Gooks sue Ronaldo for 46 million


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I didn't think I'd ever say these words but here it goes:
Thank you based TSUUUUUUUUUU

top kek

the gooks are right to sue juventus if ronaldo wasn't injured

I mean, nobody has the right to stop them from throwing their money away

The plastic in their heads must be affecting their brains.

why are gooks so assblasted 24/7
even slavs who had their whole extended families killed by germans or russians aren't this butthurt

more like


Get fucked Gook


What else can you expect?
Dogs are our best friends, Gooks eat them. They also torture them because they think the meat taste better.
Something that can slaughter and eat its best friend is not fit to be called human and obviously can't think like one.

lmao those tsubots ITT thinking gook have no right to sue because they got robbed

This. Japs rule Korea with an iron fist for a few years and they're still mad about it some 75 years later

There is no worse crybabies than those gooks. Please Japan, invade them

Literally suing because seething

>Their rights

They can go suck a big fat dick. I'm not even a CR7 fan but this is based

based south koreans

hope they send that faggot to some of their concentration camps

damn gooks are seething irl

Is this even allowed? I mean if Ronaldo was touring solo in Asia selling tickets and not actually showing up I understand they get upset. But this was a Juventus tour. There are many players in Juventus.

Apparently the match was advertised as Ronaldo playing at least a half and attending a pre match meet and greet, and he did neither, so they could have a case

>have rape charges dropped
>get sued for contract breach
Why did they promise the koreans he would play?

>hates civilization
not surprised

>match was advertised as Ronaldo playing at least a half and attending a pre match meet and greet, and he did neither
well, he better start getting those 46 millions ready

wtf so ronaldo is not just a rapist he is also a racist

fuck sorry tsuubros i dont think i can support ronaldo anymore im going to support messi now

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>supporting tax dodgers of any kind

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They marketed a friendly match from the France U21s in my city by putting the only player from my team on the poster. Stadium was sold out (for a winter U21 friendly), unlimited substitution and our player didn't play a single minute.

Same goes for the Irish and the British

a gay racist rapist...i’m thinking he’s based

The South Koreans, the Chinese and the Japanese are all manly enough to respond when they’re insulted. Of course a pussyfied yuro wouldn’t get it, you’re used to bending over like a whore and taking whatever injury anyone does to you.
The one difference between these countries is in how they handle the offense. The japs wouldn’t sue but they would certainly never again invite Juve. They care about pretending nothing’s wrong, but make no mistake the japs never let an injury go unpaid.
The South Koreans aren’t subtle like the Japanese. So they’ll go for the most straightforward way of getting even.
I’m not sure how the Chinese would react to the same situation. I’m not as familiar with their culture. But one thing is for sure, unlike the pussy yuros the Chinese would also find a way to get back at Ronaldo.

Maybe try it yourself. Next time someone offends you get back at them instead of turning the other cheek like a sheepish good goy

if you think minor shit always deserves an aggressive response you're either retarded, a child or something with no confidence whatsoever. perhaps all three.

even chink tzu knew this, and he was azn... so don't try to apply your violent monkey logic to every conflict resolution. stupid fucking chimp, learn some self control.

>absolute state of customers

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>the famous footballer doesnt play a meaningless friendly game at my town
>outraged because seeing him sprint up and down for 15 minutes is the peak pf my existence
>apparently not alone and lots of my countrymen feel the same
>birth rates going down
>proceed to fap to anime loli trans porn and loath for the unnecessary pleasures in life
i hope they all go extinct

it was false advertising.

>'invited' to leave spain by spanish tax authorities or else is arrested
>throws news reporter microphone away because he didn't wanted to be bothered

Why would a famous player do a meet and greet? No one does that. Maximum a player does is signing 10 autographs in a group of 100

>average height 160cm
>average penis size 10cm

only in spicland would this ever be considered manly

South Koreans are honestly the worst, they're constantly fucking seething.
Ireland seethes at the UK sometimes but it's not even that bad, South Koreans are constantly fucking butthurt about being fucked by the Japs.

he says while the Falkland Islands still remain British

Media parasites are working you into a shoot, the ""plaintiffs"" (2 gooks so far) are suing the promotion company for false advertising for saying Ronaldo would play 45 minutes and do a fan signing.

Gooks are almost as furious as saying Dokdo is Japanese clay lmao

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You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilize the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.

>You are the Baltimore of South America.
bruce striking with heavy artillery

Pocket change for baesed Tsunaldo
>Put em down, yes of course all of them idiot what do I pay you for?

