Has Yea Forums, dare I say it, been BTFO?
Has Yea Forums, dare I say it, been BTFO?
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wow, GREAT thread, buddy!
your mother and i are VERY proud.
Some of his comics are terrible but this one is pretty good desu
t. lefty
>thinking someone can be btfo by a self-identified neo-nazi and holocaust denier
Sounds based to me
His comics are basically "brown ppl are dumb, lefties are dumb and trans ppl are mentally ill".
what's your point?
He lacks new ideas.
So not original. Makes sense. You're not implying that's wrong or something, right?
most of his comics also make absolutely no sense either
Excitement bad
This video is as cringe as Stonetoss himself.
handegg is at like the pre-preseason friendlies and we've already run everything else off of the board. I remember about 4-5 years ago the brazilian autist stayed up all night to really try hard to rally the euros to "get non-sport americans off of the board". we ruined every povertyball thread before mountain and western timezones were even awake. we haven't even gone to war at half-strength in 70+ years
post the Judeo-Christian one
the absolute state of you lad
>handegg is at like the pre-preseason friendlies and we've already run everything else off of the board.
There's literally 2 generals and that's it
>how hate speech spreads
I can't wait to watch that video
is he really saying the ability to say racial slurs is more important than health care?
hahaha ADball btfo
cringe thread?
>based stonetoss is as cringe as this basedlard faggot
In my opinion it is
Some people look better without being groomed. When you're this ugly and deformed just try to look more like a savage. You'll gain more respect. Otherwise you just look as embarrassing as on this picture.
Public healthcare. The same that always fails miserably. I would rather have free speech (along with their consequences) than hospitals in the hands of the state. Not even a lolbertarian.
but he still feels compelled to write "the n-word" instead of "nigger".
really makes you think.
I hate stone toss but this guy was such an insufferable fat reddit cunt I stopped it after he said "chuckledick". can't believe you'd post this mate.
jesus what a fag
No matter how hard you seethe white girls still won't touch your peepee
kek desu
His comics are so shit they got banned from the comic board lmao
Wow now I'm going to buy a switch and play kid games instead of watching sports. Very thought provoking.
>pol groupthink put into badly drawn cartoon forms
ok now this is epic
Imagine unironically associating yourself with the faggot in this video
paraGAY lmfao
>another “dude E-sports are sports guis!” Thread
Fuck off and fuck off with this shitty fucking artist
imagine solving a captcha to post this
No wonder you whites in SA are getting murdered.
how do i upvote?
all of which are correct
>it gets GRIM
That comic about him was pretty accurate ironically
Seething eurocucks have no idea what freedom is like