
honk honk edition

best bundes today!

Boycum - Bielefeld
Sandhouse - Osnabrück
Fauli - Greater Farth

Attached: 1529758714643.jpg (2592x1936, 639K)

Other urls found in this thread:

kohlchan.net/.media/92fdefdbc0a2c8994b5c685a352c0a5e-videomp4.mp4/dl/dreger what a difference a day makes.mp4

1nd for EffZeh

post the goat

Brazzo? Is'n Depp.


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Why doesn't Bayern just go for Dybala
Seems like Piemonte Calcio doesn't want him

because they already have 2 SS

he's bad, would love to see it though

>wenn ihr wüsstet
was he lying?

And sane is better than him?

>best bundes today
not true, tomorrow and on Sunday

Attached: bb.jpg (517x267, 29K)

> Buyern

More like Buynotern am i right?

I think so. Whenever I've seen Dybala he was Draxler-tier.

you can never have enough SS

haha YES

he funny

this just in: gnabry out, but coman in

smug piece of shit

Attached: csm_Hennes_1_010819_01_ebe977cb58.jpg (925x600, 262K)

Everybody's sleeping on Hansi fucking Flick. He is the true Granate we signed this summer.

Honestly I'm not sure anymore if sane is the right one guys

More like Handgeldern


Singh and Davies were the Granaten all along

>Sadi Singh war für die zweite Mannschaft vorgesehen, ich betone 'war'.
t. Nico Kovac


>Der FC Kopenhagen hat die Verpflichtung des Mallorquiners Pep Biel von Real Saragossa perfekt gemacht und damit einen neuen Transferhöchstwert für die ganze dänische Superligaen aufgestellt. Der 22-Jährige erhält einen Fünfjahres-Vertrag bis 2024.
>Mit der kolportierten Ablöse von 5 Millionen Euro bricht der Hauptstadtklub [...] seinen eigenen Transferrekord
Era of the LEO starts NOW!

Dortmund buy young talented Granätchen and make them into proper Granaten. Buynotern can't afford them.

So which club will be more successful in the next 20 years?

but dortmund don't keep their granaten

>become a Granate at some other Buli club
>contract runs out
you make the connection

the one that doesn't bottle a nine point lead

Good docu kino. They kill whales jusdt to attract white sharks.

Attached: e6l2g5.jpg (240x359, 93K)

>goes to a good club in a good league for free
also the janny is an autistic shiteater

Is Arp a Granate?

Potential DOMINO?

Yeah he is indeed a true Granate (Blindgänger)


sure seems like it. Brazzo watch out!

more a Granätchenlein

I hope so

He seems like he could be the next Lewa.

Yeah I remember all those great games he had during the last 2 years. lol

More like the next Schlaudraff

he scored twice against my local team.
in the regionalliga

next Gerd Müller la

And then he scored twice in 2nd bundes..

Not really his fault hsv coaches are so shit tbqh

Can we make fun of Bayern already?

no :(

Don't you dare!

Attached: mgwdasfestgeldkontoalleist.jpg (850x478, 32K)

If you can't even 500min in a team like the HSV, it's not because of the coaches.

> The decision wasn't made over a few beers, rather thought long and hard about and discussed. In the end the positives were so strong and convincing that no other decision was possible. First of all we look at availability then we got some stick which is understandable. - Zorc on the Hummels transfer

Kek so Aki actually made the decision after a night of beers and Skat. Based.


Art.1 GG, friendo

You simply don't know how shit the coaches and the staff in gerneral is at HSV.

Sup my german country men? How is the weather? Can't wait to ga back to Germany! It's smoking hot here.

Bis gleich :)

see you at the Hbf, Brudi

try not to get beheaded (in Frankfurt)

Unser Neuzugang Mateu #Morey hat im Testspiel beim @FCSG_1879 eine Schulterausrenkung erlitten, die aber keine Operation erfordert und konservativ behandelt werden kann. Morey wird dem Team einige Wochen fehlen.


Nagelsmann as Spielertrainer? Better finishing as Werner for sure.

Attached: Outrageous from Julian Nagelsmann (1).webm (720x900, 2.02M)

Als Dortmunder kann man mit der aktuellen Transferperiode durchaus zufrieden sein. Wie hier auch schon angemerkt wurde wäre ein zusätzlicher 9er durchaus wünschenswert gewesen. Unter dem Aspekt finde ich war die einzige Transfer-Fehlentscheidung die Abgabe von Isak. Klar mit ihm gewinnt man keine Meisterschaft aber ihn hätte man, vor allem gegen kleinere Teams, durchaus mal rein werfen können um für Entlastung zu sorgen. Aber wahrscheinlich hat diese Perspektive Isak selbst nicht ganz zugesagt.

