What happened
Put over Riddick Moss. The future is NOW.
>Smarks think every time their favourite vanilla midget doesnt win its burial thread
having to carry around the "I'm a worthless jobber" belt would've been a bigger burial
You can't bury a shitter. He got an undeserved push then pushed back down where he belongs.
What do you think he did to make Vince mad?
>Signs the mark contract
>Does nothing of note since then and killed all his buzz
>Another gay twink does his finish way better than he does.
He went from fighting Brock Lesnar for the World Heavyweight Championship and getting destroyed in 30 seconds to fighting for the 24/7 championship, the easiest belt to get, and he couldn’t even get that.
good, this guy fucking sucks, he looks scared shitless every time he has a mic, shouldve put a mask on him like LU.
Simple, he didn't get over and failed when cutting a promo when he got a push, so Vince lost interest.
>Buried like his fingers in his ass
Kino, actually
Why do all of the dirtsheets claim that Heyman loves Ricochet and Aleister Black when they've been absolutely buried on the main roster?
which is the right thing, promos are 10 times more important than le flips and kicks.
how has allister been buried?
All he did was fight against people who couldn’t fight back between Buddy Murphy and Erick Rowan.
Meltzer seething
so why has Reigns been pushed for the last 6 years?
this is not what buried means
the revival were buried with comedy bullshit. Ricochet is still in the same spot whether he wins or loses to Riddick Moss.
Riddick Moss needed the win.
God i'm tired of you idiot neckbeads misusing terms.
he's been used on tv while EC3 is in the back filming youtube videos with Drake Maverick.
>it's not a burial if WWE is booking other guys worse
nah pretty sure WWE is just shit
it's called a cool-off because they don't have anything for him right now. Buried is The Revival getting pranked by the Usos. Buried is when you're EC3 status.
you idiots don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
because vince has a massive boner for him. how is that a rebuttal?
>dude they pushed no dimes shitter A so they should also push no dimes shitter B!
You have no understanding of our business user.
Exist. Vince probably thinks it's very funny that Ricoshit thinks he can main event when he has absolutely nothing that would help attract casual fans, so he gave him a title match with Brock Lesnar, as a joke.
hope those goalposts weren't heavy
Ricochet is clearly more dimes than anti-draw Romannetty
THE PUSH... Is over...
He deserves it