Beginner boxer

I agreed to a money match against a cross country runner whos got speed, stamina, strength and height over me, but has never boxed. I have never stepped in a gym, have 30 lbs over him, also have no boxing experience. Our match is in 2 weeks and the second match is in 3 months. How do I train/win?

Attached: muhammad-ali-2.jpg (1000x563, 333K)

>2 weeks
>speed, stamina, strength and height over me
RIP in peace
>learn the proper stance
>remember to always keep your gloves up, protecting your face
>keep your elbows in to protect from body shots
>practice throwing quick punches (the right way) and immediately bringing your hand back to cover
>look up one of those 30 minute boxing training videos on YT and follow along
>work our, i guess

ooh this nigga finna boutta get sleeped

spend the 2 weeks practicing basic head movement like slips and how to cover up with your gloves. practice jabs and crosses. left hook if you get time. combo with 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-1-2 etc.

I have decent weight over him and decent strength in my right arm, he considers me as a joke and isnt training at all, I dont plan on getting slept.

if you have 30 lbs just clinch and lean on the fucker, make him carry your weight and try to push you around. Maybe you can land some dirty headbutts or elbows, try to break his nose. I'm guessing the match will not be officiated very closely.

The other thing you can do is try to time his entry and throw a haymaker over the top. If you have 30 lbs on him you can probably fuck his ass up with an overhand right, if you get the timing down and assuming you aren't a total faggot.

Poison him.

Nigger detected

Sounds like Manute Bol vs. the Fridge

>keep your chin fucking tucked in at all times
cut off the ring, work on footwork
>learn how to turn your jab into a power punch, and lead with that to get inside to throw shots to the body. Get in the fucking phonebooth with this guy because he's more dangerous with his reach. Watch film of David Tua and Ike Ibeabuchi, also watch any of the gatti ward fights. Watch their inside combinations, your hook is going to be your best friend.
The guy who suggested the overhand punches is also correct. A nice overhand with the dominant arm can hit the light switch on the bastard, or cause a cut.