Based or Cringe?

Based or Cringe?

Attached: Orange_Cassidy2.jpg (360x450, 31K)

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Very based and orange pilled.

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he literally just did all the same moves marko stunt does.

The cringiest thing in a company full of cringe bullshit.

Literally “lol I’m so lazy” the gimmick but they aren’t even consistent with that.

Not funny, not a good wrestler, and doesn’t make sense. If you want a funny wrestler, watch R Truth or some classic Santino stuff.


He is based but his fanbase is cringe

The purest essence of working pro wrestling squeezed into one man.

Based. and im an e chad.


COPE E-Drone

>and im an e chad
you're also a reddit tourist.

>Literally “lol I’m so lazy” the gimmick but they aren’t even consistent with that.
I hate that I have to explain logical build-up to payoff booking to an E-Drone who is used to a company that does the equivalent of cutting your hamburgers up into little bite sized pieces for you but here we are.

OC is a fantastic wrestler but no one outside of Chikara or Indy fans would know that. He has been the most over guy in AEW while doing next to nothing, the entire time hiding his untapped in-ring potential. That way after months of this, when the time was right and he was pushed too far, he drops the act and showcases his ability. That is the build-up to the payoff.

>COPE E-Drone

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If VINCE was to freshly squeeze OC into Raw or SD, you'd be jizzing your knickers claiming that its fresh and original. Stick to jerking over Roman or DB as its 'safe'
Seethe harder

You know good and well Vince would change his name to Cassidy and he'd be having a comedic dance-off with R-Truth within a month.

his entire gimmick is based off crowd participation. he isn't "the most over" he is a self insert for smarks and his shtick relies on the smarks loud reactions. I watched small indy shows with cassidy matches and people in the crowd were yelling at bad jokes like "that man has a family!" when hes doing his fake strikes. He's not over, its the crowd trying to get itself over. know the difference. and its a nega draw to the max for any casual fan that stumbles upon it.

Comedy gimmicks are nice and he's a pretty good one. His high flying NPC moveset is cringe though.

*cries about wwe over a difference of opinion*

because the WWE crowd wouldnt react to cassidy's BS and the gimmick wouldnt work. it only works in front of smarks that want to be part of the show.


>to an E-Drone who is used to a company that does the equivalent of cutting your hamburgers up into little bite sized pieces for you


this might just be the dumbest post in Yea Forums history

>this might just be the dumbest post in Yea Forums history
explain how.

>OC is a fantastic wrestler
>That is the build-up to the payoff.
There was no build/pay-off. He was used as a comedy gimmick then used as a semi-serious wrestler to moderately challenge PAC.
I'm not bagging on it, it's alright as a shock value moment, but you're pretending there were subtle hints toward his """untapped potential""". This is literal headcanon. He was used as comedy, he was used as shock. That's it.

AEW do the same thing btw. Amerimutt wrestling has to spoonfeed because the audience is dumb.

>WWE crowds don't want to be part of the show

h m m m

The entire fucking point of pro wrestling is crowd participation

Maybe ;-)

Ok. That rolling cat and mouse shit with Pac was pretty based.

>The entire fucking point of pro wrestling is crowd participation
no it isnt. its to illicit a reaction from an audience, yes. Cassidy isnt over, the crowd just knows that they can get their shit in and become part of the show during his matches. Thats not the same as actually getting crowd reactions and being over.

I remember a wwe show a few months ago where some guy in the crowd on camera had a baby in his arms and the crowd chanted "THANK YOU BABY" for the rest of the match

Redditors say based, chads say cringe. Simple as that.

Every babyface worth a shit draws the crowd into reacting during their matches.

rumour has it that baby was offered an NXT deal but it was too smart to sign the mark contract

a loud small group of fans that probably watch AEW are responsible for that.

>Cassidy isnt over
Then I wonder why more people in the crowd are wearing OC's Merch than anyone else's.

Babies are based, tranny. Sorry you will never experience one.

but thats not what cassidy is doing. His gimmick is solely crowd participation. Meaning, the only reason the crowd reacts or chants during his matches, is because they know that they can get themselves over with silly chants during his matches. Look at the argument against daniel bryan "he's not over, the yes chant is" and it turned out to be true when they started chanting "yes" and "no" during stephanie promos, and "si" during del rio promos. It's like the "what" chant. Cassidy is the "what" chant in wrestler form, period.

