
sun belt appreciation edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut the fuck up Ted

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wrong columbus you fucking nigger

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Do you think I know every sunbelt nigger village? No of course not. Fuck off

Asked in the last thread, but is Duncan Keith graduating from your high school a good enough reason to be a Blackhawks fan?

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go knights

Only if he bullied you

>sun belt appreciation edition

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kniw what you're talking about before you call someone ted, fuck nigga

Go Thrashers

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just put in an order with gagan



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seattle goose

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Put down the cookie and go for a fucking jog, Theodore.
Your calves look as fat as ever.

>just a puddle of clothes and towels at your feet
What the fuck is your life, Ted? What are you doing?

it's a blanket and three shirts man. twonof tgem arent even mine.

Fuck off Ted

i don't even live in ohio :(

>twonof tgem arent even mine.
Doesn't explain why you're content to live in squalor.

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'sup, Bracket?

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Why do the jannies hate this picture?

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seattle tuataras

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wtf are you 300 pounds

Looks like a tranny

not bracket

seattle eggs and bacon

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Too shiny

yeah.. nah.. you're a cunt

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seattle speights

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eh, it's not so bad. i know where everything is. moving in a week too, so why bither making everything clean if it's gonna be somewhere else soon anyways?

what are you, my mom?

Unironically think Seattle Corvettes would be a good name.

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general motors would sue

Corvettes are still a kind of boat though. Seattle Schooners? Seattle Sloops?

Seattle Frigates
Seattle Battleships
Seattle Destroyers
Seattle Submarines

seattle samoans

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Honestly, why are you still here?

seattle BLATs

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Seattle Somalis

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*lip smacking sounds*
so perky....

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seattle coffee

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they aren't from minnesota

The Seattle Dark Roast
Seattle Grinders
Seattle Baristas

imagine pulju playing in yurop for 6 years because he refuses to play and oilels refuse to trade him

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seattle samurai

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Are those Hilary Knight Feet?

Seattle tossed salads and scrambled eggs

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seattle pepperoni

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Seattle Girugamesh


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seattle soap

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i mean who's to say he won't stay in yurop for all those years? the fact that he wants out means his relationship with the rest of the team is ruined, and there's no reason to trade him either since his value is absolute shit right now

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I'm sure there are multiple players in that lockeroom that think the organization is shit

seattle acai bowl

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mcmeme most likely wants out, but he's also too loyal. he knows how much he means to edmonton, but would soilers fans really be mad if by the next of next season the team is still shit and he requests a trade?

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firing up some cricket 19 on steam

I don't think this is Hilary Knight. I have to report you to the /hoc/ island authorities.

seattle suomi and they draft exclusively finns

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Remember the /hoc/ code.

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shut up chambers

seattle spaghetti which is for dinner tonight

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/hoc/ is for everyone

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is there garlic bread?

of course

Bag of antlers

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i like you

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No fat chicks.

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never seen it and never intend to

seattle redblacks

(You)r loss

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seattle roughriders

seattle sneeds

not this shit again

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Fuck (You) Montreal

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I know this goes against the grain but I never liked him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt at the beginning but I could never see how this guy would ever have enough hockey sense to be a competent NHLer.

Looks like I might have been right.

*edit u/magneticman555 is right. I was unnecessarily mean in my comment so I removed the harsher stuff. I’m still annoyed and frustrated with his behavior and unwillingness to accept any personal responsibility for his current situation but that’s no excuse to be mean.

Stop fucking spamming you inbred retard.

report, hide, and ignore

i'm not one for facebook memes but the simpsons shitposting really is good shit. much better than sneed faggotry.

Fuck that guy, at this point I don’t care if we never get anything for that “asset”, he stays in Finland forever and never sees another minute of NHL ice time. How can someone so shitty be so entitled?

>how can a franchise so shitty be so entitled?

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Fuck, this kid is stupid!

I hope someone is taking notes to make a pamphlet entitled “How to completely eliminate your trade value: a cautionary document” that all NHL draftees will get.

I told you guys that his agent wasn’t so incompetent that he would publicly make these types of statements without being directed by his client and here you go; proof positive, right from the moron’s mouth.

