How can you watch anything other than WWE?

how can you watch anything other than WWE?

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these faithless fools don't know better

By having taste

By not watching WWE, E-DRONE

I do degl-declare it's standards, mostly

Honestly I don’t know

How can you watch a product aimed at kids past 18 ?

Rollings is such a boring piece of shit. I still watch the big dog though

Watching it for 15 plus years helps

pretty easy actually. normally taima.

WWE is literally physically painful to watch, I was becoming nauseous just trying to watch the Super Show and all of its boring shit. Cant imagine trying to sit through a average Raw or Smackdown, you'd have to be retarded to enjoy that shit.

Gonna have to ask you to go outside.

>Gonna have to ask you to go outside.

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>wants puke on his carpet

Do you also still watch the Simpsons?

Have the last 10 years of dogshit programming rotted your brain?

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that's all wrestling tho
sure, there's less cringe and there's more cringe, but all you do is watch two men in speedos pay-fight. it's inherently cringe

Preferably, no one should watch wrestling past age 16

By breaking out of the edrone cult

I use the remote myself. you can do it too if you learn what channel TNT is on in your region

hahaha then don't watch it nigga nobody is forcing you to hahaha just walk away from the screen like nigga just close your eyes haha

by being over the age of 11

I watched Super Showdown and somehow didn't run headfirst into the nearest sharp edge, what about you non-WWE-watching cucks

>2015 Big Dog

this was 2014

The thought of sitting through an hour of wwe programming hurts me physically.

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then don't think about it but you're too rent free to not do so LMAO

Imagine actually enjoying the same fucking match 5000 times a year
Imagine listening to people say words and sentences that normal people would never say a single day in their lives
Imagine only watching a show because at one point Stone Cold and The Rock were on it despite its quality drastically dropping

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Holy bible

Whenever I watch something else I wonder why there aren't enough jump cuts to give me whiplash like wwe does twice a week

I have standards