Walk in to dentist for a checkup

>walk in to dentist for a checkup
>see this
what do?

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Drone strike it


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Cum in pant

Flirt with her

>Opens mouth
>She hooks my mouth and locks me on the seat
>Starts bullying me for working in Starbucks and having too many hamburgers
>She won't stop
>Keeps bullying and telling how useless I am
>I have no chance of leaving or try talking back
>Start to tear up
>Start getting erection
t. Tony's wet dream

Ask to see a male dentist I don't trust women to do anything right.

Nothing. I'm not some autist with no self control.


Let’s play dentist; first I knock you out and then I fill all your cavities.

Who is this? I've been going to the same dentist for over ten years and this isn't her. She isn't even in scrubs.

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Not enough dogs to be his wet dream.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

Schiavone's wet dream, not Khan

Ah, I see

Why is the Doc letting street walkers into his practice?

Play it cool but fap and coom when I got home

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have her kick and stomp all the teeth out of my mouth and then have me fitted for dentures but only if I gum her bare feet three times a week

God I wish she did JOI customs