Auch einen weiteren RV hätte man holen können. Die Chance, dass Hakimi bleibt liegt denke ich bei unter 10 Prozent. Aber man wird auch nächste Saison dafür finanzielle Ressourcen haben um jemanden auf dieser Position zu verpflichten.

Ansonsten haben ja alle Leistungsträger, bis auf Götze, erstmal längerfristige Verträge.


he is so annoying

Attached: Nailsmeme.png (513x352, 269K)


what team is this?

>Ey, das hab ich genau gesehen, dieses dänische Auge
based and Trust a Dane, Feel the pain pilled

Attached: file.png (468x815, 400K)

für das können gibt es nur einen beweis: ___?

nailed it


Based and truthpilled.


das tun

Attached: hintiarmy.jpg (1278x719, 173K)

BVB, Morey came from Barca and was pretty good in the friendlies

What does "davai davai" even mean?

god I hope Memeregger plays a terrible season and is kicked out of Commerzfurt by new year

He reminds me of my Religionslehrer who thought he was hot shit

It can mean almost anything in Russian but you hear it most commonly as 'come on'. Literally it means 'give'

Typical. BVB is already dead before the season evens started. No wonder they have 35 players.


I'm going with Dortmund or X for tomorrow


>6 days until the English transferwindow closes
Tick tock Bayern.

>Gbamin for 30m

Gehen wir mal davon aus, das die 150 mio stimmen. Wer sagt das es vorher weniger waren? Hat sich City schon mal deswegen geäußert? Glaube nicht.
Und diese Gedanken hab ich schon seit einigen Wochen gehabt.
Dadrauf basierend, ist das halt alles noch lächerlicher was die Bayern hier mit ihrem Öffentlichkeitstheather.
Ich bin schon immer davon ausgegangen das City , Sane nicht unter 120mio +20 boni ziehen lässt. Und gehe eigentlich immer noch davon aus das Bayern das nicht zahlen wird.
Alles in allem ist der Transfer viel weiter weg als er aussieht. Selbst wenn Sane sich dafür entscheidet, liegen noch Welten zwischen dem Transfer.
Guardiola , hat gesagt wenn er gehen will kann er gehen. Das heißt aber nicht , das nur weil der liebe Uli anklopft, nicht gleich einen 40 mio preisnachöass gibt.

Reus a cute

Drachenlord will either kill himself or someone else today.

Attached: EA9vkq_XoAEVn8j.jpg (960x540, 52K)

Didn't knew that he's still athing.
What happened?

Its his birthday today and he just snapped, yelling at visitors, his neighbours and the police. Said that he would kill the whole human race if he could. Crying and yelling at the same time. He's now gone for some minutes already, probably getting in a fight with some hater.

Attached: EA9xa-bX4AIQVGa.jpg (720x401, 52K)

I mean he's a retard, but I still feel somewhat sorry for him.

Please tell me someone recorded that.


Honestly, he needs a Vormund or something, he's just too stupid to live by himself.

(Achtung, laut!)

He calmed down now and is about to smoke a Shisha, i guess the fun part is over.

What did they do to him?

>Hernandez is Bayern's most valuable player according to TM

Dont know, probably not much, called him a "30 jährige Jungfrau" or something

>150m for Sane
That's just insane. The second highest transfer fee in history (More than Ronaldo, Greasemann, Dembelel, Mbrappe, etc.) for a player that has achieved nothing so far. City are retarded.

>achieved nothing
>forgetting his legendary goal against Monaco

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the worst part is that he still hasn't trained with the team
for a defender that's kinda important if you don't want to drop points experimenting in a league game

city is pretty smart if buyern is going to pay his fee.

>City are retarded.
they know bayern are desperate and have the cash

Can /ourguy/ Dodi do it again on the first match day?

Attached: rshrhhd.jpg (634x226, 14K)

I admit I am a customer but that paying that fee would be the dumbest thing they could do. Think about it, for that money they could've gotten Hazard and Jovic


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>be a berliner
>get some money
>drop it on the first pace nigger who says yes
such is life
could have had philipp for 20 too

>Bayern buys Sané
>still not the most valuable player in the Bundes

Philipp is a winger/hanging 9, not a striker.

neither is lukebakio, hattrick against bayern aside
philipp's last two seasons at freiburg were way better than lukebakios whole "oeuvre" since childhood

>neither is lukebakio, hattrick against bayern aside
>philipp's last two seasons at freiburg were way better than lukebakios whole "oeuvre" since childhood
Huh. The more you know. Ive never really seen him play. I assumed he was a striker. Then I see your point.

