Turns out the frens we make along the way are the drones and cultists we argue with everyday i love you frens

Turns out the frens we make along the way are the drones and cultists we argue with everyday i love you frens

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Fuck AEW and their cultists.

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absolutely based

Have a beer that I totally didn’t steal from another thread fren :)

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stop exposing the damn busniess and delete this thread

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based. nujamals and joshi pedos btfo

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stupid fren i hope u dai

Eat a nigger dick you dipshit faggot frogposter

thats not sumeting a fren wud say

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>thinking we're not all frens
imagine being so silly

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then dun point meeder feet fren

Bro... The destination is not what matters, it's the dimes we drew, the ding-dong diddlys we said and the smarks we worked along the way.

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I love you little niggas like you wouldnt believe

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das not a fren he look scary

F to all the frens who we have lost along the way

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he hasnt streamed in awhile frens, am scared

ding-dong diddly who?

Will help protect your smile fren

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based basterd

Lets get one thing straight

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im not his fren

Based. I hope Kovu didn't kill himself

pls fren

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we dont fren pedos go away fiend

please link his channel


Is this dude retarded?

i wish i was born a cute fren

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we can all be fren if we just learn to be frenly

Lose weight fatso

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Based frens

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I love all my fellow kings