I watched WWF throughout the 80's, 90's and early 2000's to about '03.
I remember Shawn being solid overall and having some great matches with Taker, Razor and Hart but I don't remember him being the greatest. Did I miss something? Was his later run that good? Is he really the GOAT or is that just WWE propoganda?
in the ring, he was really, really good. One of the best of all time, sure. But THE best? naaaaah wouldn't go that far.
Andrew Hill
he's the whole package and was on top longer that other guys who were the total package too like jericho, that's why
Isaiah Brown
He's probably one of the most consistently solid workers that, while not 10/10 at any one thing, is firmly 9/10 at absolutely everything. Excellent ringwork, excellent on the mic, natural charisma, excellent look, highly marketable, adaptive to any role be it face/heel/inbetween. Definitely in the conversation for top 10 of all time.
Compare someone like Bret who is 11/10 in the ring but lacking in other areas. Being the best at one thing isn't enough. That's not to say those people that are phenomenal at what they do don't deserve recognition, but someone that's just all around excellent like HBK is a better fit for these "best of all time" conversations.
Evan Watson
His later run is what solidified his career and confirmed him as the GOAT ring worker. It was also his redemption arc because he stopped being a faggot and was eager to put people over.
Hudson Taylor
Idk somebody like Austin or Macho Man were better all around in my opinion. Both had more memorable promos and matches than Shawn.
Benjamin Carter
I might have to go watch that era then.
Camden Butler
>whole package >horrible promo Try again user
Christian Nguyen
He was considered the GOAT by wwe in 1998 before Wrestlemania 14, the later run solidified his goat status. He really was THAT good
>horrible promo go jack off to jewish miz calling you a loser, tranny
Asher Rodriguez
Seems more like propoganda because he was an experienced title holder who was still on the roster and hadnt jumped ship.
Alexander Clark
he was an overall good wrestler who became vince's lover and was pushed accordingly
Josiah Roberts
I don't think Shawn was ever convincing as a face desu.
Charles Nguyen
this. shawn got heat without making fun of the audience. he was one of the last old-school heels
Julian Flores
>is that just WWE propoganda? Yes, and most people in the company believe it. RVD's story of people walking up to him in awe because he was going to have a match with HBK and him acting like it was a regular day at work is great. Vince has always been enchanted by him and his boyhood dream arc literally brainwashed an entire generation to thigh slap and jump off ladders, but his first run was highlighted by a few very good main event performances, mostly in gimmick matches, and the rest was inconsistent. By the time he came back he was able to keep up with a world class roster and was a little better as a promo, so that helped.
Henry Wright
>Brett better in the ring than HBK
Hello Brett
Angel Lewis
>6 man HIAC over Foley Trips at the Rumble
Meltzer is a hack
Anthony Morales
>without making fun of the audience The gif of HBK mocking a blowjob is him making fun of someone in the front row
Oliver Nguyen
well yeah but that was called for. when people chanted shit at him he would react. but he didn't just come out there and say "you people SUCK" for cheap pops.
Mason White
It's just a meme WWE narrative. They pushed Flair GOAT for years to spite Hogan and now that Flair's in their bad books they're pushing Hickenbottom. See through it user, it's propaganda.
Thomas Taylor
>well yeah retard >shifts goal posts Extremely low bar and arbitrary as fuck. The greatest heel promo of all time is Vince telling the Smackdown crowd how much they suck. Shawn's DX shit was cringe and not cool. He never sold a match based on a promo until his comeback. The best he ever got was from shitting all over Canada and their flag.
Cameron Walker
>Shawn's DX shit was cringe and not cool you got worked by a heel
Xavier Bailey
They were calling Shawn Michaels the greatest athlete in wrestling history in 1995, before he even won a wwe championship.