This young gentleman didn't have a chance to have sex...

This young gentleman didn't have a chance to have sex, this is what happens when you only watch sports and don't actually play them.

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hope non of you guys actually wear glasses.
instant incel stamp

Glasses are fine, it's rectangular glasses that do it

Are unisex sports the most based to play?

>wears glasses

nah,it's the monkey ears

he's your typical Yea Forums poster, except not as fat. still very angry and hateful though.

why does he look so smug?

This is what happens when women are turned into sluts and only pursue douches

why not just wear lenses

Maybe shooting potential school shooters will solve the incel problem?
Im ready to be nominated for the world peace nobel

glad i somehow managed to convince women to let me shag them

>Implying I am a Whitoid

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i'm also a specky

The US is a land of violence, always was, probably always be.

Same. Only a modest few and I still get a little irate that I'm not that successful sexually but phew thank god I'm not a virgin I mean can you even imagine.

cant they just get more guns so that when bad guys with guns show up then the good guys can just shoot them with their own guns?

the thing about me is that i'm not actually ugly just a full blown autist. it when they get to know me is when it becomes a problem

people need to learn to take responsibility for their own actions and their own attitudes. no matter who you are or what you do, nobody owes you anything. not respect, not sex, not a job, not money.

based Huawei spy

you can try. lots of people in this country would love that.
but it doesn't always work. for example, i walk into a dark, crowded theater with an automatic rifle and just start spraying shit. how many rounds can i get off before people even realize what's happening?

I'm just a manlet. Absolute killer it can be. But not the end of the world.

nah, it's the pencilhead

He’s got the chance now, in fact it’s guaranteed that he’ll have sex in jail. Hide and Seek is also a sport in a way.

homosexual sex isn't real sex though

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it's gonna be real when Trayqvondicious rips apart his ass

I wear glasses and have had sex.

It's the only sex. Fucking a girl is easy, you just go in. Your role is the dominant one which is natural.

You're not a man until you've established your dominance over another man so that you're the one giving then wrestled them down and fucked through the blood, shit, and anal hair.

Define "sex"

missionary for the sake of procreation

Please don’t post that sort of filth on here thank you very much

>average Yea Forums poster

Thank god I'm with the cool kids on 4channel

Not the case for everyone but can't at my works, if you get acid or something splash past your goggles and into your eye, it can sit behind the lens and the eye wash wont work, so you'll end up burning your eyes out

where do you work man

the streets of London

All of you people that post racist shit. You are nothing but pussies, who blame everything and everyone for your small dick. If you want a war. Get into your nearest prison and preach your beliefs there..


there's already plenty of islamic fanatics already in prison, they don't need me there

I may hate niggers but how can I be racist when I like dark elf girls?

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sounds like you need to change your job mong

doing trades that are dangerous to one's body is so stupid, people see the good money and never think that the damage they do to themselves is worth hundreds of k's

You can wear whatever you want if you're goodlooking and if you're not goodlooking you're an incel anyway.

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it's hassle every morning and it makes your eyes tired.

t. worn lenses since highschool and last years switched to glasses again.

just wear some bateman tier glasses and it's fine.

inb4 this thread gets deleted anyway

US government should institute an examination where they check it young men have had sex by age 21. If the answer is no you get euthanized to prevent mass shootings. Solved



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this is me

Jesus, what a fucking idiot. This legit?

unbelieveable employers are not lining up for this prospect

glasses push you down a few pegs


>I hate working but love spending 8 hours a day on reddit
>I know Ill become a programmer!


This is every user who complains that the job market sucks so they can't get a job

Imagine escaping from guatemala only to get shot at walmart by someone like this?

>treating Linkedin like it’s your private tumblr blog

That fucking boring virgin with no personality haircut too.

They aren’t refugees mate

why don't you think her had sex?

>Le 21 yo engineering prospect man

Bs, we engineers are autistic but kind hearted
It's the CS incels responsible for this shit

People says I look better with glasses. With no glasses I look like a junkey

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Dude choose to do mass shooting instead of opening up a math book you think he'd make a good engineer?

easy on the krokodil, ivan

why would he even create a linkedin account?

His hair is thinning quite rapidly. How long before middle aged mums stop treating him as a god for his good looks

>natural fitness:4

Stop doing drugs then

>pretty much just gonna see
>present themselves to me
>go with the wind
>zero experience man

Fuck I wish I were white, and could take it this easy.

he'll get a rug sewn on the sly

what a retard, he would be worshiped by asian women, stupid incel

can this get any more pathetic?

I never did drugs

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>why does he look so smug?
he's imagining a future of 24-7 pussy slaying.

Do you get enough sleep?

That's leukaemia rash m8

He looks Jewish why did he go on a race-shoot?

no. but that doesn't matter

I have to wear RGP lenses due to having keratokonus and my eyes are always tired after a few hours.

Plus I can't justify spending 2k on lenses every 8-12 months

Femoids know they could stop these mass shootings by fucking incels instead of Chad but choose not to its their fault

Not only must they be fucked but you may never leave or cheat on them either. Just fucking invent wife robots already.

government sponsored girlfriend with the incel: "have sex law"would solve everything

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