>Ich seh Fußball mittlerweile einfach nur noch als Event. Man geht zum Spiel wie zum Kino oder Konzert. Und konkurriert auch mit solchen Events, weil Preis, Dauer und Verfügbarkeit ähnlich sind. Ob man nun Ronaldo oder Chris Pratt bejubelt spielt da irgendwie keine Rolle, am Ende will man unterhalten werden. Wenn Fußball das nicht mit seinem „Produkt“ schafft – und ich sehe da durchaus Probleme, dann gehen die Fans auch weg, bzw. kommen halt nur noch die wenigen Alteingeschworenen (die auch immer rarer werden) und eben Eventfans, denen das ganze auch irgendwie egal ist.

>Fußball war halt mal Klassenkampf und heiß. Leute gingen hin, weil sie da gefüllt „einen von sich“ gesehen haben, der gegen das System ankämpft. Es war „relatable“. Das ist es jetzt selbst bei kleinen Klubs wie Mainz oder Freiburg nur noch eingeschränkt, wo es auch oft nur noch um Rendite geht (Spieler einkaufen, ausbilden, teuer verkaufen).

>Das ist kein Abgesang auf den Fußball – den wird es, wie Football und andere finanzstarken Sportarten immer geben – sondern eher auf die klassische Fankultur und Relevanz im Alltag.

Why HSV became so shitty? What went wrong and what keeps making it worse?

>Ob man nun Ronaldo oder Chris Pratt bejubelt spielt da irgendwie keine Rolle
Capeshit ruined cinema.

Bad management. They spent like 100 million between 2007-2017 and almost every single transfer flopped. They also have a sugar daddy, so theyve never had the need to cultivate good business practices and not be wasteful with their salaries and transfer fees. Plus they cant seem to find a coach who can instill a long term football philosophy to fix their players lack of motivation.

Again, bad management. And they wont get promoted until they get rid of every single person who was involved in a administrative position in the last decade.

Niggers ruined cinema.

based Tönnies

hello /bundes/
can't wait for the supercup

Coman still isn't fit. He shouldn't play and risk a worse injury just cause of muh supercup

>all these chairfolders making fun of based bayern
sané is coming ob ihr wollt oder nicht, faggots

Can't wait for the day when I will finally find a gf

He's very brave to just drop the truthbombs in this day and age...

ah yes sankt nimmerleinsday

If Bayern pays, ofcourse he will go to Bayern. The question is whether they decide to offer more than 80.

fuck off! rb needs every schnaxl neger there is or else there wouldn’t be any ngubus and mbongos to buy for there lineup


>Erstes Pflichtspiel für seinen neuen Klub seit drei Jahren, Wiedersehen mit seinem einstigen Verein – für keinen Spieler ist der Supercup brisanter als für Mats Hummels.

>In der Partie am Samstag (20.30 Uhr/ZDF) zwischen Borussia Dortmund und dem FC Bayern wird sich zeigen, ob die Dortmunder Fans dem Innenverteidiger seinen Wechsel im Jahr 2016 vom Revierklub nach München inzwischen verziehen haben. „Ich gehe fest davon aus, dass Mats nicht mit Pfiffen empfangen wird. Ich habe das Gefühl, 90 Prozent aller Fans freuen sich über seine Rückkehr“, sagte Sebastian Kehl, Leiter der BVB-Lizenzspielerabteilung.

>Nach Einschätzung des einstigen Teamgefährten wird es Hummels schnell gelingen, auch die ihm weniger wohlgesonnenen Anhänger zu besänftigen. „Den einen oder anderen wird Mats durch seine Leistung überzeugen“, sagte Kehl: „Die Fans haben ein gutes Gespür dafür, dass sie uns nicht helfen, wenn sie einzelne Spieler auspfeifen. Das wäre fatal.“

more like hinternfigger

sané is already at the medizincheck

ah yes, /deutsch/virgins

would sue that tattoo artist into oblivion for giving me that mouth if i were him lmao

Drecksnigger ihr seit kein Deutsches Mann amk


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>his boyfriend has to look at that retarded tattoo everytime he fucks him
that poor lad :(

Dummes transfer, diese Sahnescheisse. Was ist los in der Bauernliga? Nur Inzucht und alte Fotzen. Das haben wir von 50+1

>muh football romantik
all those retarded hartzers should have their art 5 gg revoked

Fußball war halt mal Klassenkampf und heiß. Leute gingen hin, weil sie da gefüllt „einen von sich“ gesehen haben, der gegen das System ankämpft. Es war „relatable“.
das war unironisch nie so und leute die so denken habe ich gefressen, solche fussballsören

How is Mainz able to sell all these Mbongos to England?

Sane ist Lochschwager vom Ex von Rihanna. Er hat also so ne Negerin die wo singt über 2 Ecken geschnackselt. Der ist ein guter.

