News: 35 days until Diarrheabib gets a fat Saudi sheikh style shit taken down his throat by Dustbin Poopeeier
News: 35 days until Diarrheabib gets a fat Saudi sheikh style shit taken down his throat by Dustbin Poopeeier
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Based colby. Filthy animals on suicide alert. We aren't translating tonight. Build the wall
I’m not sure which of Colby’s whores is least disgusting
Hey Colby, good luck on your fight tonight!!
Colby is the biggest whore of all
Colby is an American Hero.
Have sex
Far left
Why did Cyborg adopt if she’s a “””woman””” of childbearing age with a longtime boyfriend?
Tend to agree but would have to smell their morning buttholes before making final call
you've just described a typical adopting household. she or her husband are infertile.
Ladies and gentlemen, faggots, trannies, ngubus, we are gathered here today to celebrate and retire the career of one Robert Lawler. Incredible striker, body of a Greek god, a throwback in terms of sportsmanship. Congratulations Robbie, it's been quite a ride.
And now a big up for Colby Covington for doing the honors and showing him the door!
He can't even get some A list pornstars, lmao broke bum
Id fuck Cyborg is she had a dick.
Colby 100-0 Khabozo. "In the closet" gay man >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "repressed homosexual" man.
High rates of testosterone may cause a negative effect on the female reproductive system and fertility
You're not allowed to fight with a bun in the oven
Why is “””she””” incapable of giving birth?
they pay him
>Colby is so based for supporting the president. How many ufc fighters have ever supported their president
>Implying d-list whores have money
He was so good they gave him the money back
So we are not getting cyborg vs Nunes 2 anymore?
That means cyborgs career is pretty much over now isn't it? They're really no one left to right except Nunes.
she shoulda bent the fucking knee. now she gets to be a goof somewhere else
She can go to PFL
Personally I think her brand is more suited to sheeming noname cans in the regionals.
The person she adopted was her niece whose parents apparently skipped out on her.
Cyborg the piece of shit
Khabib will retire undefeated.
Cringeby "Cringeoas" Cringeington
Reality is nobody is being paid. Porn stars also have personal lives and don't just have sex for money but sometimes just for fun. He knows lots of people in the miami porn scene and parties with these girls because he's a fun guy and girls like him as you can see in tails of the grind.
Literally impossible since he’s currently not undefeated
Whores pay Bilzerian to be on his IG
All muslims should just be bombed. These people are insane. Trump said he could whipe them all out but won't. Fucking pussy muzzyhugger
they look unhappy...almost as if they don't want to be there and are only present because they're being paid
what else did you learn from jre?
train that cute Canadian in boxing for a year and she'd defeat Cyborg
They're probably just tired from getting marathon fucked by a stud like Colby
Marijuana makes you dumb.
they were anxiously waiting to go to bed
You know Colby is a boring pillow fisted fighter when all his fans post him with porn stars instead of his highlights. Does Colby even have any highlights in the octagon?
If it wasn't for Jews they would just be killing eachother desu.
Rogan is a chode
> c-colby can't strike
>t. A Cuck for Colby
the cope lol
knowing people in "the porn scene"
that's gonna be a yikes! from me
A very rich chode.
>Video literally opens with him saying "I s-should've knocked him out"
Hahaha wow beast of a striker
>12 to 6 elbows banned because karate
>Joey Diaz is funny
>Ronda beats up grown men
How come Colby looks like a manlet standing next to a manlet like DC? Is he lying about his height too?
I just got an email from moot and he said that all colbyposting has been suspended and will result in a ban.
clean knockouts are hard unless you are roiding
lol who is moot he can't make me stop talking about based Colby
are you sure he meant *that* kind of colbey?
You know given how Dana will try his best to fuck over anyone he doesn't like, how come Woodley is still in the ufc?
Given that he lost his belt in a one sided fashion, he's gonna find himself in a bad position.
you are banned.
Took Masvidal 5 seconds lol
nobody liked cyborg though
Tfw never lost a story and champion of my own world. #CHAMPSHITONLY
The dude on the left is supposedly 5'11 and the dude on the right is 5'10
mmastreams got banned?
ATT Coconut Creek is the #MAGA gym
Yeah, lately retarded MMA media have been blatantly stating that they stream the fights illegally.
