Croatia 2018, now that was a team!
*sip, ahhhh yup*
Croatia 2018, now that was a team!
Croatia 2022, now that will be a team!
*shakes, sip, ahhhh yup*
Yugoslavia, now that was a country
>Left Balkans when I was 1 years old
>Supported Croatia all my life
>Can't watch Croatia matches at any pub near me
>Semi Final
>Finally a chance to see them at the pub
>Trippier scores. Feel like shit.
>They're all singing it's coming home
>Two goals from Croatia.
>Silence in the pub
>NATO's atrocities avenged.
Best day of my life
What are you?
I'm Gotham's reckoning
Here to end the borrowed time we've all been living on?
Croatian. Parents lived in Zagreb but left during independence war
For me, it's Ožujsko.
For me, it's Ozujsko
why do Croats speak Serbian language
My father still talks about it and then goes on about their sports performance
Why are you a nigger?
Based CRO
Are you a Moslem from Bosnia?
why did you suck foreign cock for 1000 years?
why did you have concentration camps for children?
Those were orphans whose parents died in battle or in some other circumstances.
cool, but why are you speaking Serbian, you didn't answer?
I speak my local dialect
Good post
No joke they were a fun team to watch when they wore those black and blue kits those epic comebacks were god tier.
Stupid mountain nigger thinking we hate serbs
yeah but most of Croats speak Serbian
pretty funny
I love ex-yugo autism
hating yourself is pretty weird, I agree
>>NATO's atrocities
404 not found
This is Yea Forums go to /pol/ or/int/ for such discussions
Not necessarily, old people just love talking about things from an older era.
it might be autism but I never got a proper answer to this question so I'm intrigued
like, why do these totally distinct people (as they claim) speak our language
I was told they are all basically the same language and it just has regional dialects across former yugo countries.
I tried to start a beer discussion, but to no avail.
Beer is a standard Yea Forumsorts beverage.
they aren't
actual Croats and actual Croatian is quite distinct (Chakavian, Kajkavian), it's literally a different language
old Croats spoke and wrote in these dialects
yet modern Croats mostly speak Serbian, really makes you think...
t. retard
find me medieval Croatian literature written in Shtokavian
I'm 1 starring my Tara river tour guide as a type this for lying to me.
Yugoslavia should reform just for the based football team
Imagine Yugoslavia and USSR super teams
Would be a kino
Retard asking 10 times why are we speaking the same language, when we don't, just proves how stupid this guy is
I'm not lying though
yes, Shtokavian dialect is understandable to all, because it was standard language, but it's not ''Serbo-Croatian'', it's literally just Serbian language
it was just politically correct bullshit at the time, but it's false
actual Croatian (Chakavian, Kajkavian) isn't intelligible to us when spoken
Kajkavian is far closer to Slovene language, which is distinct
written, yeah, you can grasp it, but I can grasp Bulgarian too, and it's a different language
that's why I asked him to find medieval Croatian literature written in Shtokavian...he won't find it, because Shtokavian (Serbian) was never spoken by actual Croats
most of Croats in these regions speak Serbian language, because most of them are Serbs who converted to Catholicism and adopted Croatian identity in 19th century or later
Old Croats who lived in those regions were driven to extinction by Turkish invasions and constant warfare which lasted for almost two centuries
that area was resettled mostly by Serbs, some came with Turks, most came escaping from them, while original Croats survived in western fringes of old Croatian state
watch him evade the simple question and claim idiotic things because he knows what the actual answer is
if you speak Shtokavian, yes, we are speaking the same (Serbian) language, and 20-30 words which differ don't constitute another language according to any linguistic or common sense standard
How autistic do you have to post this on Yea Forums
I'll remind ''Croats'' of this wherever I can
you’re obssesed
For me, it's Croatia 1998.
Taking all the bait haha
>concentration camps
I hate coastal serbs so much
Cause they’re first world
i miss it so much...
>thread already has balkan countries shit talking each other
161/10 post, fuck Croatien football
Made by FK Velez Mostar Gang
because it sounds less gay than slovenian
Croats are too sensitive to banter m8.
it's why they push the >muh sporting success with small population. It's just massive cope to deal with their identity issues.
I remember you from some previous threads. Ako ponovis laz dovoljno puta postane istina, klasicni srbin.
based montenigger BTFO'ing catholic serbs
Cedevita is the second worst thing that's came from Croatia
it's not an identity issue, it's the destroyed country and mentality issue (communism, war, traitors). Success in sports (among other things) makes people feel good about this country, takes away from negativity.
it's colored sugar
>Ako ponovis laz dovoljno puta postane istina, klasicni srbin.