Schalke Arbeiterclub für Malocher und Asis wie uns im Pott Enrico

he could suckle on my dickle all day e’ryday

in den 50ern vielleicht. niemand der unter 45 ist hat je so gedacht außer er ist ein verblendeter 11freunde romantiker

rihanna hat klose einen geblasen damals 2014.
götze dürfte zu gucken aber nicht selber hand anlegen.
deswegen war er danach auch so beschissen, hat ihm das herz zerrissen

Someone turn Guerreiro into a Nutella.

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nah, götze looks very fit in that photo

still mad they don't use Mvogo to be the first full black team

>t. mario

Holy shit, Götze lost weight.

Hes right. You can see his fucking cheek bones.

based Tönnies saying it like it is
>Gutmenschen already seething

based Clemens "The Wise" Tönnies saying how it is

what has Dembelol achieved when he moved besides some trash piles in his villa? time moved on since then, prices rose.

you don’t need to post twice
also yourelate to the party

wtf I love Bärchenwurst now

>Auch auf eines der größten aktuellen Probleme kam Tönnies zu sprechen. Der Unternehmer kritisierte höhere Steuern, um den fortschreitenden Klimawandel zu bremsen. Stattdessen machte der 63-Jährige einen Vorschlag: Man solle doch lieber jedes Jahr 20 Kraftwerke in Afrika finanzieren.

>Seine Erklärung: „Dann würden die Afrikaner aufhören, Bäume zu fällen, und sie hören auf, wenn’s dunkel ist, Kinder zu produzieren.“ Das Auditorium reagierte laut des Berichts auf die rassistischen Äußerungen irritiert.


you’re late

What's racist about this?

>er liest welt

t. durchfall jungfrau

>talks about one of the biggest problems
>suggests a fast and simple solution
>everyone mad
i dont get it

check the last thread

Ist halt die einzige Zeitung mit israelsolidarischer Berichterstattung ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

cannot be bothered to check the last "thread"

Bought a new Duschgel from DM with a Road Trip smell. It's nice. But do you also wash your lower legs and feet? In my opinnion the water runs down so you don't have to really do it.

Of course you have to wash them. Are you retarded?

3)no one cares

there is no last thread, idiot

Holy Shit, Eintracht fans will be mad as fuck


> Young Granätchen laughing at Buynotern

Attached: EA-D3__WsAA3QTg.jpg (1200x798, 176K)

Based Drecheposter

und allah sprach: so waschet eure füße und eure unteren beine, auf dass ihr saubere füße und beine habt.

ah yes, that 31yo zoomer

What is a road trip smell? I only wash my feet.

This one. It's also limited edition.

Attached: serveimage (1).png (663x1720, 512K)

>Leroy Sané has decided to join Bayern - The transfer in the final rounds of negotiations - Record fee + record salary [@SZ

oh fuck the Sächsische Zeitung with insider infos :O

sounds legit

article is behind a paywall so no clue how legit this is


>article is behind a paywall
then it isn't

even the url says what's going on

Attached: EA-XwOsWkAUC_9A.jpg (1200x828, 100K)

Literally Mainz-tier.

when and where to watch?

The absolute state of schalke
The only good players are Nübil and Raman. They would surely go down without them.

that's an abstiegskandidat if I've ever seen one, reminds me of some past HSV squads

Uth for burgstaller?

>forcing the buynotern meme
It doesnt sound natural, it wont be good no matter how many times you post it. Think of something better please


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Holy shit I forgot Uth went to Schalke.

that move destroyed his career btw

kohlchan.net/.media/92fdefdbc0a2c8994b5c685a352c0a5e-videomp4.mp4/dl/dreger what a difference a day makes.mp4

That >Schalke goal statistic.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at 17.42.45.png (802x400, 80K)

Well, the wages are Mainz-tier too at this point

Almelo, alter!

Where is the absolute unit Unbehaun?

Attached: 99T.Unbehaun_bvbnachricht_teaser_normal_retina.jpg (850x628, 39K)

He got behaun and is injured.

looks like suele


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I rate Kabak (even above shitters like Pavard and the 'frenchmen' at RB. dunno why he went to Schalke though, dangerous career step.


more like

>Doch auch der Katalane ließ durchblicken, dass Sané seine Zukunft womöglich woanders sieht. "Wir versuchen seit über einem Jahr, seinen Vertrag zu verlängern", sagte Guardiola über Sané, der nur noch bis 2021 gebunden ist. "Vor einigen Monaten waren wir ziemlich nah dran (an einer Vertragsverlängerung, d.Red.), doch jetzt ist die Lage ein wenig anders."

