I thought it might be Will Ospreay because he does all the flippy wippy but sometimes he gets dem reddit boys pissy pissy because he's mean on Twitter. Then you have MJF who's basically a meme heel and they all love everything he does because he's such a great heel and does le funny faces so I think he is the most reddit wrestler in the industry right now.
Who's the most reddit wrestler ?
It's clearly Scott "le funny math promo" Steiner
Will Asspray. They love that ballet shit.
It's Gargano, Cole and Ciampa, in that order
It's everyone I don't like.
Adam Cole/NXT is reddit
wtf is a reddit wrestler you absolute gaylord
Sami Zayn
A wrestler I don't like.
ok the proof is here
Adam Cole is officially le reddit guy
Johnny Reddit
second place, Adam Cole
Love the guy, but Naito. Guy brings the Reddit/Puro Twitter crowd like no other.
Orange Cassidy
>Orange Cassidy
huge potential to be a top reddit guy, but for now Gargano is king
totally forgot this guy
you're right
maybe not the hottest reddit guy overall but he's the reddit guy of the moment for sure
are they at least into wrestling enough to have watched early 90s scott when he was actually good?
Whichever WWE simp "deserves" to be pushed better. Last year it would have been Kofi. Right now it's The Fiend I guess.
this guy without question
i dont go on reddit so i don't know
it's cassidy
Tony is such a mark
before the ppv the guy i disliked most was mjf, now ive softened on him, because of this freaking hack. Cassidy is the biggest freaking reddit simp of a wrestler ive ever seen.
Gargano by a country mile
Top 5 reddit wrestlers in no order
>Adam Cole
Shout out to the Young Cucks and Chuck Taylor
Cant argue with this.