Based Schaub got it banned to work the dumb geeks into a shoot
>what are shoes
>he doesn't fuck them!!!
>Implying DC is wearing 3 inch heels
It's ok if Colby is a manlet. He's over achieving for a manlet by actually getting with women.
I don't think anyone liked Woodley either.
Even all his fans on /heem/ are just ironically liking him to shitpost and trigger goofs
arlovski just joined ATT coconut creek for his last fight
What's not to like about woodley?
This is such a sloppy sentence. I have no idea what you're trying to convey.
t-wood is a big fan of colby covington which is a plus
looks like it's still up to me
He's a nigger
That's because I assumed you're privy to information and context not included in the post. It has nothing to do with bad sentence construction.
"The UFC is racist"
Cool without it I wouldn't know to go to the same sites that always stream mma fights when there's a mma event
Yeah, racism ended in the 60s.
Why did Colby get a nose job instead of fighting Woodley?
don't be obtuse
didn't that guy who sent those pipe bombs to CNN have an ATT membership?
fuck off back to /pol/ kid
he was radicalized by masvidal
i'm not into fighter gossip and shit but he seems pretty based
Did you guys see the interview with Sanko from a few hours ago where Dana totally trashed Cyborg?
you sort of know
how many pairs of sneakers does he have
What's the best number
>Toilet Till
>Latrine Ladd
>Urinal Urijah aka team Omega Manlets
>Outhouse Ortega aka T-CTE Roidtega
>Gent's room Gustafsson aka Anus Gus
>Restroom Rockhold aka Flushed Puke Cockhold
>Washroom Woodley aka Tyreese Snoozley
>Men's room McGregor aka Gab Gooby
>Potty Poirier aka Pissoir Poirier aka Dustbin Poorier
>Loo Lee aka Gevin-up Pee
>Cesspool Cerrone aka Clogboy Cerrone
>Diaper Dodson
>Kakalina Kohlercowicz aka Dookie Kookie
>Bathroom Borg
>Portajon jones aka Junkheap Jones
>Scat Zingano
>GloryHoley Holm
>W.C. D.C. aka Drainpipe Daniel
>Khapiss "The Bagle" Nurmagopoopoo aka Khabozo Urinegaymedoff
>Ben Rotsmell
>Blendin Shart aka Sexuality Hybrid
>Commody Garbrandt
>Diarrhea Dos Santos aka Face Plantos
>Poobert shittaker akd Doobby Wheetkaker
>Valenpeener Shitstinko aka Foul Bullet
>Stinkpee Miocic ake Sleepe Stenchic
>Rose Namurinas aka Thud Rose
>Alistair Diarrheem aka Pottychair Odorstream aka Garbagepail Urinestream
>Shogun Pooa
>TakePee Sperguson aka El Cacuy aka Tony El-Poo-Poo-Wee Ferguson
>Soil Stack Smith aka LyingTurd
>Wandiarrhlei Silva aka Uma C-T-Eicia
>Farticio Werdum aka Febrezetheroom Offumes
>NateCan Diarrhiaz
>Henwee "The Cringelord" Cepoodo
>Cumarpoo "Nigerian Sewer" Poosman
>Max Hollogay aka Min
>AlexCANder VolCANovski
>Crap Barry
>Cuckby "Cuckos" Cuckington
>Rafael Poos Canjos aka Raphael dos Baños
>Grug Sharty
>Lames Dick
>Franpiss Manguano
>Dirtdick “Black Fece” Lewpiss
>Tai Pooivasa
>Yarear Rodrepiss
>BM Punk aka CM Puke
>“Smellin’“ Sam Alvpee
>aCANda “Lionpiss” Poonez
>Boy's room benavidez aka mr. Olivi
>hard-stool sterling
>Jorge "inbred" Massivepile
>Puke Thomas
>Jackoff Slack
>Shitt Okamoto
>United Cumdom aka Poonited Pissdom
>Bumerica aka PooSA
>CUM Championship
>India Pooper Plight League
>Cumbate Americunts
>Burger King Flight Coop
Jessica Die
Colby isn't wearing any shoes. DC is wearing formal shoes. That's almost an inch. Colby is slouching and DC is closer to the camera.
Need a tissue, leaf?
