It's 2003 & you can pick one to start your franchise, who do you pick?

It's 2003 & you can pick one to start your franchise, who do you pick?

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Both are in their prime


The Black Mamba

Tim Duncan


Kobr if it's a Western conference team

Steph curry

Kobe, all he needs is a all star bigmam & we go to the finals every year from 2004-2010


Kobe is in his prime and LeBron isn't this is dumb lol obviously Kobe. LeBron won't stay with your franchise long enough for it to be worth it.

Prime Kobe > Prime Lebron

Kobeast > LeBum

lebron wasnt shit till like 2009

paul pierce

kobe for that mamba mentality


kobr is a rapist, lebron is the goat, easy choice

kobr was a good rapist.
lebron is a pussy ass bitch.

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2003 Kobr was on another level

Lebrons far more talented but Kobe was no where near as cancerous and a better team mate. Kobe is the best pick.

>Kobr a better teammate


this desu

Better teammate, not necessarily a good team mate. Lebron turns every talented big he had into just a 3pt shooter, He leaves every team a complete mess and alienates the entire franchise.

Kobe will just snitch on you for rape also, while he's being investigated himself. Both cunts but Kobes easier to coach and doesn't cause so much drama.


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Kobe better teammate wouldn't quit on your team

Kobr because I already know he's good

Based Kobe because I know he wouldn’t leave my team. I would surround him with good role players, one support all star type player and we would be set.

LeBron would run you the risk of him leaving after a few years and needs multiple allstars. This is why the Cavs and clippers have been crippled when he leaves. Yeah him being there boosted their win totals. But if you look at what price those teams paid to keep the team in contention for him, once we saw they were on the decline he bounced and left them to deal with it.

That's partly because there were no decent centers who coild make it to the finals until detroit broke through in the east. And iso wings were the meta back then so everyone knew how to deal with kobe

>Kobe because I know he wouldn’t leave my team
Wasn't he ready to ask for a trade if Shaq didn't leave the lakers in 2004?

What? A big guy dominating the 00'? Unheard of.

Mad respect for Shaw for dominating without holding the ball 20 seconds in every play.
But he was kicked out from the Lelkers before for disrespecting Jerry B in public demanding more money. Spoiled, overweight, fat fuck that he is. And he still is.

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kobr will guard the best player on the other team
while lehyped will guard the non-scoring, 6'4" and below, guard on the other team.


how many academy awards does Duncan or LeBron have?

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