Most kino segment in wresting goes to

Most kino segment in wresting goes to...

Erick Rowan and his giant spider.

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so it’s a fake spider? didn’t it bite someone and make him bleed during a squash match? makes no sense lol

How is that spider even remotely scary? I swear us humans are afraid of our own shadows.


Guys they just didn't want to chance him dropping it so they didn't get him a real spider okay?

>How is that spider even remotely scary?
I know, right? It should've been a huge cockroach.

Are we supposed to believe that's a real spider...or?

Fears of spiders is one of the top phobias, second only to blacks

should have, ya know, been a porcupine

Based Erick

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Should have been a tranny, e-drones always talk about them and seem terrified of them

I don't think the issue is what was in the cage, but that it didn't lead to anything. Didn't lead to a match with someone, didn't make Rowan more over. Basically just putting end to the angle.

Blacks typically have herpetaphobia my dude. That’s typified by the fear of snakes and lizards. Whites typically have no phobia, but they do have a distinct revulsion and disdain for blacks. I wouldn’t call it a phobia because it’s not an irrational fear but a cautionary survival instinct.

Pretty sure the whole thing is just a burial and rib on him

It fucking bit HIM


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Exactly. Like, where do you go after that? If it was a live thing it could be part of his gimmick like Jake the Snake.

>If it was a live thing
What are you saying? are you suggesting its fake

it’s supposed to be real in kayfabe

Who raped you?

What's the spider's finisher? The figure four eight-leg lock?

You're a retard bro, all of wrestling is fake. Please kill yourself.

My scout leader :(

but Jake "The Snake" Roberts had a real snake. why can't Rowan have a real spider?

Was this a rib Rowan was playing in storyline? Was this the actual reveal? Was the spider supposed to be real in storyline? I have so many questions

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Damien was mistreated to high hell. With how their jobs are they can't train a spider well enough to not freak out at the noise. Damien was constantly killed and replaced.

Let me give you a DDT and see how fake it is, bitch


don't like rowan but spiders are based so it's over with me

Yeah but Jake was an exceptional fuck up, Rowan is a class guy that wouldnt neglect a animal

I'll reverse it into a lowblow followed by a powerbomb lil dude.


It's really the work environment too, it's the case of finding a spider huge enough to not be scared of noise or belly up after being shaken a little too hard in an airplane.

hick shit LMAO

>hick shit LMAO

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So are people actually surprised that the payoff was shit?

What if the box holds the greatest fear of whomever is targeted?

Lesnar would be a full calendar, Randy Orton would be consistency and I guess No Way Jose is a fucking toy spider or some shit.

So it's a blood-spitting spider?

>Paul opens the cage
>Its another cage

>Blacks typically have herpetaphobia my dude. That’s typified by the fear of snakes and lizards. Whites typically have no phobia, but they do have a distinct revulsion and disdain for blacks. I wouldn’t call it a phobia because it’s not an irrational fear but a cautionary survival instinct.

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rent free

For Randy it would be another feud with Triple Nose

Amazing episode honestly

Quakeburgers kwab!

Begging you to go outside

I fucking laughed so hard.

>roman opens the cage
>lou keemia returns to get his win back


that's what you get for dressing like a slut

>Vince opens the cage
>He instantly sneezes


good idea

I liked the theory of him having a swamp baby in the cage. He would pump it with chemicals and teach it about wrestling so it can help him win matches.
It would start off as an animatronic baby. And then they can hire a midget in a costume, and then get a slightly taller midget and then a bigger one and then a regular sized guy, and then a bigger guy all the way until they bring in one of them 7ft indian guys in like a lizard costume or something. They could tag together, he'd help him win matches, maybe Rowan would start being a dick or swampbaby would be uncontrollable and they'd have a fallout. Shit'd get over.

based insane person

>this is the usual payoff for a 4 month storyline in WWE


Gee, if only WWE had an already pre-established kayfabe living creature that fits inside a tiny box and eats flesh, belonging to someone with a well established relationship with Rowan. If only, if only...

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>People defending this by saying "Well, we always knew it was going to be something retarded, what did you expect?"
Based WWE mindbreaking their audience into never even EXPECTING something decent out of them.

i want ecofascist rowan back

>plastic shitty spider
Even this board can't be that contrarian

They cute X3

>Seth Rollins opens the cage
>it’s dimes

More like he mogged the rock at wrestlemania

Sounds pretty cool actually.

If only jek teh snek poster could see what you just wrote, he would pound your anus with LOGIC and FACTS like Ben Shapiro does to college boys, kid

That's a great idea, Mike Quackenbush. I'll look forward to the Chikara debut of this character.

these days WWF and PETA would crawl so far up WWE's asshole about using live animals that it isn't worth it.

>it’s supposed to be real in kayfabe
Even a 6 year old can see through that shit.

>rent free

Why he stealing Hagrids gimmick?

Whites have learned that around blacks the odds of something bad happening increase exponentially so they try to steer clear of the KANGZ.


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this is a true test for the drones, if they defend this they will defend literally anything