Written in classic Serbian
redpill me on the balkans, why do they hate each other so much
to me all of you look the same and even speak the same language (serbian)
why are you fighting
converts hate their own people because their existence reminds them of their weakness and ''treason''
for example this guy was one of Ustasha leaders, notorious sadist and butcher...his ancestors (perhaps even father, though it's speculative), were Serbs who converted to Catholicism
all of Luburić family come from Nikšić, Montenegro, from Drobnjaci tribe
you have same example in Ukraine/Russia case
artificial nations built on treason can't survive unless they actively and obsessively hate those they fell off from
most of Croats are of Serb origin, this is so obvious when you just look at what language they speak
as I said, old Croats spoke Chakavian or Kajkavian, but those Croats were driven away by Ottoman conquests
ironically, those, actual Croats, hate Serbs the least
I'm not saying us Serbs are perfect, far from it, but compared to mental illnesses that are Croatian and Bosniak identity in 21st century, we're angels
There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with bombing s*rbs
Prove me wrong
forgot the picture
what's first?
because of gaj's language reform. Illyrian movement was proto-yugoslavian, they wanted to unite all south slavs togather, starting with language
Haven't checked on Croatia since last year. How's mama president's body of work?
cringy as always. Preparing for elections later this year, she probably won't win
have sex (with your president)
I've heard stories that she's kinda easy and fucks good
you guys were thinking with your dicks when you elected her weren't you?
fucking based lol
nah, she was candidate of HDZ(christian-democratic cuckservatives with nationalist factions inside), far right parties and islamic-hardocore catholic conservatives. Now she's only supported by cuckservatieves
croatians duh
My dad still talks about the Soviet football team and how good it was.
Crazy they never won a world cup.
Milquetoast deep state cuckservative. Will get BTFO'd by based Miroslav Škoro.
Why are you speaking Serbian?
Which are some former Yugoslavia players born in Montenegro?
*tu tulutu tutu tutu tu tutu tututu *
Based and scientifically pilled, the croats should serve as slaves to their italian masters.
because I'm a Serb
Nice b8 m8
First serbian dictionary in 19th century kekekekekek
that's absolutely irrelevant
there's "Bosnian-Turkish Dictionary" from 17th century, does that mean we all speak Bosnian, or does that change ethnogenesis of Bosniaks?
please explain why majority of Croats speak Shtokavian
please find any Croatian literature from medieval period written in Shtokavian
Please find any serbian literature before 19th century
>what's first?
Novak Djoković of course
>even on Yea Forums there are still loads of UK flagged foreigners
Are all Montenegrins retarded like this faggot ITT? I pass through Montenegro every year on my way to Kosovo and people seem friendly and nice, regardless of my croatian license plates.
montenigger, singular
because the only non-made up peoples there are the serbs, the bulgars, the albanians and the croats
every other country on the balkans is just a newer political entity (not unlike argentina in this regard) with patched up history either from the above four or from peoples who ceased to exist thousands of years ago
there's shitload of it, written in Shtokavian
for example, Dušan's Code
the fact you're surprised no one is wrecking your car because of Croatian license plates just shows your mentality
meanwhile try parking somewhere with Serbian or even Montenegrin licence plates in Croatia, 50% chance someone will scratch it or break something
>please find any Croatian literature from medieval period written in Shtokavian
Dubrovnik was always Štokavian speaking, and Gundulić wrote in 17th century
Dubrovnik was neither Croatian or Serbian
>Gundulić wrote in 17th century
yeah, sorry. It's baroque, not medieval. Oldest I can find is written in mix of čakavian and štolavian. Štokavian wasn't used in medieval times by us. It wouldn't be even used today if Gaj hadn't made "reform" in purpose of uniting language
>Dubrovnik was neither Croatian or Serbian
kinda agreed. It was complicated
hey boys im from st louis county
ask me how your cousins are doing
also Dubrovnik literally never had anything to do with Croatia, it was politically and economically tied to Serbia in the period before Ottoman conquests
it only became "Croatian" due to the fact that Catholicism became synonymous with Croatian identity in 19th century
still, they weren't Serbian either, they had their own identity
that's not how it went
Štokavian was used precisely because most spoke it
by that time Chakavian and Kajkavian were only spoken in western fringes of Croatia
German by the way, just like Štrosmajer
You're delusional, I live in Zadar and see BG and NS plates on the road on a daily basis. No one fucking cares
any Rijkucka fans on here?
Rent free
You gave me good laughs, please continue to have this kind of threads in future it is comedy gold delusion
Because of Ljudevit Fag
Lmao you guys are still going at it in this thread?
Ex-yugo autism knows no bounds.
It was just one MonteNEGRO autist who spammed
why do you have a Spanish name?
