These are officially the top 5 wrestlers of all time, how does that make you feel?

These are officially the top 5 wrestlers of all time, how does that make you feel?

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Eddie doesn't deserve to be anywhere near those guys.

Not fair: Stone Cold was pretty good. But yeah, they're miles ahead of the other three shitters.

>The only person ahead of Y2J is his childhood idol

What the fuck I thought Canada produced the best wrestlers?

>HBK #1

Replace Michaels with The Undertaker, replace Jericho with The Rock, put Triple H in the number 3 slot, replace Eddie with Ric Flair, and this list is perfect.

To this day, how WWE AND WCW managed to screw up someone as talented & popular as Jericho is beyond me

shawn has the same height as cena?
eddie, carder and jericho are too high
Good thing there aren't gooks in the list, just guys that had their peak in the big leagues

According to who?

If Eddie never died he wouldn't be here. He wouldn't be on anybody's top 5s or top 10s.

Cope, Rock wasn't even higher than NXT shitters. Flair didn't make the top 50, HHH had a score of 8.67 which wouldn't even make the top 100

No., the largest wrestling website on the internet. Basically Metacritic for Wrestling

>Rock wasn't even higher than NXT shitters
So the list is null and meaningless

>the largest wrestling website
That's friend. WWE ranks Chris Jericho at #25. THAT is the official ranking.

Eddie is wrestling's Heath Ledger


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>Vanilla midget

Gay list.

Rest of the list after these 5
> 6. Kurt Angle - 946
> 7. Edge - 944
> 8. Daniel Bryan - 944
> 9. CM Punk - 944
> 10. Bret "Hitman" Hart - 943
> 11. Ricky Steamboat - 939
> 12. Mr. Perfect - 935
> 13. Owen Hart - 931
> 14. Cesaro - 931
> 15. Terry Funk - 929

Why does everyone call Jericho the 2nd best of all time now? Is it simply his AEW run?

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They fucked up Austin, jericho and Eddie

This is why normal people don't watch wrestling. I hate every single person alive

Agree, Austin was a fantastic techinical wrestler. But they limited him to a Brawler & booked him to win every time when he was always willing to drop the belt when it made sense for the fans
Eddie was the one who refused to be champion

Texas is confirmed best producer of wrestlers?

Don't you pathetic Texans have anything better to do than Wrestling?


> Cena has a lower score than The Miz (7.27)
Holy fuck, is he really THAT bad?

>> 6. Kurt Angle - 946
>> 7. Edge - 944
> 13. Owen Hart - 931
> 14. Cesaro - 931

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Oh so it’s not official, good to know

Not a dime except for Austin

Cope, Cena is rated lower than The Miz. Buzzwords mean nothing

>drawing money which is the goal is a "buzzword"
>Cena is rated lower than the Miz
Nice to know Cagematch can be dismissed as brainlets.

How the fuck does Perc Angle not deserve it?

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Top 6? Definitely not. Top 20 is more reasonable.

Gook shit! LMAO

>anti draw
>anti draw
>ugly ass anti draw
>anti draw

Now here’s Yea Forums‘s top 6
> 1. Angle
> 2. Savage
> 3. Jericho
> 4. Austin
> 5. Styles
> 6. HBK

I agree with Shawn Michaels. Who cares about the rest

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your right Owen should be much higher.

This, anyone saying that best wrestler is not between stone cold, the rock, hbk and flair is just bogus or an iliterate

Where's The Rock? Where's Mick Foley? Where's Triple HHH?

>3 pillars then tsuruta
based 90s AJPW

>the absolute shanty town of tauetty

>most votes was 1635

If you polled Reddit, you would get 100k plus votes which is more indicative of a real top 5 wrestlers of all time list.

No Rock or Hogan? I really doubt HBK or Undertaker should be in the top 5

Owen had only a handful of memorable promos, and his look was below average most of the time. Purely grading on match quality though I'd be inclined to agree with you.

>no terra ryzin
>no hunter hearst helmsley
>no the game
>no hunter
>no the king of kings
>no cerebral assassin
>no dx
>no on your knees doug
>no triple h
Fuck your "official" list OP

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Why didn’t Jim Londos come out?

>jericho on there
>but not the rock
I'm not one of those guys who says Jericho was a nobody shitter who dosen't belong near the top 10 but no fucking way is he a bigger deal than any of the people below him on that list. The only feud he had that I can even name off the top of my head is the one he had with Triple H and I'm pretty sure he got buried there.

jericho was a visionary in that he saw way back in the late 90s that feeding meltzer info will make him shill you to the iwc and get them to like you.


Satan has spoken

>Taker has the same rating as Jericho with 300 more votes
>Not ahead

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No, this is.

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His feud with HBK was greatness.

jericho as first ever undisputed world champion was pretty much was the moment we realized we were never gonna recover from the invasion and left the product in the shitter for the past 18 odd years. We can fuck him off by default for a start.

I'm taller than 4 of those guys. Do I have what it takes?

>Triple HHH

>Implying Miz hasn't made more off his brand than Cena's wimpy cut of the merch sales (if he even gets one)

Who the fuck is Chilly Willy?

Where is The Fiend Bray Wyatt?

WCW got all its best stars pre-established, the exception being Goldberg who's gimmick was just to never lose by squashing everyone which is the easiest booking imaginable