Attached: 1541870185697.jpg (249x249, 27K)

Nice. Now to the small matter of paying 150million Euro and Sané to Bayern is done.

the 150m + 20m/a deal is basically done
hehe, get cucked poop!

They still need 3 more players IF Sane joins them. The Festgeldkonto is empty and there will a lot of Gehaltserhöhungen. Bayern is finished.

Martinez is also out for the supercup

Damb, imagine thinking that the team who got first place last year is finished after having one backup winger less than last year. Bayern could buy Messi for 100m and you would be saying
>old system babby for 100m, theyre finished

Of course it will be enough for the league but their goal is CL and they will fail again.

what you say would be true if ribéry didn't save their ass against leipzig and frankfurt

>The Festgeldkonto is empty
Someone explain this meme. Do you seriously think they saved a mere 200m?

what you say would be true if youknowwho didn't
- loose vs >schalke
- throw a 9 point lead first time in bundes history
- destroying the league now by buying literally everyone that can walk for ~25 mil
and so on and so on.

meant for


Attached: EA-j-uYWsAcFAwQ.jpg (455x1392, 139K)

>hoffenhaim that high

>union and padeRBorn bleiben drin
Betting 2k on that right now.

yeah I don't disagree

It's just the table of last season. Yes, Bundesliga fans are THAT stupid.

that's what I thought too but Frankfurt finished below wolfsburg last season

>even with all those >schalke fans the best they can do is 11th in a fan ranking

>Dortmund 2nd
>Schalke above Freiburg, Köln and Union
Who are these "fans"?

u wot?

They paid €346m for their stadium, €70m for their youth academy. Still having €200m lying around is pretty good if you ask me. Just checked, Dortmund has €50m in cash and they're the 2nd richest club in Germany.

Attached: 1335081951235.gif (300x169, 1.35M)

>They paid €346m for their stadium
over a decade ago, big wow

absolute UNIT of a cucumber

Attached: IMG_20190802_190033.jpg (5070x2754, 1.94M)

>t. jacob italiano

It was supposed to be paid until 2030 or something and they only completed payments in 2014 because Audi gave them €100m.

based numbers

probably >3.030 Fußballinterresierte

Attached: infografik_15068_politische_selbsteinordnung_von_fussballinteressierten_in_deutschland_n.jpg (960x684, 224K)

meant for I'll stop posting, cya frens

>one backup winger less
James, Hummels, Robben, Ribery, Rafinha = one backup winger?

So Paco Alcacer... what is he going to do this season? Will he be able to move from the Tribüne to the bench?

Perma injured + they have like 10 central midfielders
>Robben + Ribery
Sane, so yes, one backup winger less

wont even give you a (You) for this

Isn't he pretty much a guaranteed starter if Götze throw a hissy fit because they won't pay him 10mil a year and they sell Philipp?

wtf i know this place!

I just assumed Götze/Brandt/Hazard/Reus will be their attackers

And not one of them is a real striker.



come over fren

yes, brilliant analysis

> „Bei 194 Personen wurden Gesetzesverstöße oder Unregelmäßigkeiten festgestellt, die noch weitere Prüfungen erfordern.“

>„Besonders auffällig war die Tatsache, dass eine Vielzahl von Security-Mitarbeitern nach Bekanntwerden der Kontrolle sich dieser entzogen haben.“

based FC Criminal

He looks like the missing link between Werner and Süle.

Jetro Willems joins Newcastle United on a year long loan with option to buy.

>scored 18 goals, 1/60 minutes despite being inured every 2nd game
Naw, hell probably sit on the Tribüne again.

>Jetro Willems
The dyslexic Jethro Williams.

slight kek


bayern hühnchen :DDDDD

Attached: hühnchen.jpg (1243x989, 531K)

I can see it

are you really THE Jacob Italiano?


found the bundes ösi


i find this constant bayern bullying very saddening.
i didn’t came here to be bullied. bayern is the best german team, that’s a fact, ACT like it, be humble and have a little respect for us.

>have to read the last five bundes threads


They hate us cause they ain't us


are you being tortured?


what the fuck bros why is everyone on the anti bayern train right now? disgusting.
we’re still the best german team there is...



yes, by my own OCD

hey this is my meme

Attached: hühnerwurstl.png (1022x1534, 952K)

yeah, I'm thinking dortmund are the good guys

FC Buyern Hünchen

quack quack

Hummels seems so mature.

>st pooli

yeah, I pictured him more divalike but he seems like a proper boomer

>he doesn't know
Yeah figures.

*passes to opponent striker*

>st pooli

Drache is streaming btw.



that's boateng

this game has kino potential

I got a TOTS in a free pack yesterday

Which one?

back from the bochum lads. actually a pretty good game, sadly they bottled it yet again!

