What the FUCK went wrong?

What the FUCK went wrong?

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Signed the mark contract

flippy shitters are only good for popping the crowd during filler tag matches

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redditourist you need to understand the meaning of a meme before you mindlessly parrot it

lmao this lil nigga actually thought VINCE MCMAHON would want to push him

Cope? worked? idk but you are FUMING

you type like a nigger no wonder you react poorly at an attempt to educate

>you type like a nigger no wonder you react poorly at an attempt to educate

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There's your problem

Yep, it’s Rage.
Calm down little guy. Your meme is safe

Trips of truth

The good midgets have charisma

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vince finally saw the video of him going to town on his ass

He pushed Shawn for letting him go to town on his ass, why is Ricochet different

He didn't speak as Prince Puma.

He was a self mark

Ricochet is black.

Needs a mask and a mouthpiece like mvp to do the talking for him until he improves

He was overpushed and needed to be sent back down the card where he belongs

Why would you give a midget a mouthpiece?

Black history month is over. Deal with it.

The same reason they should give a giant shitter like drew one... To get them over until they can go at it solo.

>Mann had originally signed a contract with Lucha Underground, which gave him an out following the conclusion of the program's third season.With WWE reportedly looking to sign him, Lucha Underground offered Mann a new contract, which would have allowed him to continue working NJPW and the indies and would have made him "one of the highest paid non-WWE talents in the business".
>Mann, however, decided to opt out of his contract.
>would have made him "one of the highest paid non-WWE talents in the business".
>decided to opt out
That's why. He acted like a dumb nigger and got what he deserved.

He should be a solid midcarder. Not ME material.

Don't know how to book him. prince puma was a workhorse that could go with anyone regardless of size. Fuck him for bitching about LU though, hope he's stuck in wwe midcard hell for another 5 years

Dudes a fuckin dork if true

Not only that, he signed a long term deal with LU when he was a nobody. Then when WWE was a possibility he bitched and moaned about the "abusive" contract that forbade him from being on tv for another company in the us. Fuck this bitch

So he didn't sign the mark contract and is making more money

Nope he signed a mark contract by going to nxt. He was a proven star by then and took the wrong career move. Should have held out and worked the Indies a bit more and he would have been making more money and be an even bigger deal now

He did after Season 1

outside of Lucha Underground, he's being booked as a midcarder just like every other company booked him. Why is it wrong when Vince does it?

Getting clowned like that by Lesnar and jobbing to RIDDICK FUCKING MOSS isn't midcard, it's straight up jobber

He's just happy to be there

Whats wrong with Moss? He has the look.

Hi ricoshitter stick another finger in your ass why don't ya

Why not?


He looks like Evan Stone if he got uglier and roidier.

He's also utter shit at literally every other part of wrestling.

He's Tino Sabbatelli's Jannetty!

Jobbing to Lesner is exactly what people like Cena, Kofi and Reigns have done. It's fucking Lesner. Ricochet is a midcarder just like he's been all over the world, why is it wrong when Vince does it too?

Cena & Reigns got offense. It was shit when Kofi got fucked like that too.

Stop being obtuse. If (You) can.


>why is it wrong when Vince does it too?
it would be wrong if any promotion took a potentially popular midcarder and jobbed him out in a minute with zero offence to an established main eventer. Same if WCW Nash squashed Lance Storm or whatever

one Cena/Lesner match was people counting suplexes. lol

again, Ricochet is booked exactly like he's been booked all around the world, with the exception being LU and he wasn't even "himself". Why is it wrong when Vince does it?

this is funny, people are eventually going to just have to admit that they're just shitting on WWE shit because it's trendy. LOL

>it would be wrong if any promotion took a potentially popular midcarder
>Nash squashed Lance Storm
Only faggots like you care about this.

Storm was a highlight of WCW 2000. 18+

Cena still got his shit in

Show me where Ricochet got crushed by a main eventer in minutes without any offense. If it's so common everywhere else he's worked it should be easy for you.

>they're just shitting on WWE shit because it's trendy. LOL

cope-a cabana
e-Drone opinions don't matter

You are talking Ricochet is some huge deal. Realistically both Lesnar and Moss could defeat him. I am sure he can bounce back just fine.

show me where Ricochet as Ricochet was booked beyond midcard.

>Ricochet is booked exactly like he's been booked all around the world
he wasnt jobbing in 2 minutes he was having competitive matches with others at his level

Because it's a waste, and the mouthpiece would probably be taller than him

This. he's literally is the same exact spot even if he squashed Moss.

people don't even understand this.

Riddik HOSS

a loss is a loss. He's midcarder, just like he's always been. Wasn't even a maineventer in NXT. Why is it bad now all of a sudden?

He likes using those educated feet

Midcarders do not get geeked out like this. Are you having trouble reading?