I know this comment is harsh, but again, fuck, this kid is stupid!

Yes, we've known Pulju is retarded for a long time.


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a finns success is inversely related to the position they were drafted

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seattle groceries

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Why's Bulju going into business for himself lads?

Bag of antlers


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When he gets a brain transplant

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dude did u photoshp ur eyes

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seattle loose leaf

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who was better at hockey?

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What is the best Canada in the for someone who hates Ice hockey, Hates NHL and prefers and likes Soccer and Canadian Premier League?


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seattle power outlets

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seattle nirvana sucks and fuck you too dave grohl

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Holy shit this looks terrible, they couldve used the 90's design with the new colors instead of this

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just smoked some good hash, ho-lee fack boiz

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what is the benefit of cut corners?

makes it easier to roll

more aerodynamic


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Seattle Shoujo

I’m high as fucking balls
jannys seething

I'd rather live in the bird sanctuary desu

t. bird

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>all that noise
>and birdshit
have at it friend, its all yours

wow /hoc/ was absolute dogshit today

okay lads i just had a lady at my house but i didn't fuck her in the pussy we just kind of made out and then i stopped after a while because who wants to make out all the time its not even that fun come on now, how do i get to fuck her pussy exactly?

I live in Columbus and have never heard of the river dragons. fuck off

wasn’t my fault

should have made out with the pussy

tell her you have some wood you need her to inspect

eat her ass

just got back from a death metal concert

my advice wouldn't be taken seriously here and I don't necessarily believe you're into women seeing as how you're a swede so goodbye

are your ears ringing? eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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post some chill music

seattle dogshit

maybe she's on her period. after that i'd assume.

should i tell her my intentions beforehands?

good idea, pickup lines is something to keep in your toolbox for sure

hmmm, good idea

you may be on to something here

i don't think so, i can still smell her vajayjay even though she left a long time ago

oh no, I'm falling asleep

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goodnight lads. can still smell the pussy in my appartment

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You had a skank there lad


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gonna go watch he get slaughtered by 2 big black cocks right now

Are you saying i did good?

By not banging her? Yes, you deserve better.

bored as FUCK so i'm watching endgame

what game


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They’ve got a break. It’s gonna be a break! Here’s Joe Sakic..... Scores!

Joe Sakic scores! And that makes it 5-2 Canada! Surely that’s gotta be it.

hi folks, just got a new tattoo of my favprite band and bough original 2000$ worth Chanel Glasses! Life is beautiful -bling bling-

Those are clearly fake grandpa

The Seattle Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run

Fuck this bumbling retard.

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my glasses are gucci

tep keep your shit comments for yourself, don't fuck with me randy just cuz you can't afford anything, LAMOing at your life .

guess it's time to delete your bulju folder

Just give me a moment to say goodbye.

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also delete system32

is puljus meme value at an all time low?

Shit, everyone sell your buljus. They will be worthless tomorrow

around bulju never relax

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where were you when bulju was kill

The Oilers are that kid that you know is getting abused at home but can’t do anything about it

dubs decides what I do with these shallots, this carrot and this bowl of chopped celery

RULES: I will not kill myself with the knife or any of the other implements pictured

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put a bag over your head and leave it there


Hang yourself

carrott in pooper

Shove them up butt

Julienne the carrots, caramelize the onions, and mix it into a tuna tartare

roast them with a bit of olive oil, then add 6 cups of water. bring to a boil, add in peas, meat, a bit of potatoes, spices and seasonings, and you got a nice stew going. bring to simmer, leave covered for an hour

for me? Its boomer anthems, ballads, and of course great big sea

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Put all that into a cup of bleach and drink

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Saute in semen

>bulju crashing his nhl career with no survivors

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trips and you break your rule

God I wish that was my hand

holy fuck i never knew about this james dolan guy, and he still owns the >rags? ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

fuck off back to /gif/ you mentally ill faggot


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>spontaneous seethe


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god has smiled on you... today


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Chopping some brown mushrooms /hoc/. I don't wipe off the shit because that's where the flavour is

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What are you going to do with them m8?

tfw a person kills themselves over 3 numbers

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finished Diablo 1 today.

