What did you think was gonna happen
its fucking MJF and Cody
but blood!
I'm an AEW mark and the whole star aligned to make Cody look like ass that day
After all that build it's pretty ding-dong diddly hilarious that the biggest talking point was that bizarre tattoo.
But hey, I didn't expect Cody to do the right thing and put MJF over here but he did so at least he has that.
It didn't stand a chance after Cody debuted that tattoo.
he's either completely retarded or so far up his own ass he thought the cultists would think it's cool since they gave him this aura of cant do no wrong, I dont know which it is but its hilarious either way.
the biggest cringe of this wasn't the tattoo but the ring
has there ever been a smaller and weaker weapon used to win a match? retarded
alittle bit yeah as over as cody is he isnt the most entertaining guy but watch wrestle desu
Cody was injured.
Only retards care about that
>neck tattoo
>nonsensical blading taking everyone out of it
Fuck it was rough.
>Cody and MJF would do great in New Japan
It's the 3 Star General Cody and MJF who wrestles like Baron Corbin but surprisingly more boring
It was like a midcard match from a WWE PPV in 2010 except there was blood
That's putting it politely
MJF is literal garbage in the ring so I'm not sure what people thought was going to happen
My sides are still in orbit because of the ref handing the blade right in front off the camera.
> the ref handing the blade right in front off the camera.
which one was it this time
A short brawling match where Cody is kicking the shit out of him to cover MJF's weaknesses and MJF winning due to Wardlow interference.
I liked it
This. The finish was really really weak.
>Moonsaults off the cage and thrown around before that
>Gets a big gash and bleeds vs Jericho but keeps going
>10 lashes, endured it
>Other examples of fighting through with sheer heart, willpower and babyface power
>Gets knocked out cold by a pinky ring and pinned clean
This was stupid from a booking and creative standpoint. He wasn't even battered and bruised because that could've kayfabe explain it. But no, MJF mostly ran around and worked on his arm and bit his toes so yeah, stupid
Newsflash: MJF is barely passable in the ring and Cody is a 3 star general.
Should have had Brandi cost him the match by unintentionally distracting the ref and having wardlow hit him with a chair shot and rolling MJF on top of him.
so dumb to not use the cage in the blow off match and wasting it on the bodyguard and not the actual guy he was feuding with.
The tattoo was very distracting. Best spot was MJF biting the toe
This was *** at best and I usually love his aew shit. AND he fucked up the entrance music AND the tattoo
Has anyone actually said this or am I being worked? I like AEW but that being said Cody did alright in Japan but its obvious the main stays there were on a whole different level and MJF's biggest strength as a POS wouldn't work there and his workrate wouldn't cut it.
And the match was soft all around so mjf blading felt fake as fuck. Like how do you fuck this up so badly
That isn't your dick.
on BTE the Young Bucks were talking about how he wanted to keep it covered to save its debut for the "pop at revolution"
>obsession with blood and torture (getting lashed)
>weird secret tattoo now realizing how stupid it might be
>exposes pharaoh to pyro and realized how stpid it must've been afterwards
>Brandi ended Nightmare Collective by talking to therapist which hints a "fiction-meets-reality" where she irl also go to a therapist
>unprotected chairshots from Spears
Guys looking at all this seemingly irrational behaviour and putting the pieces together, could it be that Cody is having CTE and is going full Benoit?
>>obsession with blood and torture (getting lashed)
>>weird secret tattoo
>>unprotected chairshots from Spears
all of this is to get himself over, guy is an average ass wwe style guy trying to stand out between indieshitter flipkickers, the crowd was completely dead between the omega match and the PAC match if you didnt notice.
>>Brandi therapist
that was to hotshot herself back on TV, bitch is a huge mark for herself if you havent noticed just like her husband.
yes that's AEW's whole gig
This makes no sense. The ref in a match will ALWAYS be in front of not one but like 10 cameras.
It's up to the fucking video booth to cut away from the blade pass off. It's not the refs fault that they stick to a shot that you see everything.
And I'm not simping for fucking horseface McBiggums to think she's awful but it's not really her fault here to be fair.
I'm gonna go against the meme here and admit that MJF isn't a very good heel. He should have never spent time as a face, wearing Star Trek outfits, walking dogs, etc. He's just a bitch. And anti-heat Cawdy isn't helping.
>awful live band
>shitty neck tattoo debut
>Brandi at ringside
I'm glad MJF won