I want to believe
maga and in bed with two mexicans lol
securing the civnat vote
They both suck dick. Colbys a cop caller and woodleys a race card player. If you like colby just cause he " triggers reddit " your a faggot edgelord
Going to rehab next week for a month lads, heem you later.
> a cop caller
so you're a criminal
are you the webm aussie? if not just don't reply I don't care
Heem that addiction champ
So I spent the entire evening yesterday with Claudia in Athens,Greece.We talked about a lot of things.About ufc standings,she told me that are fake on purpose to serve the betting system,we talked about how hard is the weight cut.She told me that her hardest weight cut was prior to Joanna II I asked her to replay the scene between her and Joanna at the TUF.I accepted to play Joannaat this part and then with a sexy voice while our heads were stuck together for a few seconds she called me puta.I almost kissed her but I managed to control myself at the end.Her eyes are so fuckin deep like she invented my soul
I also asked her if she had watched Satantangu a 7 hours long hungarian movie she told me not but promised to do so she was impressed about how intellectual I was I friendly kissed her for goodbye and called her mma kino goddess.She smiled to me for the last time and left
(pic related: She sent me a photo from Mykonos,an island where all the Greek gays live)
Who's going to the Anaheim card?
What goes on in Clovis, California?
racemixing is super prevalent in mma for some reason
Colby calls the cops on anybody that makes him shit his pants and cry. What does that have to do with me being a criminal?
he'd called the cops on a criminal who engaged in criminal activity.
He would call the cops on anyone at any time for any reason, including but not limited to criminal activity.
> it was real in my mind
hater you are hater
Fuck cops and anyone that calls them
Candace bless
Rehab for what? Shitposting online?
Sometimes when I'm bored online, I pretend to be retarded and get all those delicious (you)s.
inventing Catposting, probably
Does anybody remember the original Cat mommyposting
Legitimately one of the most autistic and hilarious things I've ever seen on heem
Champ shit only bro, heem the addiction with a cheeky elbow.
Where do I find streams? I'm a torrent casual.
kill yourself
Thanks bro, appreciate it, champs shit only bro.
>main card begins 8pm bongtime
God bless New Jersey
Remember when everyone said RDA was going to walk through Colby and demolish him?
Remember when everyone said the same thing about Lawler?
Really? Fucking based.
>UFC Fight Night
>doesn't actually take place at night
>t. Neil deGrasse Tyson
kill yourself
nobody is talking about mickey gall fighting
Because he's a can
since when has that stopped you before
Reddit alien
cm punk deserves a rematch
Wanted to bet against him, but discovered he's already the underdog, so there's no point.
she adopted her niece dumbfuck
I have told these idiots that a hundred times but they never read my posts.
Maia sends Asscream all the way down the drainpipes
Prime Magumbo flushes Chuck Liddel
who are some fighters you'd like to see on h3?
*drinks water*
I'm preparing it for you right now bro
Why aren't there more fighters from Italy?
She asked Dana White to apologize for the Wanderlei Silva comments
Now is her that apologizes to Dana White for somethin that we all know it doesn't need an apologize
You know what Cyborg? Go fuck yourself roids fuckin dork and go fight to Bellator or where the fuck you want to cuz it doesn't matter anymore.You are a retard
*solves mma*
It's not a real sport
>But cy-
>But nu-
>But this hot slut
She's ugly
want to grapple? here's a heel heem
want to strike? here's some spinning shit, good luck winning the story of this fight
It's toughhhh b
oh no no no no no
fuck bitch actually got a nice bunda now
first on his right imo but still would
How could anyone bring themselves to care about Holloway vs Volkanovski when Ryan Hall already won the stories against both of them?
Friendly reminder that EVERYONE itt could heem me.
Guy with the glasses was wrecking up a car and the guy chasing him interfered
Just put a cheeky tenner on Lawler. Colby finna get stiffy
I could.... but I won't
Dana ALWAYS win
blocked kpop generals and my life got better desu
Pls take me under your wing, Mr. Thirdworlder
>>Joey Diaz is funny
Can anyone explain to me why he is funny? Because he says motherfucker?
of course he wins.Cyborg is the first fighter that apologizes to Dana about anything.What a fuckin retard
I'd heem you in sparring on accident (on purpose)
even yourself?