Hope those goalposts aren't heavy.


kek what a mark

when did Ricochet lose in 2 minutes with no offense in NXT? Did I miss an episode?

>He's midcarder, just like he's always been
he's less credible now than a week ago. He went from being able to compete with AJ and the OC to losing to a CAW shitter.

Kofi literally got geeked out like this.

Daniel Bryan literally lost to one Brogue Kick at wrestlemania.

and there's this.

but hey,
>Vince is booking a midcarder like a midcarder and i'm pissed

What if Vince or Trips told this fingerblastin flipper that he was gonna go over at thr Saudi show? They film the promos and video packages, telling him all the time that its his time. Then, once he’s over there and his inspiration speech is playing, he’s told at gorilla that plans change and if he doesn’t play ball, Brock’s gonna shoot on him

I can't even imagine how sad all the kids who like Ricochet must be after this week

Bryan & Kofi were the world champion in those examples and Rey was injured

>exceptions prove the rule

Not how it works, droney

>Killed Kofi's main event run
>crowd rebelled and it had a negative effect on both of them
>Rey was injured and Joe had more 'upside' so it was the best of a bad situation

This thread is stupid l'm leaving



you mean shit that happens regularly to midcarders?

and there's this.


Chavo was barely lowercard

But keep digging until you prove this happens a majority of the time, only a few thousand matches to go!

Backlund was a main eventer and world champion you fucking idiotic drone

Kofi was a main eventer too. What is your dumb ass point? you don't even know what you're arguing. Even main eventers have bad kayfabe nights. You idiots have no idea what buried means. When ricochet is wearing dresses or something then we can talk.

>shoot faggot
>awful promo
>flippy shit that only appeals to retards who don't care about match psychology

What went right?

>you type like a nigger
YOU type like a nigger with your lack of basic grammar.

becuase a midget with a superhero gimmick will never get over unless it's peter motherfucking parker stepping in the ring
>yet another indie shitter spread his own cheeks for vince without question for easy cash

inb4 some retard posts hurricane

Nothing went wrong, he's a shitter and is being treated as such, so really everything has gone right.

He turned down Pat Patterson.


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>sticks finger up his own ass then expects Vince won't bury him at some point

WWE completely dropped the ball with MVP, he was one of my favourites. his feud with hardy was KINO. he absolutely mogged drew on the mic on raw kek.

He's on the main roster and had a match with Lesnar, that's his ceiling and always has been.

So he would have had to pay a lot of money to get out of the contract when it proved Lucha Underground wasn't going to be actually making episodes. With no AEW around for leverage yet, signing with WWE was the best move he could've made.

You're so mad it's making you even dumber

Please Kofi’s push was a classic forced meme “you deserve it for being here x years.” Really wish WWE would stop doing those.

Should have had him join the OC. I don’t know why they didn’t make a Bullet Club style stable out of that.

it's not forced when it gets that over in spite of WWE moron

Lucha underground wasn't a real wrestling promotion so why should they be able to stop people from going elsewhere

WWE isn't a real wrestling promotion either

because knocking off Bullet Club is so lame

>Never saw anything in Ricochet
>Lost interest after 3 weeks
>Found a new shiny
>Isn't a fan of the black people

ran out of buttplugs to shove up his gaping wide asshole
playstation controller wasn't big enough

It be better than almost anything going on now. They could have had the OC beef with rollins stable.


(kek what a fat ass nigger bitch)

>knocking off a faction that peaked years ago is better than anything in WWE

yeah it probably is actually LMAO

he's a babyface in wwe

Floppy midget with no character

Moss is a freak athlete. It’s completely believable he would beat Rico. Why ya seething?

He’s not bad at all. You’ve seen like 2 matches of his and he’s done everything well. You’re just being reactionary because a wrestler you like lost in a fake fight so you’re taking it out on some kid who’s looking to find success. Calm down, breathe, and reconsider your priorities.

Cringe and Bluepilled

>Штo јe пoшлo нaoпaкo ca цpнeм кoји јe cњимao ceбe кaкo yвaљyјe ceби пpcт y шyпaк
Њeгoв живoт

Vince ran Super Showdown and Raw instead of the Jew.

It says it in the picture. Finger.

Usually thats bullshit, but in Rico's case is 100% truth
He was so hype to be in his dream job that he forgot that is a job

>Can't cut a promo
>Flips around the ring to zero fanfare
>Jobbed to Brock Lesnar in front of the millions (AND MILLIONS) of viewers
>Jobbed to a nobody yet again last night

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I might start watching RAW to see this trainwreck.

Nash wouldn't like you using such homophobic language

Too late, he won't be on anymore. Watch Main Event.

He's Ospreay except Ospreay has actually improved as a wrestler and is more charismatic and doesn't have a video of him playing with his butthole

finger in the bum

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Gimme his name.