The last good mania was 5 years ago

the last good mania was 5 years ago

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>Gaytch the only one sticking his head out in a plea to notice him
WTF is his problem!?

Hell yeah it was. Daniel Bryan just barely besting Lesner in a 30 minute David vs. Goliath classic. Sting and Undertaker tearing down the house with a surprisingly decent match. Was cool how Sting went FULL Crow for this match with the old theme and everything. Rollins and Reigns had a HELL of a streetfight! Was pretty cool to see Wyatt beat HHH. Who knew the Wyatts/Corporation feud would be so based?

Right matches. All good. Crowd was into all of it. Great WM :)

>muh daniel bryan headcanon
still seething 5 years later OH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

EVERYONE wanted that match back then. Just like everyone wanted Sting/Undertaker. I figured Rollins/Reigns and Wyatt/HHH would have made sense and been more compelling than what actually happened as well.

this sounds based

pic unrelated?

better than blaming him for your Mediumlet Mutt never getting over

just bryanfags headcanon

never thought i'd type this shit but that's some headcannon i can get behind

yeah Seth has FUCKING PLUMMETED ratings since 2015 when will Vince stop pushing his ass

33 was good. It had GOATberg and Brock in a classic, Roman and Undertaker was a great attraction, AJ Styles vs Shane was a great opener, The Hardy Boyz returned in a good ladder spotfest. Only real stinker, besides the womeme matches, was Jericho and Oreowens, but Jericho always shits the bed at Mania.

kek what a wrestlemania shrinking bitch

Wrong. If Yea Forums has memed you into thinking Kofi's storyline and Bryan's heel run wasn't kino then that's on you, but you still have matches that while they were forgettable they were fun like the tag match, Shane vs Miz, Corbin retiring Angle and Roman vs Drew. N.ow you can shit on Gaytch vs Batista all you want but the match was actually pretty good even if it went on for too long and it will be talked about in ten years. Womeme's match was trash but it had Ronda fucking Rousey in it and it should've by all means main evented, she was the draw here. Also this was before Seff became insufferable so I kinda liked him trashing Brock before it all went to shit.

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Seth isn't the reason why ratings crashed after that years Royal Rumble ;)

>a great attraction

This is cultist speak for "sucked but I have to pretend I liked it because of who is in it"

>This is cultist speak for "sucked but I have to pretend I liked it because of who is in it"
Unlike you Meltzer drones I do not judge a match by some autistic standard of "workrate".

Corbin matches are not fun

>and it will be talked about in ten years

lmao no it won't

I already know you e-Drones have no standards but your honesty is appreciated.

>I already know you e-Drones have no standards but your honesty is appreciated.
I have never even heard Meltzer even try to define what he thinks a good match is, or what makes for a good match. So I know you have no idea what you are supposed to think.

BBD got this fool so shook he can't unfuck his brainrot. Oh well some people just choose to shut of every other opinion that goes against theirs once they decide to settle on it. Ahh Yessir...

>Ahh Yessir

'memba when this got over? Yeah me neither

it's wasn't supposed to but it definitely worked you LMAO

>it wasn't supposed to get over

Actually yeah that makes sense considering it's >WWE

and here you are still getting baited. Based WWE

The last time where crowds had outstanding reaction whether it was boo for Reigns or cheer to Brock, you will never see again the crowds invested to the main event of Wrestlemania.

Had it been Bryan/Lesnar the entire place would have been cheering Bryan and booing Lesnar.

A. The reaction overall would have been stronger than Lesnar/Reigns (even with the based cash in from Rollins)

B. Holy shit the show ends with a FACE celebrating and the crowd actually cheering for him for a change.

>all for him to get concussed and retire 2 weeks later just like the year before

lol i think that might of been the last one i watched.


You should not view getting people to reply on an image board as some kind of accomplishment droney

He sure is "retired" now after it looked like he'd work for ALL IN huh?

please don't cry its been hours and it makes me sad :(

The last good Mania was 30 you dumbass.

>he's been on here for this long


you gonna judge where a nigga stay?

that's where you use Seth Rollins and his briefcase

absolute ass taste buddy

heh what does ass taste like buddy fren?

Not at all. Your mother is very accommodating. I know firsthand.

whats our mom got to do with this?

milk and dimes

She only calls me your brother 'cause she wants to pretend she has a son that she can be proud of.

Not according to her though.

>that gay smug wink
Yes he was. All the Shieldetties crashed WWE’s ratings and they haven’t come back since.


C'mon, dude. You clearly read the whole thing but still can't understand it?

Given up on pretending has she?

33 was kino ya faggot it had it all. Even kino with Roman failing to lift mark up for the tombstone

no, she ran us out, remember?

I understood it fine and ya wrong, simple as. The Shield is full of anti-draw shitters and singling one out makes no difference as they’ll all forever be associated with record lows

The real truth is the WWE brand is the anti-draw

this is a weird gimmick user

you'd think you'd be used to strangers fucking your mom

its not a gimmick if you headcanon it to be

you ok bud? your mum fucking obsession ding-dong diddly creepy

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This is the last WM that I can actually remember anything from


I’m sorry if I sounded a bit hostile in my previous messages user. I haven’t watched WWE in years and am still bitter about what they did to Reigns, Rollins, and Ambrose
They were all pushed way too soon and should’ve stayed a face stable for a while

>haitch unironically booked himself to face sting and booked himself to go over him when everyone and their mother wanted sting vs undertaker.
it is just funny at this point.

I can't help it user when clearly needs a father figure in his life

I know! I've always noticed this. Actually ruins the poster

we didn't have a dad though.

it is what happens when you give,"the guy who always stood next to The Guy," the third-most power in the company.

>admitting I'm right

Time for bed now sport

Bryan looks sad on it

but you didn't too so what makes you so special?

I was there, I got a headache marking for seff, no one was expecting that one in my section.