best fans in baseball edition
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is this the thread
anyone post now late officially
It’s the end
Cashner and Leon with the fucking inconceivable indecisiveness.
Mookie officially traded WOW
Yes it says official
why red sox have official team meeting to dfa mookie
sorry im late i was taking a shower and making dinner
post only one x if yo usaw that
Today i watch documetary about this fat rural kid and then i look up his youtube channel and find this video
Why can't Boston find a cute girl with a boston hat? why do they steal a dodger girl with photoshop
idiots in my bila chat
>making an account so you can chat in a reddit chat
that the one poster
no my head discipline better
that hte one poster
nesn talking all about this great bench clearing fight and not showing any clips
what a freaking IDIOT
that what happen when you drug post
false flag only thing i ever did while drug posting at batting cage was try to catch ball bare hand at 70 mph cages
hurt really bad and it left the fake stitch marks on my hand for days, thought i broke my wrist the first day
ok trade him now for greinke
never heard of this person before yesterday still not entirely sure he exists in real life..
dont post my gf pls
tell cora stop policing dever.....
Tell Devers that he needs to play both offense AND defense
dont @ me
Tuscan Kitchen > Eataly
Eataly sell my favorite salami eckw ould like it too
I got a 4 inch salami for you right here bb
just ate way too many dinners...
me trying to find weighted bat handles that I can swing in my apartment to practice for batting cages but i dont think what i want exist...
youre literally describing _______
swing backpack
wow thank you!
that is stupidest thing i ever read in entire life
Guinea Tee has made an appearance
guinea tee has posted
wow would be great if nintendo did that one of two last at bat last night instead of strike out
stop policing tendi
stop policing me
RISP with 0 outs? I've seen that before
leon the fat shit incoming strike out
Like every third or fourth inning for the Sox.
Sorry this is my first inning
>bawston is full of ugly women so they need to shoop a red sux cap on an attractive girl
You can even still see the original ball cap's color on the brim of the shoop LOL
boston won the butt fair and square, get over it loser
watch this video its the one such mentioned earlier
Things have taken an...odd...turn in the booth
Truly, X is going to give it to you
Accept the true boston woman and stop lying to yourself
She's not even that good looking, though.
how come mookie suck at fielding now
Where that quality start poster
Darwin Hernandez best k/9 mlb history
Bullpen immediately lets two runs in off one batter but it's a good thing they didn't pick anyone up
Why is that good
I don't know Dave you tell me
entering thread am i the only one who likes sam travis?
I ask you idiot
I'm 50/50 on him but mostly because I like Chavis more. Sam Travis strikes me as the kind of guy who thinks stadium country is the best type of music.
is that so..
Way to shit the bed, boys.
I mean I know he walks up to Swerve he just has that look
Don’t shake it up and get an arm to show we are in it way to go Dave now I have nothing to watch anymore
thank you X for being the only player who gives a shit
Pfft only two home runs and a double Mookie hit three home runs not even a few nights ago
Looking at the stats I thought Ben Nintendo was really underperforming this season but his RBI high is only around 90 so he's still on pace.
Can the streak continue?
It can! Huzzah!
The third (3rd) ((3)) time a runner has been on 2nd with 0 outs. I thought Moneyball was supposed to be a thing.
More like the Red SHOOKS
i'm not having fun anymore
Hooraaaaaaaay for the bullpen doubling the score. AGAIN. Do we even need a closer? Closer by committee? Cut my life into pieces.
Anyone here ever sat besides those seats near the Pesky Pole where you have to sit sideways to even see?
I have, it was a long time ago though.
My neck was killing me by the 5th inning
It's just amazing how they could make seats that are oriented to dead center and charge that much money for them, and people buy them!