Just woke up and read the latest bulju news

Huomenta did you get gary’s fax?

Gonna dice em up pretty finely and chuck them in a pan with some minced beef. About 2 parts beef 1 part mushroom. Little garlic little salt and a splash of red wine. Let it reduce and add it to my stockpot with my sofrito made from carrot, onion, and celery. Chuck in some chopped tomatoes, my pasta sauce, some thyme, oregano, basil, and a couple of bay leaves and some cracked black pepper. Simmer for a couple of hours and serve over spaghetti with some toasted ciabatta with garlic butter and parmesan. Got a nice Chilean red to go with it.

Hello no I traded my fax machine for a 24 pack of bonaqua

are you a chef? i used to work in a kitchen

Sounds delightful. Girl coming over to enjoy with you?

eat carrot with only three bites (chewing counts as bite)

re roll

can lafreniere be the next autism tier?

Attached: tier.png (1085x629, 517K)

I was a cook before going back to uni, still work in the kitchen part time.
Live in gf

fug, you arent messing around

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I'm capping this shit.

>Live in gf

and this is why she's living with you.

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Get ready

*sips* aahhhhh

for what?

for anything

It's in the pot lads. Always use a wooden spoon at home just like my gran
It's not really 2:1 beef/mushrooms it just kinda looks that way in the pan. Realistically it's about a pound of beef and 3 or 4 good sized mushrooms. I also wouldn't normally use 100% beef. Normally I'd use about 70 or 75% beef mince and the remainder would be bacon and some kind of sausage (chorizo or venison usually). The longer you can simmer the better.

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real pookcific hours

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Sup fags
Later on this year, most likely starting mid November, will be /hoc/ league 2019
>What is that
For those who know what the 4CC is, you'll know where I'm going with this
For those who don't, basically, Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 is modded enough to have wacky aesthetics where the players kick around a puck instead of a ball. 16 hockey related teams will compete in weekly games, streamed on thursdays. More information can be found here

This tournament doesn't have any real affiliation with this general, but if you would be interested in watching these teams battle it out, stay tuned for updates in the coming months

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Based NZ chef posting


based pook poster

endgame is kinda good

might be cool. i prefer simulating shit on nhl 19 though

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i mean i'd probably eat it

go canucks
go coyotes
go ducks
go flames
go kings
go knights
go oilers
go sharks

home for the night

go knights

Now show us finnish cuisine1.jpg

PES AI has some seriously hilarious spaghetti moments because Konami sucks at programming. Scorelines are also pretty close to NHL level scorelines
All in all it's just meant to be >fun shenanigans on thursday nights

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kek i knew it



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i've watched some of the /vg/ league games, it's not bad

Had some fat chick grab my dick at the bar tonight

rude desu

huomenta but the opposite

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how fat we talking

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pushing 200

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wow thats gross

grim. Did you scream rape

I grabbed her tit, turned 360 and walked away

still, sounds like a good recipe with minimal cost. I've been on a pretty tight budget for about a year and a half now, so I've been experimenting with stuff that is cheap, healthy, and tasty. I can't touch wheat due to my fucked gut, but it would work great with some of the gluten free crap that my body doesn't seem to hate.

Here, have a recipe on me. It's an old finnish traditional mexican bean dip recipe that's been in my family for, I dunno, like 20 years. It's not healthy, but it is pretty tasty. You can either use a glass or ceramic pie dish that can make a good-sized pie, or split it up between two of those smaller aluminum ones. You'll basically need 1 can of refried beans, 1 brick of cream cheese, 1-1/2 green peppers, 1 bunch of green onions, one jar of taco sauce, and as much shredded cheddar cheese as you want.
>spread the cream cheese on the bottom
>spread the refried beans on top (you usually have a bit extra leftover)
>coat that with most of the taco sauce (again, usually a bit leftover)
>chop up and add the green onion and green pepper over top
>shred up a bunch of cheddar
>bake at 350 for about 30 minutes
>let it stand for about 10 before eating

