Milwaukee Brewers @ Chicago Cubs Official Gamethread

>Milwaukee Brewers
1. Lorenzo Cain (R) CF
2. Christian Yelich (L) RF
3. Keston Hiura (R) 2B
4. Yasmani Grandal (S) 1B
5. Ryan Braun (R) LF
6. Mike Moustakas (L) 3B
7. Manny Pina (R) C
8. Orlando Arcia (R) SS
9. Zach Davies (R) P

>Chicago Cubs
1. Jason Heyward (L) CF
2. Nicholas Castellanos (R) RF
3. Kris Bryant (R) 3B
4. Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
5. Javier Baez (R) SS
6. Kyle Schwarber (L) LF
7. Willson Contreras (R) C
8. David Bote (R) 2B
9. Jose Quintana (R) P

Game Notes
▩ Start Time: 1:20pm CST
▩ Gametime Temp: 79°F
▩ Chance of Precip: 0%
▩ Chicago Cubs optioned 2B Robel Garcia to Iowa Cubs.
▩ Chicago Cubs signed free agent OF Luis Berelleza to a minor league contract.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope brewers fans are nicer than the methinals fans were...I was holding back tears at their shitposting last gamethread. Shameless, classless organization and fans. Racist and homophobic too.

>Grandal starting at 1B
LOL why did they even trade Aguilar? like, you have Thames, you have Shaw, but you're gonna take your catcher (who's a pretty good framer) and play him at FIRST

>Brewers fans

no such thing, at least on Yea Forums


Go Cubbies!


Pay up Binny~

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Neither of these teams deserve the playoffs. Cubs are awful for how much money they're spending and the Brewers are regressing hard. Just give the Cardinals the division already ffs

Both these teams would whip the Cardinals so just sit down you lil goofboi

Excuse me kind sir, you are sitting in my seat.

Time for Schwarber!!

Scuba fans are pure cancer

Can't wait for the methinals to crash and burn because their current run is unsustainable.


cardinals general? Flaherty dominated you stupid fucks



and Willy got c*cked....



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caratini should be the

everyday catcher

Uh no

Protect the Lead, Quint

That's a terrible idea.

t. maddon

why are you still the manager again??

And here comes the psychopath roider

quint getting lucky early


Someone test him for roids, again.

based roid man just sent quintana back to his native mexico

alec mills warming up in the pen

good recovery by cucktana

booooooooooooo braunie!!!!

I thought we sent that doofus down to AAA?

Q is from basado Colombia

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>got one-hit by a guy with an ERA near 4
Scuba kek

same thing. these spics need to learn their place

Racists like you should go back to Wisconsin.

>scubas made no deadline moves
>bryant and rizzo regressing
>best pitcher would be the #3 on the brewers
>no shutdown bullpen arm like hader

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>letting nonwhites ruin your clubhouse culture


and you wonder why all the old players hate baez and his antics

Shut the fuck up you lil bitchboy



>>best pitcher would be the #3 on the brewers

Darvish would be the booers ace

The Heyward luck stat procs again.

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how does he do it?

Being jealous of Baez

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woodruff > darvish

darvish has like a 5.3 era my man............................

>tfw my boyfriend is a cubs fan and I’m a brewers fan
>tfw every time we play, whoever’s team wins the game gets to be on top that night
Anybody else have any friendly rivalry bets they place?

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Hi. I am still here. Somewhat in the mire, but I am still here. Over these last 2 days I watched so many of you quietly enter the marshland with me, waist deep in the water and bog. I can feel you, in a silence and heartbreak without shame. I can hear you saying fuck you BAJP they traded your bro Bauer. Let me carry some of that for you.

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its more like 4.5 but that was a joke

seriously though
Hendricks > Woodruff
higher WAR, lower ERA, lower WHIP

btw, you are Loved

Darvish has been pitching better, he's going to crush you when he gets run support

Is this mudshark ever going to stop being funny?
>i mean, look at her shirt ! how did he not know !!!???

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Bro, you don't even own GUCCI loafers so fuck off

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>pantherella socks
>not just wearing baseball socks

I didn't want that Rizzo at bat to end just to see where that conversation on raging, batting helmets and food would go.

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I'm white, i wear one color new balance. the official shoe of white people


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finally, were hitting home runs with runners on base

Pfffft, get a load of this city slicker

I bet you don’t even wear the Made in the USA new balance

If I have to pick one player I want to do well on the cubs it's either baez or willy. anyway, the cubs are a lot like eating a lobster. get the sp out, then feast on the meaty insides of the bullpen.

Baez is such a high IQ player.
Remember that time Garrett wanted to fight him but didn't have the balls to approach because Baez kept his bat?

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nice inning extension!

>2 outs with 2 on
>pitcher batting
now this is baseball

Time for Q to aid his own cause with a base hit.

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ritchers who pake

Can we pls never leave wrigley


That was a glorious hit.

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Como say "rake" in Colombian?

>9th career hit

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Based Schwarber

Damn wind robbing Heyward of a 3 run homer.