Why hasn't someone who is unheemable joined the UFC yet and they just let their opponent wear themselves out beating on them for 3 rounds then heem them after their gas tank is empty?
Georges "Flush" St Pierre
>apologizing to Dana, ever
And that's how you lose all the respect you ever had
>gets submitted
Colby will make the ufc great again tonight
God I love Ryan Hall
>getting punched in the face for 3 rounds is a strat
It happened before
Knocked myself out when I had a bike accident
>implying I'd ever set foot in a ring LMAO
I'm not a BRUTE, fighting is for brainlets like Hemingway
What would be really cool?
>Why hasn't someone who is unheemable joined the UFC yet
I'd unironically heem you during light horseplay
guam flag btw
Damn, that was the purpose of this prison of yours all along?
Let's leave Brendan the review he deserves
whys a tomato trying to grow out of ll cool j's head?
>fights Nunes
>Round 1 starts: Nunes manages to throw her on the ground where she ko her with elbow/punches
>They interview her post-fight. "I started learning bjj,I will be better next time.Congrats to Amanda"
>Disappears.Rumors are she is now a waitress in Missouri
Alright, well seriously who is your personal favorite female fighter?
Are we really expected to feel sorry for Cyborg? The absolute roid of a woman
this one
that kid making those videos is less interesting than schaub and not funny at all he reminds me of the guy on here who reads youtube comments
>/box/ still think they can actually fight
Alexa Grasso
man fuck Cyborg.It was never about Cyborg and personally let this bitch drown in her own roids.The whole thing was about Dana.If someone made him to apologize it would be better for the future of ufc cuz the management would be the one that had to make Dana apologizes which means a complete other direction of decisions
what a moron he literally called your bluff in like 10 hours
>gets compared to wanderlei silva by dana
>gets cut after he publicly destroys her in an interview on ufc's own youtube channel
what the hell lol
>always stand up for what is right
She was a woman after all, what a pussy.
Instead of looking at heather hardy and her Bellator career she wants to fight for the ufc and all because of the money.Nobody would pay this bitch in boxing the money that ufc would pay her
Fuck Cyborg
>be attacked by a heavyweight hue that literally did the same shit with Tony Fergusson
>be attacked by the scummiest motherfucker Ali while he's with Kamaru and his other clients
yeah bro Colby should've banged with them right there in the casino
Hey photogrissers
Ya blockbuster
this is a very low quality screencap
Schaub: Colby Covington's striking is good, not great, not terrible.
s-sorry Mr. Dana, don't cut me pls :(
Colby was always right, these people are just coping with their inferiority complex
Wake up, Amanda.
ayo photogrissers
I would be surprised if he could hang with Robbie on the feet
>tfw named Colby irl
>fighter finally has my name
>his schtick is being the biggest douche in history
>his schtick is not being a pussy phagget and banging bitches
>letting your production team get you cut from the UFC
God I wanna cum on her tummy so bad
You should thank him and start acting like him, like a man.
Same here. Not trashing Colby but his second last fight he was getting lit up by fucking Maia
Hey now, people should stop using Maia as an example for shit striking because he's actually gotten good and can hang in there. He also has good power. Too bad it all came too late.
only 4 hours boys
Mickey Gall vs. Salim Touahri
Antonina Shevchenko vs. Lucie Pudilová
Jordan Espinosa vs. Matt Schnell
Lauren Murphy vs. Mara Romero Borella
Cláudio Silva vs. Cole Williams
Miranda Granger vs. Hannah Goldy
>tell someone at work I like MMA
>OMG I listen to a podcast with BRANDON SCHAUB have you heard of him?!?! He's SO funny!
women's mma every other fight
Are there cheaper sluts than the ones Colby is hiring? They don't even try to act the part.
Magana called Cyborg a roids user face to face inside the bus and get punched.Magana is a straw and Cyborg fights for the featherweight.Every other fighter and mma fans went on with Cyborg called Magana names,declared a social media war,insulted Magana 24/7.Actually Magana didnt say something new.They found Cyborg 2 times as a roids user
Dana White expressed his feelings about Cyborg too called her Wanderlei Silva.A guy in Rohan's podcast told that if Cyborg cut her dick she could fight for the bantamweight due to the extra weight loss
Cyborg confronts Dana White face to face.She doesn't talk about the Wanderlei Silva comments just called him a liar about Nunes rematch wearing a shirt Nunes-Cyborg 2020 which there isnt any video that ufc asked her not to wear again(Claimed they asked her to)
Then Cyborg apologizes to Dana White for something i still can't understand if it needs an apology comparing to the Wanderlei Silva comments
What I really think?