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Pauli - Fürth, I assume

Buncha fookin bottle jobs, I tell ya! Sucks cause I would like to see (You) back in real /bundes/ sometime soon.

a what?



stadium ceiling too low


Postiert das überlegene Tiermaskottchen.

Attached: 100_3954.jpg (1000x750, 94K)

when will Leipzig get a real bull as mascot?

ur too low

uff das bild is scho kino ugezs

Attached: file.png (448x383, 441K)

Turn Of TaxiS

Ich hab noch mehr Fotos von Attila.

Attached: 100_3951.jpg (1000x750, 128K)


Attached: 100_3952.jpg (1000x750, 105K)

Attached: 100_3950.jpg (1000x750, 113K)

Hennes>>>>>>>you clubs mascot

yeah, i think we saw enough pics now

you can’t have a black man on a leash as a mascot you racist


>not having a club mascot at all
Werder is so based in every single way

>st pooli

based Fürth

>jos "the loss" luhukay

Hab mich unkenntlich gemacht, aber nur zum Größenvergleich.

Attached: 100_3949Kopie.jpg (750x1000, 96K)


me on the leftt




werder has cute blonde girls as fans.
i know one


Attached: tfw.png (176x177, 77K)

I also got the same shirt from Aldi over a month ago.

fettes schwein aber pommesarme
ich wusste dass ihr hier so ausseht, ihr jungfrauen

they're dogshit lel

back to /deutsch/ retard

du dummes fettes schwein


>wanting buyern's beta orbiters back in bundes


absolute state of frenchfart. I thought their support was supposed to be tuff guise.

back to /deutsch/ retard

>this is the Yea Forums user who insists Frankfurt isn't a shithole
Can't even fathom what Berlin-Sören must look like.


puh ausgeblasne

rather have a good time on ylilauta than posting with the reporting snitches here tßqh uezs familie

nobody will miss you

I'm not a snitch

oh shit its the DURCHFALL user :DDDDD

not sports related


AND 00000000000000000 i 0000000000000 i 0000000000

^basiert kollege



thought you'd like it

ich bin kein meme >_< ich bin ein berliner

>Napoli are turning their attention towards RB Leipzig striker Timo Werner, whose contract is set to expire soon, but has an odd clause.
>It’s suggested there is a €70m release clause in his contract, but that it is only valid for 10 clubs: Juventus, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea, Liverpool and Paris Saint-Germain.

how do i got gf??

just talk to a fat chick

no no i mean where not who. authors note: i have literally 0 (zero) women in my life right now.

realistically speaking probably some dating plattform

ugh, thats what most people told me. well time to bite the bullet lol!

btw denmark hope ur fine bro

How I become a girlfriend?

1. be a woman
2. ???
3. PROFIT!!!

swap gender

Thanks I just came back from a bar (it's 02.11 here)

haha based sextourist

No I want to become a gf.

that's almost winter

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Folgende Tipps können Ihnen bei einem starken Rückfallrisiko helfen:

Zählen Sie von 100 bis 0 in Siebener-Schritten runter.
Trinken Sie so viel Wasser, dass Ihr Magen voll wird. (Achtung: Zu viel und zu schnelle Wasseraufnahme in kurzer Zeit kann Übelkeit und Brechreiz verursachen)
Machen Sie das Radio/den Fernseher an und zählen bestimmte Worte, indem Sie sehr genau zuhören (z.B. das Wort „und“).
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start hrt and chop off your snake

for whats that? alcohol? drugs?

someone pls explain why what Tönnies said was racist

Is gbamin good?

no he is a nigger

nobody watches Mainzzz

>no he is a nigger

I think he's decent, I haven't been paying attention to him tho.

less than one month until the east rises

bored and suicidal

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der klassiker today


just bee urself ;^)

At least there is the supercup tonight

I got another promotion today, you can feel happy for me
I emphasize with you

man yanks are freaks

flexing on the depressed and speaking bad english

it's empathising*

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Het komt wel goed

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I shall reward you guys with a (You) as a thank you for taking the time to respond, have a nice evening and enjoy the supercup tomorrow

I'd like to empathize that this is a terrible post

With Lollapalooza going on it's literally crazy how women dress these days. Insane

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post pics

Ist aber schon arg schön geredet.
Diese Spieler sind in ihren Vereinen herausragende Akteure. Sane ist bei ManCity was? Ersatzspieler. Ihn direkt dahinter zu setzen, da passt die Relation nicht.

Zu Gnabry und Coman ist er auch eher eine Verbesserung in die Breite, nicht in die Spitze. Dafür 100 Mio ausgeben .. ich weiß ja nicht.

