Mayu Iwatani

Mayu Iwatani.

Attached: 163d8d0c.jpg (666x473, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

more like Mayuck Ewwtardneet LMAO

Attached: FUCK YOU FAGS.png (1920x1080, 870K)

post gooks to own the joshipedos

Attached: 1583204345420.jpg (680x616, 37K)

Mayu as a yandere would be hot.

Attached: murder face mayu.jpg (1152x2048, 839K)

Holy yuckola imma be sickola

Attached: EOoFhEjUwAA7i3l.jpg (1080x1620, 1.08M)

Attached: retard.jpg (1536x2048, 504K)

Explain that filename please?

Attached: EQ3Kq1IUcAA-3iI.jpg (1536x2048, 301K)

>asks filename
>has a unique character filename
How 'bout no Agua.

Attached: Self-inserting, Yikes.jpg (500x281, 25K)

What do you mean?

Attached: dipshit.jpg (1365x2048, 390K)

That girl is much more attractive than Mayu

>tfw no psycho gf that will stab you if you don't love her enough
It hurts, bros ;__;

he seethes when people won't give him original filenames, because then he can't go around with the same picture and claim autistic superiority

Attached: 1580413651994.jpg (492x588, 58K)

Attached: CrTYWqmXgAEl7Ow.jpg (899x1200, 148K)

Really not a thing you should want, user. Trust me.

This yandere was just with the wrong guy. We can save her!

She's too cute to be in prison. Free her.

Attached: Yuka Takaoka.webm (1024x768, 2.89M)

Damn, this bitch ugly.
Mayu a cute.

Attached: o0480063913115549144.png (480x639, 429K)

Attached: ED3AP4BVAAA8iHV.jpg orig.jpg (1616x1080, 191K)

That's her??

She looks like WW2 propaganda

Yep, girl in this pic being found after stabbing her boyfriend in the chest and smiling in the police car in OP is also this girl. It's a collection from her tiktok/instagram shit.
Sometimes crazy is actually cute.

Attached: tumblr_pscfe51XWN1vvb079_1280[1].jpg (900x900, 86K)

I've already shared my story. I've lived with a woman who in the end stabbed me. I was "lucky" cause I got stabbed only in my forearm, I was able to take the knife away from her before she was able to do more damage.
You do not put your dick in crazy, user. It's nto worth it.

what a cutie

She'd stab you user.