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>narrating what happened in a game that everyone here is already watching along with posting a image of some retarded looking cartoon
what the fuck is wrong with you guys are you literally in elementary school or some shit

ffffff so close for heyward...deepest part of the park

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Why would Cain bitch about the basket? It's not like he can climb the ivy and brick wall to steal a home run like he can at his own meme park.

What are we supposed to talk about? Everybody got mad discussing Gucci loafers.

does he even know how to bartend?

They will NEVER EVER win the World Series

Dumb fuck

WTF is rake, the sweeping thingy?

Yeah Im skipping grade 2 dont tell my mom shes at work

post fancy German cars

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he doesn't know how to hit or play LF but he still does those.

user issues a challenge to the dullahanfag! Everyone is waiting in anticipation! What will come next!!

>Doesn't know how to hit

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Imagine being such a cuck you don't see a problem with your wife walking around in a shirt with another guy's face on it, especially when that other guy is a nigger. OH NO NO NO WHAT A RETARD.


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BAJP you don't even know how to cook so stop talking shit. Your idea of cooking is ordering 3 buono beefs, cracking open a few cans of soda, and just being an absolute slob spilling beef and sauce everywhere.

This roastie is a regular poet laureate.

forgot castellanos was in right
>Castle Anus

yeah, for leaves

Quintana takes out Grandal, Braun and Moustakas like they were nothing for another 1-2-3 to get through the 4th!

One more inning for Q to qualify for the win
Good guys lead 4-1

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Is anyone else getting lots of Outback Steakhouse ads on It's making me HUNGRY.

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>8.5 t0 11 sock sized footlet.
Do you get to hit up on any dancers in that Bolshoi Ballet Company you're working at?

homers under 400 ft don't count

Outback isn't that good tbqh.

who's face is she wearing?

Castellanos uses the Heyward luck stat!

What should we be talking about then faggot

Oh, it's "rastrillo"

>jap fielding

lyl thanks keston

reggae legend and huge soccer fan, Snoop Lion

Json, a cardinal fan, and literally the black guy she was fucking.

>Chitcongo literal cuckbs

Baseball, do a play by play of the game.

Your waifu is shit. SHIT!

First umpball of the game.

Haven't eaten there since Slick Willy was president. Not convinced the ads are working.

why do people like rizzo

he's white

He's the best lead off pitcher in baseball

user's next challenge is against me! he thinks he knows but he's sorely mistaken! will user overcome his greatest shame?!

im just glad it's not a blooming onion as well

true, but if youre on a roadtrip or some piece of shit town with no trustworthy restaurants it's a safe choice.

Dang it Castellanos

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Castle Anus got too cheeky there..

>Italian beef

its obvious

I watch on a rebroadcasted stream from online and they always have 1 second ad looped of outback steakhouse food

Cucktana will implode soon

>im just glad it's not a blooming onion as well

It's bloomin onion coated fried chicken, they've got whole bloomin' onion themed menu with stuff like bloomin' topped sirloins.

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Bilasport FTW.

Quintana looking like early season form.

Is he back, bros?

I fucking hope so

>Davies done

hes historically good vs. MIL

i havnt been there in about 4 years, but i'd definitely try a steak and chicken combo especially if the chicken was coated in that sauce that comes with the onion.

>hispanic asks what a rake is
You people do landscaping and u don't know what a rake is?

That ball is still going today

member when I said hendricks was better than Q and someone argued with me? I want that someone to apologize profusely.

Quintana gets through the 5 inning with 74 pitches.
He now qualifies for the win, quality start up next.

>JD being analytics to Rock, Scissors, Paper.

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He's not white. He's sicilian, which means he's a nigger.

Q is looking better than Hendricks. So I accept your profuse apology.

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>tfw no Outback Steak House in Canada

Cain gets so assmad when he hits easy pop-flies

>hendricks was better than Q


hendricks gave up zero the other day though.

It's weird to think about how well Milwaukee is doing with Miami's roster.

>Against the Cardinals

just admit you are wrong and I won't have to carry this on

Baez! 3-3 with a lead off double!

Watch Q go scoreless through 7 and you can eat your shame.
Only your negativity will stop it.

i got a free gtx 1080ti with 8gigs of vram today and i only play r6 Siege and Company of Heroes. feels like such a waste of potential, why does most vidya have to suck cock these days?

LOL you made my afternoon posting that scene
>"the sicilian women did so much fucking...."
It fits so well with Julianna Zoblacked posting in full force.

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What should I order for lunch/dinner bros?

Ultra High IQ play by Baez

beg for forgiveness and this won't have to be an issue. We can both carry on with our days, you will be a better man for it too.

scubas can have this game, we have a real pitcher tomorrow (gio gonzalez)

Fielder's choice by Contreras, but Baez scores!

That was a Baez run all the way.

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If Q blows this, your hubris is the cause. Remember that well.

Shut up Scuba kek.

baez basado

besides Yelich, what ex-marlins do they have?

bred & butter

Successful sac bunt for Q!
Contreras and Bote advance!

The virgin scubas

the chad Red Birds


>More RISP
At least Baez's base running got us a run.

