Hiroshi Tanahashi made me believe in heros again. Thank you Based ACE. Im a world filled with darkness and sadness, you are the light and hope for a greater tomorrow.
Hiroshi Tanahashi made me believe in heros again. Thank you Based ACE. Im a world filled with darkness and sadness...
Other urls found in this thread:
absolutely BACED
tremendous headcanon
NJPW doesn't need to headcanon that its faces are over droney
nice headcanon
Kek what a headcanon making bitch
cope-a cope-a cabana e-Drones
more headcanon
Based ACE ending the muh hedcannon maymay with Based Hi Energy canon
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Headcanon: The match
cope: the drone
nice headcanon
Based ACE living rent free in your headcanon
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Based ACE OF THE UNIVERSE working headcanon poster into a SEETHE OF THE UNIVERSE
nice headcanon
Based ACE dragging the headcanon meme to a 7.25 star match in your head
I love Tanahashi but hate Tana-drones and their headcanon.
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Based ACE giving you a conflict of interests due to his Hi Energy Basedness
Based ACE carrying the meme on his Based shoulders
nice headcanon
Based ACE exiting the thread declaring anyone who replies with the word headcanon after this post has jobbed out and is a massive goofy faggot.
>even for a single "." he will say "the buzzword"
more headcanon
the buzzword
Nice headcanon
Based Tana gave me a hug once and I was never moved more in my life. I think about it to this day and it makes me smile
more headcanon
Happened at njpws first Long Beach show. It’s on film
nice headcanon