Und Sancho nicht vor Sane zu sehen ist sowieso am besten. Sancho hat quasi ganz Europa auf dem Zettel. Wenn er seine Saison halbwegs bestätigt, ist da nicht viel Unterschied zu einem Mbappe vom Können, vom Talent, vom Status her.
Bei Sane versteckt sich die Top Konkurrenz um einen Transfer wo genau? Es gibt keine.

pls respon

It's doesn't make any sense. It's some inane rambling you'd expect to hear at 3am in a Kneipe.

and yet it's not racist
funny how that works

You can't say negative things about black "people". That's racist.

>all africans are black
racist prick

Fuck, I'm sorry. I will reflect deeply about what I said and my seemingly inherit racism.

but an apology is not enough
I want that you quit your job in shame after telling your colleagues how much of a racist you are

>60% probability of rain
>not a single droplet in sight

>wahh stop raising my taxes climate change isn't our fault the Africans are to blame they have no electricity and therefore chop down trees and fuck like rabbits
omg this is so true finally someone saying it!!!1

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yes yes, higher taxes will mean that climate change is finally stopped
it's basically our duty to pay more tax

>Negers not Schnackseling enough anymore cause the got electricity
>Not enough Mbungus, Obongs & Mzongis for footie any longer

thoughts on this?

pajeet will rise


Mimimi don't put taxes on my €20 Bumsbomber flight to Malle

>Mimimi don't put taxes on my €20 Bumsbomber flight to Malle

God I wish they would raise our taxes... we should pay 90% income tax and live in tents to combat climate change.

>yes, good, give the state more money under the guise of saving the climate, no matter that it won't be used for that
have you noticed that essentially everyone propagating that tax wouldn't be affected by it?

>only 90%
what the fuck are you, some climate change supporter?


police are on their way

outstanding thread you spastics

sorry Robert, we won't mock your party's ridiculous ideas anymore if you promise to stay

jokes on you, I vote Left ;^P

It can't be helped. We are super excited for the super cup.

i don't think the joke is on me, user

5000 iq play

have seen it multiple times yesterday at bochum BUT

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Is he that sht with his feet?

Why did they change the rule in the first place?

because it was a dumb rule

This shit wasnt allowed in the first place


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The only ballgame I play is with your dad


yes it was

I wonder if Favre will play like a cuck again tonight

Threadly reminder that off topic posting is against the rules

>Der neue Schalke-Trainer David Wagner hat Torwart Alexander Nübel (Foto) zu seinem Kapitän für die kommende Spielzeit gemacht. „Ich habe gesagt, dass ich am Ende des Trainingslagers die Kapitäne benennen werde und das habe ich heute getan. Alexander Nübel wird der Kapitän sein. [...]"



her will, expect witsel + delaney midfield and götze starting as false 9, easy win for bayern

Why do we deserve this Bazi bros?
This literally cannot be happning
Fire Brazzo and Uli AT ONCE

Isn't he like 19 years old?

What're you on about, bro?

yeah, I already thought Bayern were unlucky to lose in the first leg last season, and there's nothing to say about the 2nd leg.

Buynotern wird heute nakt gemacht.

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sané IS coming, ob du willst oder nicht, you falsflagging chairfolder

proposal for new thread image

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stop forcing buynotern
that’s on par with the durchfall thing your trying to force. simply unfunny

Not it will be the Hühnchen one.

I will force it until they buy a Granate. Simple as.

>the only opposing side to be taken serious would have been liverpool and they played with a c elf
yeah, chairfolders, your preseason is nothing to boast about. you played against shitters EVERY SINGLE MATCH

I have a brother?

SANate is coming
you’ll look like a fool come monday

If Sane is really about to become the second most expensive player in the world, what does that mean for our NT?

well, bayern had to injure theo hernandez to score against milan.

nothing because yogi is already a retard who doesn’t give a shit about objective things like ability

>random pacy nignog pep babby
German teams need to play German again, and wichs this Neger over the Bande a few times.

The Schwulenkombo will have a golden BBC to suck

>b-but muh bayern!
nice tu quoque fallacy (or whataboutism for retards like you), stay on the subject at hand

K0 läuft schreiend durchs Schwimmbad: "Es ist falsch Franzose zu sein!"

Drei Kilometer weiter schlittert ein Rentner mit dem Einkaufswagen im REWE gegen ein Regal mit 5-Minuten-Terrinen.

Überall klatschen Menschen. Viele weinen.

K0 ist der Hammer.

Habibi wo gibt Bayern - Dortmund sehen?

Kill yourself, roach.