You can add some hot peppers if you want some spice. I usually add some garlic powder to give it a bit more flavor as it is kind of bland, but it's still pretty good on its own. If you can find some solid/strong nacho chips you can just scoop the dip with them and eat it like that, but a lot of them are weak these days. So you're probably better off just scooping it out with a spoon onto the nacho, and eating it that way instead.

for me? its wearing slippers and a shawl neck cardigan and shitposting by the netflix fire with a glass of wine because i dont have a real fireplace

just make 'ghetti, easy as fuck

Hmm, show me exactly where she touched you fren. Was it here? *grabs dick firmly and starts stroking it*

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>finnish traditional mexican bean dip recipe
hmm what did you mean by this

my mom's side of the family is finnish, and my aunt (who is a pretty fucking damn good cook) found this recipe about 20 years ago. It's been a staple at most of our christmas get togethers since then.

hey jakke

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just make the mirepoix already and stop wanking around

houmenta Mohammed

>playing hardball when you got zero leverage
high iq negotiating strategy

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does your christmas dinner include köttbullar?

of course! i thought we had mostly shared christmas traditions in finland and sweden?

trying to remember when i last made a hockey related post in /hoc/ but i'm coming up short

Based. Rarely even watch hockey tbqh lmao.

hockey is pretty gay if we're being honest

Stop funding this "research" New Zealand

virus, don't click

there will be repercussions for this

the world needs more black robots, dont be a technoracist

Imagine if the norm was that robots were black though.
>robots are made for involuntary servitude!
>you just painted it black because you want your own a slave like in the good old days!
>black robots are racist!
Living in grim times

good morn, /hoc/

I brought breakfast, but I didn't know Sealand as cooking for us today

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lol I know people who are unironically convinced servitude is why Siri et al. are female voices

>this russo article about fenton
ho lee fuck how did this man ever have a job managing anything?

does anyone have a sub to the athletic? i wannna read this article in full

dis one

thinkin' bout sips

Is there a region that causes as much seething as the Sun Belt?

the snowbelt because of the sunbelt

>well-run organization for 20 years
>won four (4) playoff series, ever
If the Blue Jackets didn't exist, the Wild would be the worst franchise of all time

Huomenta lads, just got back home from my cruise

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good morning knights and nucks nation

The wild are worse though. Gross overpayments for old men, the worst contract in the modern NHL (dipietro is close), barely any postseason success against teams.

you can read three (3) articles per month for free in their mobile app

>tfw you don't have a mega pussi of taffel sips

Attached: taffel sips.jpg (640x480, 111K)

>mega pussi
Finland = Swedes confirmed

literally just woke up

>tfw don't have the sips apu saved

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Yeah me too
Do you get the long weekend?

Does garlic bread count as bread?

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You call that a megapussi?
THIS is a megapussi

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You mean this one?

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b&r, thank you fren

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>woke up at 6 on the first day of the long weekend

is that a famas? he should be holding an rk95 desu

haha what

>is that a famas?
lol no, the FAMAS has a very distinctive shape
it looks like an M4, or some other similar AR-15 variant

im no snemators son

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how to become finnish senator

threw together a sub, end result 5/5 very delicious
>chicken breast
>caramellized onion
>little bit of chopped raw red onion
>green bell pepper
>honey mustard
>few drops of mustardy hot sauce

shall make a good base to booze over

makes me want a pubsub now

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What fanbase has the most annoying fans per capita?
Over on *the boards* it's most definitely jew jersey fans atm. I actually like seeing greases posts after seeing a jew jersey fan make an awful post on *the boards*.
Speaking of grease, come home white man.

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kinda want to get a jersey with the number 69 and a nameplate that says "DAB"


Francine 4:69

I unironically want to get a jersey with a nameplate that says "THIRTEEN" and the number 50.

kina want to get a jersey with the number 55 and a nameplate that says "DUMBA"

>not FOURTEEN and 88

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>1. Ur team
>2. Ur sister club

1. New Jersey Devils
2. Cardiff Devils.

Who else excited to see the Macarthur/Callahan/Gaborik line? That's going to be dynamic.

