So user, you are the captain of our school football team...

>so user, you are the captain of our school football team, but you don’t actually browse Yea Forums in that awesome site called Yea Forums?

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I want to marry this bitch and have 6 children

I want those burguers too.

>protein style
smart girl

an East Coaster could never understand this feel

In n out has amazing burgers but their fries are completely inedible. Inb4 order them well done, still fucking terrible.

You're supposed to season them yourself, retard.

Why would you order protein style if you get fries anyways?
I'll never get that, I only order protein style when I cut and a side salad, the fries completely destroy the purpose of the protein style burger

eww, that's not Lana

>order them well done
what? fries 'well done'? nobody's ordering medium rare fries are there, wtf burgerland

Shake shack is better

>Blue eyes
>Dark hair
Need a whore like this.

She looks like shes only willing to have sex with a white boy


Since when has willingness been a requisite for you?

>average young girl
>food that you want to pig out on occasionally
Doesn't make her any more or less attractive

here is your (You)

Uh, no sweety, I’m a proud 4channeler

>anything in n out is bad
i want to fucking duel you. name place and time

Do you want your tits animal style?

By the name of Allah, put down your leg you whore.

I'm on Yea Forums right now dumb dumb

>3 orders of animal style fries, well done, to go
>hurry back home so they're still crispy
>lay her down
>eat the fries off of her naked body together before licking her clean

>Listen woman as a level 10 alpha male gamer I don't think I can date someone who eats all that junk.

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>meet her through friends/family
>learn she is a good person(aka not a whore)
>express to her your feelings but disclose that your saving yourself for marriage
>watch her eyes light up as she confirms she's also saving herself for marriage and that she's finally found a guy who doesn't want sex sex sex sex
>get to know her over the next 2 years
>get married
>shag like rabbits, plop out 5 kids
>move out to the suburbs and live a comforble life
>fast forward 70 years
>laying across from each other in hospital, share one last look and smile

jokes on her i want sex sex sex sex

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she'd get the In-N-Out if you catch my drift

catholics are so fucking gay

jokes on you degenerate, I'm not a c*tholic

You can buy shitty food on the east coast if you look hard enough

I cried

Is in n out actually that good? I bet it’s Californians bragging about it because they know others will never taste them anyway

you don't have to look that hard, amigo ;)

Its pretty good my Afro-Latino friend

It has the best price-to-taste ratio of basically any fast food burger out there. You can get two burgers there for what it costs to get one at Shake Shack, Five Guys, etc. Fries are shit, though.

warm night, order some burgers, sit on the beach, it's pretty dope

just eating In-n-Out and living in some bumfuck flyover wouldn't be all that special

For me it's the McChicken, the best price-to-taste sandwich

In n Out is overrated garbage.

You gotta order them LIGHT WELL

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I agree, m8. Best value.

Based and absolutely truthpilled

I'm wondering what else Californians gas up that is total shit in reality

>order some burgers, sit on the beach,
No one does this. Why are you making shit up?

i did exactly this just three hours ago
watched the sunset, nice crescent moon, it was wonderful

maybe git gud cunt

It's in other states besides California, retard. And yes, it's good

>save yourself for marriage
Imagine that horror

Damn you're a really sad little bitch. On Yea Forums on a saturday night larping about having a cool life where you eat in n out on the beach when really you sat in your room alone all day.

for me it's lettuce in a bag

how fucking mad are you right now my flyover friend?

have you ever even seen the ocean, you corn-fed fat fuck?

>In N Out
>Five Guys

I feel like only white people who have never left their state responded to this survey

Southeast Texas here. Whataburger faithful. Made a trip to Dallas a few months ago, took advantage of In-N-Out while I was there. I ate In-N-Out 3 times in 48 hours while I was there.
Verdict: Burger was consistently great each time. More consistent than Whataburger, actually. Fries are fine, they're not great, but people need something to hate. Animal Style fries were bomb as fuck, though. I got some extra sauce to put on there because it's fucking delicious. I could eat that straight from the packet. Got a Neapolitan shake on the way out of town. It was standard.

