his gimmick is that his sunglasses lets him see through wrestling as fake a la They Live
His gimmick is that his sunglasses lets him see through wrestling as fake a la They Live
I could be the fuck out of this guy
Perhaps we could all be like Orange Cassidy
Holy shit are you a cosplay master or something?
So now that they did the one waterboy "oh shit he can play" match, what do you do with him now?
Pretty based headcanon ngl
storylines? build-up? icky
>he can see that wrestling is fake
So, what does this do to his powerlevel? Does he officially become like a super hero who can manipulate reality? Is he now Eternal or true gods tier?
and they wasted it
he should have "accidentally" won a battle royal for a title shot at Jericho
nice try drone
Good one, OP.
just let him do the same shit, but give him a storyline with someone. everyone has to see him a comedy act in my opinion though. PAC was a good start because even though he can "go at it", it did nothing but anger PAC, it didn't stop PAC.
so just go stale after one match?
lmao. This is where someone like him gets exposed. It's easy to do this shit on the indies when you can do the same exact match for a year straight to a new basketball gym every week. But now you gotta actually carry a storyline and grow.
continue to do what he does and then have him feud with someone else for another ppv where he actually wins. it has to be against someone that you wouldnt expect him to win against tho
>WWE's top star has shown 0 growth of any kind in the last 5+ years
True, they should do more storytelling like the big leagues where the Fiend walks up behind Cena and points at a sign, that one point being the entirety of their build to a Wrestlemania encounter.
>immediately bring up WWE when AEW has a flaw
you all act like battered women in love
>comparing Orange Cassidy to Reigns
I love this place.
Roman can't improve, he is literally perfect.
There is nothing wrong with comedy
his superman punch isn't even as good as orange's
That's epic.
Thats not true. The wwe has gone out of their way to tell us that everyone sucks compared to stars from 20 years ago
>what are comparisons
he could actually get over
Shit booking because it was already done when Scorpio Sky "accidentally" won against Jericho.
Based retard