>during his matches
He's only had one match in AEW, dingus.

matches he appears in/ segments.

What crowd participation is there, aside from cheering? They just cheer during his matches.


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Good on you to try an offer up a "real" explanation while using a week old buzzword

have you watched his indy matches? the crowd would yell out jokes during his moves. AEW has larger crowds so they just do over reaction cheering to cassidy's antics. I would compare it to the "boo/yay" cheers during matches where wrestlers are exchanging strikes, and the "boo" and "yay" didnt always correlate to who the heel and babyface were, hence, the crowd trying to get itself over.
I would post the webm of jungle boy laying on the mat over reacting to cassidy's strikes to show an example of what i mean. It's an inside joke/meme for smark indy rasslin fans, that doesnt translate to a casual viewer, period.

Every normie I've shown oc stuff to thought his schtick was hilarious

you probably had to explain it to them.


>Bryan isn't over chanting for him is over

Thanks for outing yourself as one total brainlet so I don't have to pretend I'm taking you seriously

>The Rock isn't over, smelling what he's cooking is over

you just compared daniel bryan to the rock. you clearly have no idea about drawing ability.

>too smooth brained to understand hyperbole

so you're using hyperbole and then defending it's use?

you have no idea about not being a brainlet faggot

The Rock fucking put Bryan over in a promo on THAT night you've been furious about for almost 6 years now. Cope.

What's that have to do with anything I said?


Based. Imagine being so good at wrestling your gimmick is being shit at wrestling and you do it so well it comes back around and you're somehow still good. Motherfucker hit the best armdrag I've ever seen with his hands in his pockets

he is based

> missed when OC hit PAC with the float over ddt a few months ago
Pay more attention dronie

>he thinks that constitutes build

Cringe Ryan Gosling ripoff. Anyone who thinks he's based is the reason why wrestling is so fucking gay these days.

based if only for how he makes Yea Forumscels seethe

>classic Santino stuff
>classic Santino


wasn't this a meme Nashcucks forced on here for years

(forced almost as hard as the BBCs up his anus during the Summer of 92)

absolutely based

>don't mind me, just waiting for someone to come in here and get his dick sucked

i simply dont believe anyone who watched his match on sat who still thinks hes cringe.

He's the one who's waiting to get his dick freshly-squeezed

ultra based

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Based, the only good thing in GayEW

>Daniel Bryan isn't over

Absolutely brainlet take

crowd ironically pops as tho his kicks were high impact and chants holy shit, no one in the arena genuinely invested in the match but commenting on the match instead


>asp is now /cult/

good job to anyone that ironically posted like a cultist for the last few months

he is over but he isnt over to the extent that you think because of the "yes" chants. that was my point. and you can look at ratings to validate that

theyre trying to get themselves over as super hilarious.

>and you can look at ratings to validate that

Not really. A pop in the ratings only really matters when something is announced a head of time.

Based to AEW fans because they need more main eventers, cringe if you're not a mandrama geek.

>If you want a funny wrestler, watch R Truth or some classic Santino stuff
Zoomers eh?

His podcast is pretty decent

Bringe, I liked his match with PAC desu.

>implying santinos tea party wasnt peak kino

It was interesting. I would rather watch OC roll around on the mat than another predictable Omega or Bucks match
Also I'm trans, not sure if that matters

>The entire fucking point of pro wrestling is crowd participation
Retard alert

That's fine. But OC is a terrible wrestling gimmick.

Based in small doses. The role he’s in is perfect for him.

>Also I'm trans, not sure if that matters
Thanks for admitting your mental illness

>Thanks for admitting your mental illness

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don't reply to her

Somehow he's both. Whether it's him being so cringe that it's based, or being so based that it's cringe is the real debate.

I did have a kid

Am I wrong?

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Isn't he essentially sans from Undertale?

>dollchad trying to mock someone else's mental illness


Hes more like Johnny Cage from the 1st movie

Ain't nothin' wrong with me. You cant compare me with someone wanting to willingly mutilate thier bodies while trying to convince society around them that it's "no big deal and elevate my social status, or your a bigot".

Fuck off cornette

As a mascot type thing hes a chad. But him wrestling is absolute cringe