Why is havoc so based?

why is havoc so based?

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He isn't. He's a cuck who got beat up by a masked skinnyfat mark.

He's a hardcore legend

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He's way out of her league, she made a big mistake leaving Jimmy.

havoc is a hit it and quit it type of guy

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stop forcing the meme he's a legend. a hardcore legend is mick foley or terry funk this guy is NOT and will never be a legend you underage zoomer

ya seethe, gramps?

Lol dude. Jimmy Havoc is running on Toni Storm and the rest of the NXTs womens division. Go find the pics and cope more.

>why is havoc so based?

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because he is basically just an Yea Forums poster that wrestles

Big cope, old-timer.
>u r only hardcore legend if u was comedy act in wwf raw
This is a board for educated people, people who know that Jimmy Havoc is a hardcore legend.

he got cucked by HBK's teenage son

(Kek what a hardcore legend)

whos ready for his dynamite return?

I don't care. He's a pussy who got beat up by Excalibur.

Jimmybros, we are finally home.

Havoc was drunk and he eventually got back up and punched out Excalibur back

Mate Excalibur has retard strength there's nothing I... Jimmy Havoc could do