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Hamels is back tomorrow somthat doesnt mean much

its time for yelich to school this kid!

ok, but if he doesn't then it is a sign I'm right and that Q is trying to get better to become as good as hendricks

castellanos has been busy today

Pretty good day for Q, good batting too

I accept your apology.

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q is back and better than ever

Q through 6 with 82 pitches.
Quality start might be in the books.

>Gets schooled by Bryant

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Anyone else but me get excited when they found out Strop was put on the IL?

Let's Hope kimbrel doesn't blow the W!

Just showing off my latest shoe purchase, they're Ferragamos. DEAL WITH IT.

lucky hit by nick

First hit at Wrigley Field for Castellano is a lead off double!

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If you were a baseball player what bling would you wear?

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You can act like a man!
t. Godfather

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kristina is garbage latley

This is the one thing i hate about mlb players, the uniforms are so cool then they have a giant heathing jesus chain, or better yet a rosary lmao

I'd wear a section of green garden hose.

alright, you win. I am so sorry. I can't take it anymore


Rizzo overcomes umpball for a base hit!
Castellano advances to 3rd!

Here comes Baez!

ear rings
chains and necklaces get in the way too much

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Fielder's choice for Baez, but he beats out the throw to first and Castellano scores!

And some El mago magic to make it to 3rd!

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Schwarber gets a walk!
I want to see Baez steal home.

schwarbie with the walks!

>71 mph

nasty changeup

we always own conteraras

>Contreras strikes out
Ooooh, that really sucks.

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>1 Home Run, two doubles
>3 RBIs, two runs
>a stolen base
>toying with the waukee fielders ALL DAY

jave a day, Javy!

Beaz would have gotten the tag.

>That whole scene of Baez trying to motion to Schwarber to take as big a lead as possible.
Cubs should have tried to have let Schwarber steal 2nd. Boors would have eaten it.

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>Q getting pulled
This is all your fault.


>bullpen with 0 outs and RISP

and if they didnt, schwarbie would have gotten a SB
nice quads

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Wick has been one of the better stories about the pen.

I made a mistake

Meh, Bryant made the only play he could.
The cheater scores.

true, a steady mid-relief guy

Everyone wanted to see Baez steal home, but I understand why Schwarber was pensive about taking a huge lead off since he's not the fastest base runner and didn't want to risk getting picked off to end the inning.

>Wick limits the damage to 1 run
>That classic Murray showmanship

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finally a decent take me out to the ballgame

He's done it before.

He was great in God Bless America.

>imagine being gay

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Bote walking and getting hit all day, not that i have a problem with it

Time for Heyward to get a base hit and get that run right back.

These threads are so much more comfortable when the good guys are leading.

Heyward walks!
Runners on 1st and 2nd with one out!
Here comes Castellanos!

castellanos at the plate swing and a miss at a slider on the outside corner!

bryant steps out of the batters box! 0-0 count pitch incoming!

he had great contact on that flyout, fagan braunie made a nice catch to rob him

In field base hit by Bryant!
Bases are loaded for Rizzo!

jfc the sewers are fucking terrible

big hack by rizzo! 2-2 count!

Rizzo fouls to stay alive!
Still 2-2

full count bases loaded 2 outs bottom of the 7th! what will rizzo do?!

It feels like we're losing with all those LOB.

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a swing and a miss on a slider 86 mph! missed opportunity!

how many times can they leave the bases loaded, lmao

thats two times now we've had the bases loaded with 2 outs and couldnt capitalize
yet, in spite of those 8 LOBs, we have 6 runs...

13 lobs thru 7

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yelich gonna blow his hit streak today

What are the Umps trying to screw with the Cubs with now?

Well gang, we're up to our baseball bats in another mystery.

That glove is illegal!

RIP hit streak


Yelich hit streak ogre!

>Kintzler smokes Yelich
Confirmed Miller Park Baby

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Kintzler should have been pitching the 8th since mid May.

It was only 2 K's.
Also his on base streak is BTFO too.

How hilarious would it be if Baez gets a solo shot homer right here?

what the fuck is this - a tenchi muyo?


>Ryan to close the game with a 4 run lead
Let's keep this clean.


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Ryan has been decent lately, not worried

3 outs left boys

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>tfw the entire NL central sux donkey balls

>First walk of the game
Time to PANIC

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Make that 1 to go.

perfect ground ball pitch

4-6-3 Double play!

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woo yeah woohooo

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um WTF do you think ur doin there

Kill urself fag

sorry guys

GG, Broors.

Cubs offense had trouble plating runs, but got just enough to get the job done.
Q had another lights out performance and outside of Ryan being a little shaky, the pitching was great

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[W] forgiven this time

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have a good long weekend everybody!

I included the K from his name

thats ok vro you had no idea

[vv]oo yeah [vv]oohoo

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The Republican President Curse.

Boy does that image bring back some memories.

never should've let him go

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Les Enfants Terribles

Based Almora flipping off Trump

GG Cusb
Got b& in the 7th inn for rizzoposting

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Facts are facts.

>Be unironically racist.
>Blame Rizzo
Hope you get another one for ban evasion phone poster

Anyone else miss the red/blue cap? I wish they would wear them for away games in grey jerseys ;\