Nah he's good and I admire his kicks a lot actually, but the fact he's primarily a grappler and old makes me question Colby. We just seen Askren get ko'd for being too predictable.
>mfw i dont know any mma fighters with my name
>its a common popular name
Q: As you know, we love our hockey here. And it remains the only other pro sport that allows fighting. Curious as to your thoughts on fighting in hockey?
A: I'm not a big hockey fan. But I respect how talented you have to be to play hockey. Soccer? That's a whole other ball. Can't stand soccer. It's the least-talented sport on Earth. There's a reason three-year-olds can play soccer. When you're playing a game when the net is that big and the score is 3-1 (and that's a blowout) are you kidding me? You know how untalented you have to be to score three times when the net is that big? Now back to hockey. You have guys on skates with crooked sticks and you have to hit a puck into a net that's the same size as the goalie. And at any time someone could take your head right off your shoulders and it's perfectly legal. That's a real sport that takes real talent, speed and all the things you need to be a real athlete. Now fighting is a part of hockey and has been since Day 1. It's part of the game. It is what it is. I think we live in a world now where everything has been so pussy-fied. When I grew up we didn't wear helmets when we rode our bikes. We didn't have car seats. We didn't have all this stuff. Now things are safer and we should be safer but let's not go overboard. Fighting's a part of hockey. Period.
Wtf is this cursed?
Except Maia is actually smart enough to use the predictable meme and get some good hit out of it
>not being called Mirko
Your parent hated you
Actually 5 pm
recheck bulgaria's bathroom
He has genuinely funny moments on some podcasts, but is always an abrasive kind of stupid and repetitive character. His standup however is atrocious, like a dumb heroin addict read a “how to grind standup like it’s .02/.05 NL” book and did just enough to get high for 20 years, truly a shitshow.
Based Maia
hope you eruoanons have a good comfy heem day at a good comfy time, i just made me some joe and im about to play vidya until the prelims start
Maia, in his own world, is the champ.
Are there any good fighters who DONT have an issue with Dana?
Even Connor has trouble with him and he's supposed to be dana's cash cow
Does being a promoter mean you have no friends?
>4 hours of video games then 4 hours of women's mma
don't forget to get up and walk around a bit
let them hate me, as long as they fear me
-dana white
Which is the greater achievement: winning the story or being a champion in your own world?
more fighters should go against dana. his time is done. imagine seeing most of the money go to these performance institutes where most fighters already have their own gym. dana just wants to push those gyms out so he can get people using his building under his name
being the champion in your own world is crucial winning the narrative is icing on the cake
In many worlds he is, you should look into how his last shot was forced to him in a short camp while the """champ""" has been prepared for half a year because the boss hates wrestlers and especially brazilians. Look into it.
Winning the story surpasses everything.
Sad to say most fighters are grugs
>doesn't intensively stare at Sanko's feet like he did with Megan
That's how you lose all the respect you ever had for a man
based dana
for me it's her
whos the jannetty?
Not really a foot guy but those are gorgeous.
>Dana White is just a puppet
>the board makes all the calls
>he's only a public figure
>he owns only 10% of the company
>Ari Emanuel
>>''White releases Cyborg''
>N-no guys, he definitely didn't do it without the approval of the chairman
Haters absolutely seething because the boss man does whatever the fuck he wants.
magafag after robert trashes him
>tfw no bjj gf
Me? I'd go back in time to a Pride event.
As far as I'm concerned, everybody ITT is on my "To heem" list.
is dana the only draw? is that why he's the president and PR guy instead of hiring someone to handle all this crap
Thawts on toilet queen?
So based the main card starts at 8pm
when does bieber fight
You're dumber than the mongoloid on your pic.
Still my girl.
