I hope everyone who supports Roma gets his eyes gouged out...

I hope everyone who supports Roma gets his eyes gouged out, every one of his limbs torn and his corpse raped until every one of his orifices is filled with nigger semen, then his body parts delivered to his family members.

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why Roma?

Have sex

Not surprised that a turkroach rape babby is this violent.

are you the mad greek of sp?

Have sex


>eyes gouged out
based and byzantine pilled

ABL's are now ABR's?

Europe everybody

any right wingers in the UK fancy doing that to me, a filthy communist fag

I'll start with you

that's why i support Lazio in Italy.

Fucking Tite! Call Luis Felipe as defender of Brazil before Italy do it.



Does anyone haz the picture with the same white suit but instead of a smug frog it's this froggy nin picrel

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blessed post

What did Roma do this time.

Roma Chads report in

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conquered Greece over 2000 years ago


Greece conquered Italy most recently tho.
They even repelled them in WW2 to boot.

Italy defeated Greece in ww2. German intervention was just to counter British intervention

and that's a good thing

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