Joey Ryan

What was he thinking at this moment?

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>Don't cry, Joey, don't cry. You don't need her, she needs you. And when she realised that she does, I'll be waiting here

>not posting the version with the JUST haircut and the clap emoji on Gargano's thigh

Ya blew it

One of the most pathetic persons (on his personal life) to ever wrestle.

Not even lying, Joey is taller and better looking than him, wtf was Candice thinking.

"Welp, I just lost the girl of my dreams, but at least it's not as bad as Cody's new tattoo."

Can I get a quick run down?

someone post this, ive never seen it

Sup Joey?

Joey Cryin' Ryan has a terminal case of oneitis for Gorgonzola's wife


Is Joey Ryan wrestling's Jenna Fischer?

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Well his wife is right there. They've since divorced (I think), but at the time I'm sure he was pretty happy.

She's probably thinking that at least the little one doesn't play with his dick in bingo halls and ruin his chance at earning a decent paycheck.

Joey and Gargano are both cucks for lusting after this whore that swallowed half the PWG locker room. Gargano of course is slightly worse for actually marrying her.

Taking a photo with your Girl Friends Ex Boyfriend... Johnny Gargano is rhe very definition of Soi Boy faggot.

The funny thing is that Ryan wasn't Candice boyfriend at any point in time.

They were just a tag team bros nothing more get the facts straight


he was coping hard
sure joey

So he was just a friend-zoned little bitch that always hung around and let her cry on his shoulder until she ditched him to hop on another cock? KEK that's even worse!

>Please someone touch my pee pee!

>hey Candice, remember the good ol' times when I did that Kevin Steen cosplay? Come back to me please

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Did they? I mean Candice and Big Dimes Culkin, of course

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I come to this board to hear from all the CHADS ripping apart these lonely single guys. GET OVER HER DUDE FUCKING LOSER HAHAHAHAHA

Yes, while Joey cried and jerked off in the other room.


He was t though, that was just Kayfabe. People thought Joey was some pussy slayer because the porn star character, but he is just a simp