Whataburger is still better overall, but when they start opening In-N-Outs in Houston, i'll be going to them.

Kid, just stop. I live in so cal, I posted Here's another pic of in n out food that I ate. Notice how the fries are light well. And unlike you, I actually go to the beach. But I dont bring in n out to the beach, cause like I said, no one does that.

You are a bitch and a loser and always will be.

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>not saving yourself for a virgin trad Orthodox girl
Are you even Serb?

>he sits alone on the computer on friday night larping on Yea Forums about eating burgers at the beach

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>friday night


That looks fire.

Well only the opinions of white people matter.

Yeah i realized that after the fact. I work every night.

>I live in so cal
>doesn't go to the beach and eat In-n-Out
lmao, enjoy living in Riverside you worm

Keep your disgusting ass in Houston you fucking turd.

Goddamn how I was wishing Harvey just took the whole city with it

It is. I order like this
number 1
no onion
no tomato
add pickles
fries light well
arnold palmer

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I like onions and tomatoes though, so i'd add them.

pretty meh tier burgers with absolute garbage fries. don't be fooled by the left coast propaganda.

honk honk

I live 5 minutes away from pic related. Where you you live, worthless little bitch that called out for being a sperg larper?
You're home alone on Yea Forums larping and now you're getting BTFO on all counts.

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Commencing Harden/Westbrook and Astros dominance sub thread.

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You can get the onions grilled. Thats a popular option.

It doesn't mean it's good. Just like In N Out.

Yeah, I know. I'm the dude from Houston. Had it in Dallas. Honestly wasn't mad at it at all. I had my first burger "Animal style" and it was salty as fuck, likely from the grilled onions and apparently they slap some mustard on the beef patty as it grills. That was too much for me, so I just got it standard the next two times. My fries tasted fine, but they didn't look as good as yours.

Animal style is for fags who think theyre cool for ordering off the SEcReT mEnU.

what is that? Malaga Cove? post your address im gonna come kick your ass you fucking trust fund transplant babby

ill burn down all of Palos Verdes you dumb bitch

Yeah, I realized that. I still prefer the animal style fries over regular fries, though.

That's one of the superior things about Whataburger. There's no sEcrET MEnu. You just tell them what you want and they'll do it. You want jalapenos and cheese on your Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit? Coming right up, hoss. By the way, Texans are aware the HBCB looks like a homeless dude with pneumonia cummed on the sandwich. Do we care? No.

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fucking based, beat his ass

*blocks your path*

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>Malaga Cove
lol did you get that from the exif data? no one local calls it that.
keep trying, little bitch. Both my parents were born in LA county.
You're fucking trash.

>That's one of the superior things about Whataburger. There's no sEcrET MEnu. You just tell them what you want and they'll do it.
In n out is the same way though...

>bragging about paying $4/gallon for gas
>the city of LA County
Try harder, drought babby



Little larp bitch BTFO. What a fucking loser.

just fight faggots

What beach?

lol he doesnt live anywhere near me. I live near the ocean. He lives in an IE trailer park with his bag of dogshit mom and her boyfriend Jamal.

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i'm not a fucking trust fund cunt so i don't give a shit what you "locals" call it

of course you don't know shit about what Real Californians do, you little Hapsburg freak. crawl out of your daddy's mansion and learn or you will always ALWAYS be a pathetic little transplant

post your address or don't. i'll either gut you now or eventually LA will storm your gated community and they will have even less mercy than me, your life is as good as over already amigo

such anger from burgers, that started over burgers. fascinating.

You're home alone on Yea Forums... on saturday night... larping... again.



I threw up after eating an avocado cheeseburger last night

who /3x3/ here?

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That shit looks dry as fuck

ya homies gotta try hi ho burger in Santa Monica

trash hipster shit
(full disclosure, I've never tried it)