Who was the Michaels?
Who was the Michaels?
me for not watching this shit meme anime
>Left out Jolyne
KEK. Duh, his daddy is. Destroys both Dio and Yoshikage and had that PhD in Dolphin Observation is a bonus.
Joseph, followed by Jotaro. Josuke is a solid A- player while Johnathan is well loved and liked but lives in his progeny's shadow. Giorno never drew a fucking dime.
There's no such thing as a "Michaels" when it comes to weeb shit.
Jotaro easily, drew dimes during three fucking parts
It’s like you read my mind
Weeb shit in wrestling is one thing, I hate it too, but this is an anime site faggot.
This. Joseph is fucking dimes.
Anime is unironically more respectable than Wrestling after 1970's. At least there are stuff like Cowboy Bebop and Perfect blue one in a blue moon for anime. Wrestling after 1970's are entertainment for cringe betamales in denial
Reminder that Attitude era is more anime than Nu-Japanlet could ever hope to be and Hulk Hogan matches are some of the best Shonen fight that have ever written in history
all of them because jojo is an entry lever shounenfag shit
JoJo is overrated bullshit.
Okay iSHITkaifag
>400 IQ
>GOAT matches
>multiple memorable catchphrases
>always entertaining
>constantly reinventing himself to stay fresh
>still gets large roles despite his age and his part-timer status
>over with the marks
>over with the smarks
>over with the anti-smarks
>good as a main eventer
>good as a supporting midcarder
>good as a comedy jobber
>not a bland face like Jonathan
>not a bad promo like Jotaro
>not a bad gimmick like Josuke
>not a vanilla midget like Giorno
>only JoJo that could (and did) defeat Kars
Truly the GOAT
I still don't get what turned the JoJo into a literal dimes machine in early 2010's while they are pretty much literal whos during their original publication (except for maybe Jotaro)
it was big in Japan before
jojo was huge in japan and still is, the difference now is that it finally came to the states in a meaningful capacity outside of the still very obscure (for american audiences) stardust crusaders ova.
Jotaro drew the most dimes
Yea Forums=Jotaro
8ch = Johnny
He got carried hard by based Polnareff
>Yea Forums
Prime Joseph
Old/er Joseph
Jotaro was Hogan, Joseph was Savage
It started out as a Fist of the North Star throwback. Anime of that stripe is all but gone today so JoJo felt fresh. What's old is new again.
My Hero Fagademia is the entry level shounen cringe.
It's clearly anime only shit. It would be Johnny if it was mango too.
>Johnathan is a genetic freak and had a top tier feud with Dio Brando, shame he put him over at the end though
>Joseph's promos and gimmick was over as fuck and the Pillar Men was a perfect stable
>Jotaro is dimes, pure and simple. The angle where he walked up to DIO set him for life.
>Josuke was a step down to all of the others, booked as some goofy simp.
>Giorno is a charisma vacuum and clearly over pushed because the booker likes him. He just keeps getting wins and coronations without earning them.
Johnathan = Hulk Hogan
Joseph = The Rock
Jotaro = Stone Cold
Josuke = John Cena
Giorno = Roman Reigns
Jolyne = Ronda
Johnny = Undertaker
Jousuke = Macho Man
>gets carried by Gyro
>mogged by Dio most of the time before Valentine gave him a life ending injury
>btfo'd by Ringo
>btfo'd by Hot Pants
>btfo'd by Axl Rose
>btfo'd by a rock
I was making a wheelchair joke
Jonathan- bret Hart
Joeseph- the rock
Jotaro- stone cold
Josuke- Shawn michaels
Giorno- Seth rollins
Jolyne is the Roman since her part gets hate from everyone
Whoosh. Went right over my head. Hotwheels turned heel hard on 8ch though.
All janetty because it's all weeb shit
Yeah the joke would have gone over better 6 years ago.
A better draw than w*stern cartoons
Jotaro, kills DIO and David Bowie + has a PhD in Dolphin wanking
>jotaro kills david bowie
>jotaro kills
>he dosen't like this shitty shounen so he must like some other one
nice try but this shows are even worse
>Johnathan = Hulk Hogan
>Joseph = The Rock
>Jotaro = Stone Cold
>Josuke = John Cena
>Giorno = Roman Reigns
>Jolyne = Ronda
>Johnny = Undertaker
>Jousuke = Macho Man
based retard doesn't know that she made a transition
I don't browse FBI honeypots so I don't care
I do know and still go there but its not the same.
>worst figurine sales accept for josuke2
>only funny because based Sugita voiced him
>only relevant because of memes
Nigga never drew a dime
>8 is a trans boy
*outdraws the champ in your path*
should I read or watch jojo Yea Forums
It’s about fighting
Tell me, would you rather watch a wrestling match or read a WWE comic?
anime looks gay
And this doesn’t?
Also JoJo is so fucking gay that it goes full circle so it looks masculine instead of gay
Why did that gorilla watch Anne take a shower
>so fucking gay that it goes full circle so it looks masculine
its the other way around
It’s what he likes to do when he is not moderating Yea Forums
Passione's Michaels
I feel bad for the first one. He had his fucking head cut off, body stolen and raped and defiled for a hundred years and never got to enjoy life with his pregnant wife. He lost while everyone else won.
Guido Mista was forcibly pozzed in the golden Italian summer of 2002
looked funnier in the video game
This if you switch Jotaro and Josuke. Jotaro is boring as a fucking rock.
The Rock
>not a bad promo like Jotaro
Jotaro is Bret, except he never got the 97 run as a based heel.
You gotta be some kind of fucking idiot to think Jotaro is Stone Cold Steve Austin when he couldn't cut his own damn promo and had to leech off the charisma of Polnareff and motherfucking Iggy.
What was Vince thinking jobbing him out to legacy talent right after that white hot feud with Valentine?
Jotaro is Undertaker
Nah, Jotaro was actually THE guy and drew dimes
Her part gets mixed reactions because half of it is absolute dog shit and the other half of it is the pinnacle of the entire series. When they finally leave the prison you get some of the most dimes fights and angles in the series.
Best ending to.
The true biggest draw in the territory is Gyro.
>is the GOAT filler feud in your path
>Joey Ryan