Megan Anderson
Schaub weighs in
remember this after the fight
you would think after that cawlmedy special he'd be a little more humble but nope. he double downed on it and made excuses. dude even misspelled calans name in the special thanks
has anyone else noticed that lately Schaub has kinda been saying things a little closer to what the fans think
whereas two years ago he would never say anything negative about the poofc
>273 pounds
come back and fight then fatass
Is Schlop still seething about Dana cucking him?
>enters your guard
is tyron still seething at colbs
>Why is everyone so negative man? Stop being haters
Also Schaub:
>Man this UFC event is teeeeerrible. Has anyone noticed how teeerrible UFC is lately?
Yeah man you make mistake when you get too passionate, no need to be rude about it.
Tyrone has a new ennemy
>implying I am not rooting for Colby
>she will never submit me with her bunda
why live
>left is Colby's mom
how do you feel?
I saw a news story about Greg Hardy being approached by a few women fighters, including Ostovich, just to let him know that they were okay with him being in the UFC. Man, that is one hell of a way to meet women, by beating up your girlfriend.
I seriously doubt that that doesn't happen all the time.
why Colby trigger people so much here?
quite literally because dana didn't give him a job at ufc.
He's a confident white man.
I seriously don't doubt that doesn't happen all the time
why monkey repeat question in bad english?
>lech free
polish analog of Hans free
They all look so uncomfortable to be there.
You think it probably happens a lot?
You don't think it happens a lot?
oh look its chile the most cucked country in South America, hows your Haitian cousins doing bro?
kek this will come in handy
Do I think that ufc female fighters go up to male fighters telling them that they are okay with them being in the ufc despite them having a domestic abuse charge or w.e? I bet it's happened three times max if that.
You now remember Cody "No Chin" Garbrandt
the face pf the girl in red is priceless.
Now get back in /cric/ lachlan
I totally forgot it was fight day.
I wonder how much the one on the far right costs per night.
Friendly reminder that the main card starts at 3pm Eastern Time :)
I'm just saying. It's a hell of a way to meet women. Do you think they'd have gone up to him if he hadn't beat his girl up and got all that bad press? Maybe not. But now they're chums. I'm just saying. If you want to meet some chicks, beat up your chick. That's what I'm saying.
i honestly really don't doubt that it's not happened
Who is the guy that keeps bringing up that Cody's wife stopped having sex with him after he lost to TJ? I'M SICK OF IT!
You narco pieces of shit are literally next door to Haiti, dafuq are you on about Miguel.
Well, if that's all your saying, and by the looks of what you're saying, that is infact what you're saying, then what I'm saying is what your saying is pretty clever desu.
>posting nigger garbage
Actually on Dana's side here. Scary.
why is he so based
Reminder that Tony mogged a middleweight who has fought at lhw
If a woman has her shoes on in the bedroom, she is neither comfortable or there to have fun, she's working.
and colby is tucked in like a little boy lmao
FrontRowBrian said Cyborg might’ve gotten a threat of legal action against her for the video she recorded of Dana which is why she cucked out and apologized
He looks like a burn victim.
Rogan looks jacked here. He does more than just bjj right
Derek Brunson without power.
Fighters who don't look like fighters are my favourite fighters, Hall & Askren both winning belts on the same card would be a dream.
*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
he couldn't wait to drop cyborg just needed a reason to
Good post
Do fighters who cut to under 170 pounds matter to you?
The only weight classes that matter are 155 and 170, with slight preference to 155
>colby covington walks around at no more than 183 pounds
>10 pounds lighter than khabib
*sucks ur dick*
khabib walks at around 185
Those are more akin to lingerie than shoes.
bro those calf kicks hurt [repeat 100x during the fight]
155 + 37
Khabib walks around at 300lbs cazzie
*moves perfectly fine for 15 minutes*
> benson henderson invented them!
he didn't really, but whatever
Khabib walks around at 690 lbs #ebnin
id heem everybody itt
I would straight up kill you. Not through fighting. I would just cut your neck open with a knife.
i have CTE
id kiss everybody itt
askren literally tried this
I offer you this, Ben was doing everything right until that knee landed.
He made weight
He walked to the octagon
He had the right shorts on and had s mouthpiece
Bruce Buffer pronounced his name correctly
now they call Stipe Miosic,Stiopick cuz he picks fights? lol
he also peed
Stipe Memeocic
hottest day today 40C.Lets take a deep breath
sam alvey deserves to die broke
idiot fighting for scraps
Joining us in the studio is Elias Theodorou, thanks for dropping by.