Sheffield Steelers

Kölner Haie

Being Gay
Xheattle Dickgirls

Arizona Coyotes
Whichever KHL team has the most racist fans

Carolina Hurricanes
JYP Jyväskylä / Lethbridge Hurricanes

>Ontario plate
Explains why the goalie looks like such a fuckin queer


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Ted here
Based polish beer

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How bout a Michelob ultra you fat fuck

Based edition

Your thumb looks like a chode.
What is wrong with your bodily proportions.

How bout my cock in your mouth faggot

jesus christ you're a fat fuck
how much for a six pack?

good luck, you stoned queer
I'm behind seven proxies

It was $2 for a pint
So I’d say about $8 for a 6er

How bout your ass in my face bitch


lmao ted has such a weird body

I found out a friend of a friend's sister was from columbus and I've been livid for WEEKS. Ted's done this all himself. You've exacerbated my mental illness from across the fucking continent and rather than accept de-constructive criticism on your pre-eng sized waistline, you suggest a gay routing.

My job has been completed I shall now leave for ever

Thank the heavens

Why don't people like staying in Columbus? Ohio can't be that bad right?

Sam, get help.
Forget about anything else around you, any comparisons that you might want to draw or excuses you might make, and just do this for yourself.

Attached: morgan.png (565x510, 599K)

Hockey X

pretend that theres checkmarks in front of the two first words

Attached: dn3mx-bxuainf87.jpg (1080x1080, 192K)

Hahahahah. Fat fucking Ted lumbering into his dad's room like the jackets won a series
>I'm moving out. 4 months a year up in Akron
I mean obviously the guy hasn't actually posted pictures from his "apartment" for months and he's dumber than a sack of shit so theres always the possibility he dropped out; and FUCK the zips. I'm getting off topic. See. I can't even come here to collect myself when he's posting pictures because even when he manages to not catch the filthy background, it's only because his enormous disfigured body is taking up most of the screen

I have an elite prospects page but my stats are bad so I never talk about it.

Sam, stop focusing on Ted. Worry about yourself.

ted is sturdy

I was scouted by the USNTDP and got invited to some of their training camps, but I had to stop going because my family was too poor.

>tfw no hokki

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Man that sucks.

The pictures not blurry they're just holographic logo stickers I found

Attached: Prrrr.png (999x718, 553K)

Just heard about Ohio :/ damn that shit sucks

Name's not kevin.

you boys not watching the summer showcase?

what happened in Ohio? All I see is a Walmart shooting in El Paso

is the current u20 sweden - finland game part of the summer showcase? if so, yes


Hows the ice?


How can a thread filled with so many finns have such shit memes?
Is it because of the canadians and americans ? It must be the case

Those poor bastards


>drinking pils
>not lager

pils is a type of lager

Attached: staropramen_coaster.jpg (900x900, 173K)

>wake up
>another active mass shooter in the usa
jesus christ

Mass shootings is American culture.

basically a form of patriotism for them to shoot up a walmart

why are you so fat

it truly is

Times where McDavid and the Oilels got exposed?
I'll start

What's happening, Halifax?...
>what's good?

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got me some new type of DUDE at the state store last night, about to roll a big ass 2 paper joint for 4:20

Your mom keeps making me eat when I plow her box.

fuck me that was a sweet backhander
Hadnt heard about colin wilson until now

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Thoughts on Tero taking over the Finnish decadence tube scene and dethroning Upi?


offseason /hoc/? more like inseason /cric/

/cric/ gay

Attached: shit.jpg (789x575, 63K)

offseasonhoc is ded

>two bong and twenty five bing until leafegg
two weeks until college season starts
Go Broncos

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summer /hoc/ gay /hoc/



for me it's boston college

haven't been in /hoc/ since free agency opened still fucking gay i presume


It just got gayer

bc eaglefan?
in Finlan?
sweet, we can compare play against the Seminoles this year =D

/cric/ is /hoc/s bitch

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I'll most likely just be statwatching unless they happen to show the games on onhockey dot tv. >my team has a bunch of prospects on that team so that's why I'm interested.
Ben Finkelstein, Spencer Knight and Logan Hutsko

iall seasons /cric/ is inseason /hoc/'s bitch

>being non-white in Finland.jpg

Attached: 089804.jpg (563x115, 7K)

are you the flames, avs or mild fan?