>Knoche spielt seit der Jugend für die Wolfsburger und kritisierte auch das Image seines Klubs als Plastik- und Werksverein. „Jeder Verein hat seinen Sponsor – darauf zielt das mit dem ‚Plastico‘ ja ab, dass wir nur von VW abhängig wären“, sagte er. „Aber Wolfsburg ist nun mal Standort von Volkswagen. Warum sollte es da nicht möglich sein, VW auch als Sponsor zu haben? Es gibt andere Vereine, beispielsweise in München, die Audi oder BMW als Sponsor haben, und da sagt kein Mensch was. Vielleicht spielt da auch der Neidfaktor mit.“

Shisha Bar ashabi

who’s the schwulenkombo?

Du kleine Ratte du ich verfluchen dich und dein Abkommlinge du drecks Muschrik Kaffir pftt ich spucke auf mein Schuh und werf dir in Gesicht du Hund

Mashallah Brudi du bist Ehrenmann ich küssen deine Lippen für diesen Tipp

You and me

olum mach mal keine faxen lan du redest wie ein kurde ya

All of them. That is why Kruse wasn't nominated back then and why they booted Grosskreutz out. Rumor has it, when you want a spot on the team, you get invited to a private vorturnen where you need to eat Jogis boogers off of Biethoffs dick while being analized by Hans Sarpei and David "the fastest fuck in 2006" Odonkor

#freeöcalan OK?

>yeah sure, let's make this 22 year old with one half-season of first-team football under his belt and who will most likely leave on a free soon our captain, what could possibly go wrong
I want off this wild >Schalke ride

Nobody asked you to get on in the first place, Yugösifuckinshit.

chill out, have a burek and believe in Wagner

Just listen to the sound of your people and have some fun!

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Backstabbing the few players that actually give a shit about the club seems to be a tradition there

so I guess that Leipzig>PSG now

Climate always changing since the beginning of time. Obviously climate change is real. Man-made climate change a hoax! Just a convenient excuse to raise taxes - sad!

bet you didnt know the most dangerous halftime lead

>Auf Seiten der Grazer warnte Preiß vor dem Halbzeitstand: "Ja und so wie es im Fußball nun mal ist, mit 2:0 zur Halbzeit, dem gefährlichsten Halbzeitergebnis und dann kommst du nochmal ins strudeln."

hello, this is /bundes/
go away handegg

I will stay

/bundes/ ist scheiße

Is PSG so bad or Rennes so good?


PSG are just chokers

>I will stay
we will have to make a /bundes/ check first
your favourite club?
your favourite beer?

Bayer Leverkusen
Franzisksner weisse

And you??

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Sané is a done deal, but you do not have that from me.

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>Bayer Leverkusen
>Franzisksner weisse
this is fine!
>And you??
Gutmann Hefeweizen

Attached: 1369853469764.jpg (606x341, 100K)

>Sané is a done deal

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Guter Mann

I get it


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Bayern Hühnchen.

>Bayern II getting buttrammed

state of Ossi teams

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dünamö as well

Tony Stark dies.

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is this a game of thrones?


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shut your goddamn stinking mouth, you fat piece of subhuman trash

I watched John Wick yesterday. Good movie.

Why not Wes?


My mouth is closed

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now go watch John Wick 2 and John Wick 3

is there a trilogy pack available yet

It was ok

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I watched John Wick 2 right after but I don't want to go to the cinema to watch the 3rd movie. I liked 1 more than 2

>According to BILD & SPORTBILD, Mats Hummels will miss #BVBFCB tonight with injury.
lol when will dortmund hire a new med staff?


>last season Dortmund plays against last season Bayern

anyone got an rbl aston villa livestream link?

Consider suicide.

smells like 5-0 all over again

doing that daily

I hope not. I put 25 bucks on the Dortmunders

all this money just for zagadou to pass to lewa

Stop considering suicide.

>Bentley Baxter Bahn
kino name

>spend a billion on new players
>they all are instantly injured the moment the season starts
bravo dortmund

Leipzig - Aston Villa

Wolfsburg - Nizza

Augsburg - Bologna

at least they have an excuse if they lose

>i rate Nagelsmann


On a scale form 1-10, how retarded is Dynamo's coach?
>play your smallest offensive players against KSC, who scored 30+ goals from set pieces last season
>have 75% possession because you're just passing sideways in midfield
>whenever you try to play forward the KSC defenders just put their body into the challenge and your manlets start flying
>still manage to get ahead for some reason
>immediately concede from a corner just one minute later
>concede 3 further goals in the second half, while not having a single chance of your own

If they don't fix their shit they'll be going down this season, while their coach gets his dick sucked by Taktiknerds on twitter who love his "brave" and "exciting" juego de posicion.

>rumors that Dortmund and Bayern really want to buy Nübel
>make him captain
>thatll make him stay



fuck off

actual neuer thread


was about to list all tespiele for the OP but than the ami came and shat all over my effort