.....NATO was on your side.....
boy bye
As an Englishman I can respect the Croatian team. When it came down to the dying minutes of the semi final, Croatia weren't wasting time or stalling to run the clock down. France, on the other hand, were a complete disgrace at all times.
Surprised a balkan thread hasn't been completely derailed desu
>also Dubrovnik literally never had anything to do with Croatia, it was politically and economically tied to Serbia in the period before Ottoman conquests
>it only became "Croatian" due to the fact that Catholicism became synonymous with Croatian identity in 19th century
>still, they weren't Serbian either, they had their own identity
How do you explain the Poljica Republic?
don't be stupid and go into the discussion with the brainlet on internet
Why are the ex yugoslavia contries so good at sports? Do they have the greatest genes for skill-athletism?
sport is occupying our mind from war
Interestingly the Serbs dont know there were much more republics in Dalmatia besides Dubrovnik. Just don`t tell them because they will "discover" that they used to be some Serbian land
Can some kind user redpill me on these meme Balkan countries?
I'm travelling to Europe next summer and I honestly have no idea what to expect.
stabbing if you are nigger
here is source
just put it in google translate
It was the only Croatian team worth watching in the recent 5-6 years or so, so yeah, well worth the nostalgia it's gonna cause in years to come.
It's fucking disgusting
Someone can't handle the bants.
We're as petty as they come.
Gave me good laughs, based and Dark Knight pilled.
why would explain anything about it, how is that related?
I'm merely talking about Dubrovnik
I didn't say entire Dalmatia was Serbian, and I didn't say Croats didn't exist
I'm talking about Shtokavian "Croats", who are simply converted Serbs
Chakavians and Kajkavians (not all, but most) are the real Croats
anyway consult historical maps and records
Ustasha fantasies cobbled together in a few years do not reflect actual history
kys cunt
you too dumbass
the montenigger actually knows his history, altough not all shtokavians are serbs. the reality is that croatia used to be a kingdom between istria and cetina, and later the croatian identity was taken by serbian catholics in bih and the coast, and slavic catholics in slavonia. claiming medieval bosnia, "pannonian croatia" or "red croatia" is just gay modern cope
>not all shtokavians are serbs
of course, I'm talking in general
I didn't mean to imply everyone speaking Shtokavian is a Serb
but majority of Shtokavians in Croatia are, by origin
Croatian Kingdom is a fact, however Croats living in eastern regions of it were pretty much wiped out by two centuries of warfare
as for Bosnia, the fact Tvrtko's primary title was "King of Serbs" speaks enough
Was there even one clear line between Roman Catholicism and Orthodoxy before the Ottomans? Or was there plenty of overlap? Did isolated illiterate hillbillies care about Croatian or Serbian identity that much? Judging from these alleged choices of ''conversion'' from Christianity to Christianity,even Islam, it appears not. You know why? Because most people were mutts. They still are. They still don't read the Bible (one thing that made fucking protestants rise above others) or anything. Yet they strongly identify with certain Slavic nations since relatively recent times like they're God given. God given people don't need to read the Bible amirite?
there wasn't and many Serbs accepted Roman supremacy over Constantinople (which is all that meant in that period)
I'm talking exactly about 19th century and how Catholics automatically became Croats, with some exceptions
Nationalistic revolutions were taking place at the time in Europe and we likewise wanted a unique identity. People at that time truly lived of the land and the sea and for their families. They were more Croatian than anyone born a 100 years and later could hope to be and they weren't very vocal about it, if at all.
100 and more years later*
Cool, still, they were Serbs by origin and language, is my point
Shouldn’t you be taking your AIDS medication, Bill?
No one gives a shit about your irrelevant club
take a hint
Real serbian is torlakian not shtokavian also you do realise that nations were created in 19th century, with your thinking you can say all slav speaking people are servian
anyway nice b8 m8 I r8 8/8
have fun in your delusion and read some history book outside of servian historians
okay now this is based
kek my father unironically still rates yugoslavia's team
>children killed: 6,000
they were fat kids and it was a work camp to get them to spend more energy
come on, you know this
Funnily enough, we do, there are videos on our genetics and sport, particularily dinaric I2 haplogroup topic, tallest people on planet, a bit more savage than your shorter northern croat. Pretty much results in sports domination. Good example is the fact most sports people come from regions packed with dinaric phenotype, never from the peak north of croatia where shorter working people are.
znači dretva počne ko bumer nostalgija onda se pretvori u patetični /ex-yu/ govnopost užas
Jeби и нe вaди мaјкy им Х*вaтcкy
>every other country on the balkans is just a newer political entity with patched up history either from the above four or from peoples who ceased to exist thousands of years ago
So just like MENA?
Because the children had trouble concentrating
lmao torlaks are literally ooga bugars. Štokavci su srbi.