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I mean the Japs don't get angry about such things. If anything, the Japs force a star to do dumb shit in Japanese commercial and Japanese tv show and then feel embarrassed about it.
But the Japs tend to be assblasted when non-Japs don't stop telling us what to do, which is a typical insular mindset, I guess.
On the other hand, koreans are kind of thirsty for attention from famous people and they get really angry when they feel betrayed.
We might be more psycho, though.

taxation is theft

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>taxation is theft
you would think the state of lawlessness in your country would make you reconsider stupid shit like this but apparently not

sure, father

Theres anime loli trans porn?

Most Irish don't mind us, it's only a few in the north and every fucking Mick on Reddit.

Not him but I think we're more of the Japanese way than the Korean:

Irish people in public if they feel insulted will either instantly react with violence or jot the name down in their mental notepad of grudges. If they didn't like a meal at a restaurant they will, usually, pretend everything was ok but never go back there and tell all their friends that the place is rotten.

You guys took two nukes straight to the face lmao

>believing the s*n

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Slavs are chill in my experience. Friends with two of them, both hardworkers with minimum bitching. Is this just some immigrant mentality thing or are slavs just that chill?

Imagine unironically looking forward to friendlies.

They’re customers what ya expect

I know some Bosnians that were from Serbia and ran away when the war kicked off over there in the 90's. They're not really volatile by nature, but they're fucking dangerous if they ever do get riled up. I think they forgive but don't forget, and they're intelligent enough to understand that wanting to commit genocide as a retaliation for genocide makes you and your enemy different colours of the same breed.

And koreans are demanding an apology for nukes, not Japs

yeah, because you japs are cucks

No, it's because they want you to underestimate them and they will strike revenge when you cannot expect it.

We don't really have a victim mentality at least

japs are thoroughly cucked m8, the newer generation is completely homo.

You should goto Korea to see how their """men""" look. Sometimes it's very hard to distinguish between men and women

they copied their shit from jpop you indian faggot and gooks are tall as fuck now for some reason while japs are still tiny

>they copied their shit from jpop

Does it matter?

>sue Ronaldo
That's not Ronaldo

They're all homo now and they learned it from each other now go take a shit in the street my dravidian friend

I'm not dravidian but nice try

Japan has preserved their country from being mutted like yours, doesn't have people shooting up schools or niggers or men dressing up like faggots. It is infinitely a better country

they're going to get fucked by the chinks in this century or the next and (((we))) are the only thing in their way, they are cucks and some pathetic indian isn't going to change that for them

The country is intact for 1000s of years now. I doubt some factory working insectoid is going to get in their way

The country was founded by gooks and chinks along with some indigenous albinos they didn't even have written language until they copied it from the chinks, I doubt they will survive for long now that the chinks have modern technology you dumb indian you yourself are nothing but the product of rape and domination by nomadic caucasians so I expect you to understand that

You're so edgy dude

What's edgy about what I wrote besides using so called slurs for the asian faggots I didn't even call this streetshitter a pajeet

>you yourself are nothing but the product of rape and domination by nomadic caucasians
There's more evidence of Aryans raping caucasians but nice try. My ancestors migrated from near river Saraswati(near river Indus) so I'm likely a mixture of Aryans+Indo-European civilisations like Harapan

Aryans are the caucasians you dumb brown shit. Your ancestors were raped by them and now here you are thinking you're white.


>not posting the full thing

>Aryans are the caucasians

Not even tribes close to modern day caucasians like Yamnayas are white you moron. Read up about Yamnaya culture

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Whiter than you, post your hand right fucking now

>Whiter than you

Why is that an achievement?

I don't know but people with more melanin seem to have a hard time making any sorts of achievements at all beyond their own little sphere if you take a look at history

Being white means he's biologically predisposed to achieve greatness. Whether he does is up to him, but he has what is required.

Only in recent times, mostly due to political stability. 2000 years is inconsequential in the long run. Civilisations and races decline when they get complacent

>Only in recent times
You mean when the overwhelming majority of inventions and human innervation took place? Okay.

>paying less taxes is lawlessness

It depends if he has freckles or not, and eye colour must be not brown.

it's a SOCCER GAME you retarded faggot, they're acting like ronaldo personally enslaved a thousand koreans


>>pay hundreds of dollars to see someone play
>that person doesn't play
That was clearly a breach of contract

When was the last time you invented something? Stop wewuzing

It was a breach of contract by the club, and they'll probably just pay a fine for it.
The stinky thing is that he could've played for a half, or most of a half, allowing the club to fulfill contractual agreement and not piss of thousands of his undeserved adoring fans.
Anyway, here we are.

Koreans are the brazilians of Asia.