sweet.. I also follow Frozen Four and mostly Ivy League /hoc/
>for strange reasons


9/11 nevö foget

So many fucked up people on this site. Glad all my /hoc/ frens are decent beans that would NEVER shoot up anything (besides a net).

all /hoc/ disputes, should there be any, are to be settled with fists only

i shot your mother's pussy with my dick

we just had a shooting is Boise yesterday
So fucking tired of this shit.. alot of my friends from the service are wearing the badge now
Feel horrible for them

brains, not brawn

based and wholesome /hoc/ post

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That's because /hoc/ is full of fully functioning healthy people.

Fridays are ferda Boise

Attached: 1543252299724.png (1251x610, 1.45M)

/hoc/ is the most based and fonctionnal board on 4channels

Kino in 10 bings lads.

that's grate

>be an individual of the american variety
>go to shop food at local market
>get shot

based. thanks

This guy I know got shot at the garlic festival. True story.

the Seattle Skidaddles

Attached: 1541137932607.gif (550x550, 75K)

>Blue Jacket dudes are here.
based gimi

why didnt any of the rednecks bring their own gun and stand their ground? dont most rednecks have wetdreams about those situations?

based gimi hes probably like "wtf is this"

Was anyone praying for the victims just now?
>I was

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it was a city near San Francisco
tech valley people

el paso is in cali?

>el paso
>near san francisco
are you retarded?

sorry, thought he was referencing the Gilroy thing
>shutting the fuck up now

whos that with gimi and kek? sort of looks like dick rash

>el paso
american education

he said something about a market and I thought he referencing the Gilroy shooting
Fuck you

>such a warzone that user thought he was referencing the most recent shooting
>a week ago

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this will never work

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just face it lad, you're retarded

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whats going to happen after bionic bulju destroys the finnish league?

Attached: bulju.png (284x481, 211K)

Attached: 1545250660735.jpg (1564x1564, 639K)

oh, he may destroy some things...
probably already got a girl locked down, young successful dude like Pulju

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he will murder the pm of binlan

>this man walks up and steals your gf at the club
what do

Attached: 2027858_.jpg (1140x763, 57K)

he's the special assistant of GM

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chug my bonnaqua

Thank him.

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speak to him in english until he cries and runs out of town

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Attached: 1547511560359.jpg (800x800, 68K)

Bring back stick fights

pulju is alpha though. he would heem the shit out of you.

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eating ass sounds disgusting

I've heard varying tales

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eat this

Attached: 1559411722927.jpg (480x480, 45K)

True. You just want to lick it not actually eat.

oh wait, that's goat
>i think


Fuck Colorado State and FUCK Joey Porter

>eating the GOAT ass



Attached: 1540555309756.png (640x960, 749K)

Stop fucking posting you dumb fucking retard.

here's how to eat ass for you virgins

Attached: 1535009098168.jpg (750x497, 74K)

Is that a laffs jersey

so its like licking the inside of a bong


do you think he keeps it tidy down there?

Attached: GOAT.jpg (1800x1200, 214K)

App state fans still suck. Not gonna support them.

Who wants to eat my ass?

jesus fucking christ think about all the shit going into your mouth. Fucking hell this is not something normal people do.

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just cleaned my smoking apparatus but didn't wait long enough so whenever I take a hit it tastes like isopropyl alcohol

Attached: 1557731577231.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

maybe go for a run instead? ever think of that.

why didn't you wash the iso off?

confirmed, user has a go for a run

Attached: 1540248874224.png (403x526, 234K)

why are north americans so obsessed with Dude all the time?
Just drink alcohol like god wills it

running with a glass bong in your hands isn't recommended

We smoke dude while drinking.

>be american
>get shot

hungover tbf

god made DUDE, man made beer

Attached: 1543568505225.jpg (1125x1102, 259K)

in god we trust

some one is getting it ready right?

Scaaaar btw

I am not



you don't go for a run with a bong pothead. that stuff is turning your brain to mush.

i'm claiming this 500th post for the Boston Bruins

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