Brian Last thinks Lana is the most attractive in the WWE

>Brian Last thinks Lana is the most attractive in the WWE
>Cornette almost gets a stroke and says Liv Morgan is best girl
We did it, Livchads.

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Did Brian Last quickly change his opinion to align with Cornette's

Not surprised Corny didn't say Naomi

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The hottest is Zelina Vega but every time she smiles like the Joker she deranks herself. Then Maryse is the new temporary #1 until Zelina closes her mouth.

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I want to shoot a load up each of her nostrils.

Zelina looks like an angry mom. I guess some people are into that.

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"she reminds me....don't know how to otherwise says this, she is not as cosmetically pleasing as Selena De La Renta"

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this is what corny finds attractive.

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Explains why he thinks Bea is attractive.

She was probably hot when she was youn... nevermind

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she smol

No wonder Corny hates Meltzer. Cornette has always been a geek and married a fat pig of a wife while Meltzer is a Chad with a Stacey wife.

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oh no no no dude look at that face

Meltzer's wife mogs him with her gigantic head kek


>the chad has an ugly wife and fucks hot bitches on the side because he's a millionaire
>the virgin bigass head horseface wife man who clearly settled and is loyal to his one womeme
Looks like Corny wins again boys

Look like Brit Baker. Yummy!

I mean I'll admit she's definitely more attractive than Jim's hampig but. . .

Hotter than anything you faggots could pull

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Cornette isn't a millionaire. He's never even had steady work. He's a D list YouTube celebrity at best.

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Based Jim worth more than most of the GayEW roster.

>Wrestling fan
>Getting worked by a website
Makes sense. How the fuck do the good people of know what Jim is worth?


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If she lost like 80lbs, she wouldn't be half bad.

If his estimated net worth is 5 million, he's at least a millionaire. Keep coping, Meme Meltzerdrone.

It also says his profession is a commentator and wrestling promoter. Kek

Why would you believe anything on there? I bet you wouldn't if it said his net worth was 500k right? You're getting worked user.

That's what he's known for being. Why ya cryin', kiddo? Does it hurt your feelings to know that based Corny is worth more than you'll make in your entire pitiful life?

He's known by who got being worth that? Fucking marks these days.

>He's known by who got being worth that?
Holy broken English. What the absolute fuck did this retard mean by this?

Why does Cornette's networth mean so much to you? You seem really passionate about this, Jim.