Now, Elias you were let go by the UFC recently, what have you been up to since then?
Askren signed for the ufc cuz he thought everyone would fight him on the ground.The absolute retardman
flat ass desu
Chael Sonnen
Send your video questions to [email protected]. I’ll play and answer the best ones on my YouTube channel. You must send a video!
What would you like to ask Chael?
I'm a hairdresser now.Honestly I found my piece.All these years in ufc I was stressed out to be the boring fighter but right now nobody tells me to be the boring hairdresser cuz they don't need to.I'm quite boring either way
from spanking
just looked it up it's about the same here, gonna go edge the grass and when i come back finish taking the picks for this shit card
cuckington getting wrekt
and yes reddit you will be BTFO
Tony didn't call the cops
who is the one in red?
Based schizo
Imagine the braps
… If Ben had a name what would it be?
And would you call it to his face?
If you were faced with Him in all His glory
What would you ask if you had just one question?
… And yeah, yeah, Ben is great
Yeah, yeah, Ben is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
… What if Askren was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
… If Ben had a face what would it look like?
And would you want to see if, seeing meant
That you would have to believe in things like heaven
And in Jesus and the saints, and all the prophets?
… And yeah, yeah, Ben is great
Yeah, yeah, Ben is good
And yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah
… What if Askren was one of us?
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Tryin' to make his way home?
… Just tryin'…
Big fan of PVZs bunda here. Like to imagine the smell.
it's very nice
jessa is better and atleast true in her whore ways
based Schaubster saying it how it is
need food advice, ive been eating nonstop lean chicken and basic veggies for the past 2 weeks, what do i get today before the event?
None of them you weirdo
>pre titjob PVZ
funny thing is all these girls done interracial and 3/4 have been literally on BLACKED
bragging about BLACKED roasties kek
Depends what you enjoy. I'd have soup or a steak because like you I eat healthy all week and want something different to enhance the mediocre card coming our way.
My beat advice? Don't listen to any American poster. They'll call you a fag for eating vegetables and tell you to man up and eat junk.
B-b-but Colby Cuckvington is alpha bro because he likes women like me. He's also pillow fisted like me.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Perfect analogy
Gonna have a look around the store and see if i can find something enticing, thanks
you love eating out BLACKED pussy dont ya
walkout songs
That does look nothing like him
someone post link pls
So tired of her stupid fucking face.
>666 trips
>Blacked cuck
shut the fuck up Asturbator24
Anons always deliver
Current champions of the story:
Flyweight: Cejudo
Bantamweight: Yan
Featherweight: Hall, interim Zabit
Lightweight: Tony
Welterweight: Lawler
Middlweight: Adesanya
Light Heavyweight: Santos, interim Walker
Heavyweight: Stipe
too many eurofags here
pls leave me and my burger friends alone
Based choice. Here's mine
why zabit?
>Welterweight: Lawler
discord fag euros gtfo
>407 posts
>101 posters
seething Soiby cuck
This thread has nothing to do with MMA, it's a hangout place for headcases. At this point you just have to accept it.
go suck some arab turd
UFC Newark 2019 begins in approximately 1 hour.
Zabit has won the story against Yair and Ortega without even actually fighting them. Pretty based desu
see you on Yea Forums Brock
Why did you write this
paige is trash
>Lawler over Masvidal
you do know she's been Puerto Rican'd by multiple men at once when she was 14, right?
Blessed digits
It's 11 am here, no all-nighter today
Last chance to convert and show your love and support to Robbased before you are forever locked in the wrong side of history
there are literally ZERO euro peon champs right now and yet euro peons think they can talk fighting? Go back to dying of aids
going to lidl
anything you want?
Daily reminder:
Colby is in the middle of a face turn. His military stuff, if you've been paying attention, makes him a good guy now. And once he is champ proper, he will be arrogant and hateable again, but will then do another face turn, but more pronounced this time, and be all military-patriotic. And he'll be a face.
Watching the main event only. If there are any heems before then I'll go back and watch.
Watched almost every card for the past 16 years, now that they're pumping out awful cards I'll only watch the best fights.
Didn't mind nights of staying up until 1am or 6am in Europe when the cards were great.
