Kim on the left is a horse faced "worker" who smarks like because she can kinda wrestle.

Attached: christy.gif (400x407, 3.31M)

I'm in a relationship, thanks. This thread is part of the reason why you're not. Enjoy being single for the rest of your life/a massive faggot/future inmate for child molestation because you couldn't even lure a desperate fucking uggo to the hovel you call a home...

The middle one at least looks like that could have been a good caricature of her when she was younger

Lita looks Basque af

if that's not, BTE is

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can't imagine having 4 humans inside a body but tbf that's not her first time

Two sets of twins or what?

No, quadruplets.


Amazed Lita is the least Walled of the three, more amazed that Gail has aged the worst

I thought if I took the yellow pill I would have a prime woman into her 60’s

Lita had face surgery.


Attached: EBKE5EcXYAEqt0G.png (496x628, 270K)

blonde is a tranny
it's hilarious that drew a hideous 40 year old tranny like a cute blonde teenager

>in a relationship
If that's what you kids call the friendzone nowadays...

daddy mouth touch your no no place?


Gail Kim is still one of the best thing that Korea ever invented. Those Blackpink's plastic whores can't even hope to compete

ya dingleberry go back to pol

I don't get it. Gail still looks great to me.

Jesus lady...it's a vagina not a clown car!!

would still go after Gail's ass like a hog in a truffle patch

What the fuck is the point of their video channel, and more importantly, why do they need fucking $400k?

Ground Zero pussy

Her womb was literally barren before spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to have half-retarded frankenstein abominations

Even your gf (if she exists) would be ashamed of the way you drop your spaghetti here. A real man doesn't need to do that shit, much less on anonymous boards.


I can call you a cheesebeard with no repercussions.

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kek ultimate sign of a genetic dead end of a human being right there
even worse than choosing not to have kids

So much cope in these posts... Just come out of the closet already, sissy boys. Homosexuality isn't the taboo it used to be. Go on - suck that cock. You know you want to... What gets me is that you're of the belief that that you're hot-blooded males when not only are you posting on a board for pro wrestling - basically the most homoerotic form of entertainment there is outside of gay porn, but you're trying to defend acting like queers. Now, I've nothing against shit-stabbers, each to their own, but I do have a problem with those in denial. You're mentally ill, ladies. Your heads are fucked. It terms of body count, I'm gonna bet that you're even higher than trannies, as it pertains to suicide. Seek help. You need to become comfortable with who you really are, or your sickness (and it is a sickness) will destroy you. Just admit that you're a fag; a dick loving deviant. Do that, and you will feel a whole lot of weight lifted right off of your shoulders. You can do it, cum drinkers. I'm rooting for YOU.