Robbie will heem Cuckvington
Today is the day I win the picks
Clay guida and Lawler = Reddit, Jim Miller and Colby = Chads
Still cant believe he lost to askren
I feel you bro
too much with too little quality these days
He's a manlet though
He beat another pusy euro peon and ducks Americans. Euro peon pusy.
can someone post a livestream link please
go jerk off on blacked like your boy colby
It has his height tho
One of those pastries with feta cheese please
Herb Dean wasn't letting Benny get hurt that night
The ESPN deal absolutely ruined ufc. They have to find all these literal who fighters to fill out their cards for the weekly event. Soon they'll be recruiting heem posters to step in the octagon and get heemed
>3 back to back WMMA fights
kill me bros
heem is a confirmed drawl though so viewing figures would be off the charts
I'm close to doing the same. This stretch of dreadful cards has really tested my faith.
Luckily, like heem, there's an endless supply of euro peons that suck to fill in the gaps
>American card
>Starts at Lunchtime EST/9am California
>Main card at 3pm EST/Lunchtime California
wtf is going on?
>Magumba's hand
cringe acting, druggy porn whores with dry pussies, created by a jew
>random amateurs on pornhub and xhamster
real women with creamy pussies, based and redpilled
When will the euro peons finally address my insults?
how did she get a new contract despite losing 3 in a row
please root for Hannah Goldy in the opening bout
1776 will commence again if you keep telling me who to root for
>Max dick
You know how
because she's pretty
They can't. Never has there been a single notable europoor fighter while America is home to the GOATs of the sport
hopefully she gets knocked out again and can have ngannous baby
If you watch the vid closely the dude presses his face into her ass and cops a quick feel on ass towards end
What if the UFC just cut down the amount of fights per card?
she and khalil provide dana with private footage
1776 was a mistake.
We could have ruled the world together but you chose to be selfish.
Please call them euro peons, it mocks their history of monarchy and establishes American superiority
>Khalil and this broad break up
>Khalil has his best performance ever against Anders
Encourages you to ponder
Is this photo real?
They have a massive roster. Plus, you don't have to tune in to all the fights. You can just watch the main card.
If you have 12 fights in one night, you only have to hire the arena, and all the other shit you have to do, once.
If you have 6 fights over 2 nights, you have to hire all that shit twice. Twice as expensive.
What kind of a bullshit name is Colby is he from Florida or something?
Whoops, I mean: 12 fights over 2 nights, or two nights of 6 fights per night
>jon jones
>tony ferguson
Canadian which is pretty much just a gayer America
>Anderson Silva
just recently became American
as for yurop, uhhhhh
russian and therefore asian, didnt do shit outside of rigged pride fights anyways
can who happened to run into a bigger can holding the belt
can who lost to nate twice
It's a type of cheese you can feed your bitches when they get hungry
They're not running more events than in the past, their problems are related to matchmaking and letting too many good fighters walk
he's named after a cheese
*FS1 era that is
Colby is truly a cheese you feed your bitches when they get hungry. Hobbie Lawler is hungry. Tonight we feast.
>being named after a variety of Cheddar cheese
Thanks for this, I would of missed if not seeing that
Almost heem time lads
Why is there a card in normal times
This is too good to be true
alright i'm back someone else take the picks this card it too terrible 3 WMMA fights, 45 minutes of the prelims jesus christ
>early morning through afternoon fights
good this is very good
Fuck off Califag
im excited to spend another event chatting with you guys you're my only firends
I invented Colby is a cheese
This fight time is comfy tbqh
whens the mainevent?
Jews did 911
Any struggling to open images on Yea Forums? None of them are loading.
Aussies get fights at this time for most cards. And during the night there there are ONE cards.
Must be nice to live in a place with sunshine and mid day heems.
I loaded your mum last night lad
i'm seeing them fine on mobile
Wrong, it began in the 60s
Wake me up when Robbie vs. Lawler starts
Let Schaub make the new thread
>who is Darren Elkins
>who is Priscila Cachoeira
If he loses, these are the goofs.
Maia has elite mma wrestling retard
He never hit his girlfriend and she deserved it
He’s over 200 out of camp
Fat is good for you retard
Eating pussy is for fags
fuck you, vintage Robbie shows up and heems this king of cringe