based bauer to the reddies??
Other urls found in this thread:
for me its the New York Mets
Serious question to /mlb/
When did baseball die?
What dimension chess is each team playing in this trade?
what is going on
fuck the red sox
When spending got out of control and owners refused to implement a salary cap, salary floor, and 50/50 revenue sharing while other leagues wised up and passed them
>inb4 le socialism meme
For me, it's the 2019 World Series Champion Los Angeles Dodgers.
Oh vey the owners ain't gonna like dis
getting nervous I see
Jeez, he's got a big suspension and fine waiting for him after that.
as soon as $elig started to bleed the fun and personality out of the game in a misguided attempt to save face
I feel like a lot of baseball players couldn’t survive playing another sport. Why do people get mad for batflips? Your feelings hurt? Lol imagine somebody dunking on you and and talking mess right in your face. You just gotta get even.
for what purpose did you do this trade san diego?
reds are now contenders
baseball is a game where the other guy can kill you
do you like to die?
I don't follow the NL that close but aren't the Reds pretty far out
I was just setting up bait for what happened here Check this out
nah. They'll contend next season. This year they flex their muscles as a good team but wont finish above 4th in the NLC
Bauer is now on a team in the central broship!
7.5 after tonight. not impossible but very unlikely
funny cuz he used to play basketball
my favorite player will now be going against the cubs, i couldn't be more fine with it. I just feel bad for Bauer not having Perez anymore. Those guys are legit bros.
nl central acting up
we need to juice the dugout
juice the sunflower seeds
juice the bats
juice jessica mendoza
So David Bell is a Pirates fan now?
Turned into a fun night
wait we gave up a SECOND prospect?
what the fuck else did we get???
Who is more autistic, WBSC´s Italian President Fraccari or MLB´s Manfraid?
>The Premier12 will also see the enforcement of a 20-second pitch clock, a 30-second pitcher's mound visit clock, a 90-second pitching change clock and a 90-second between innings clock – the first time such time-limits are imposed at a major international baseball event.
>The clocks will be visible from both the field of play and the dugouts, with placements along the backstop as well as outfield fence.
>"This will be the first time that game clocks are used in a major international baseball event," Fraccari added.
>"These changes aim to make baseball games more fast-paced and exciting to watch, particularly for younger audiences as well as global viewers who may be watching our sport for the first time."
A JUICIER mendoza?!? :O
>luke jackson
I don’t like the trade, especially since the Tribe is now down a starter. I know they’ve activated Salazar, but he’s a fastball away from more “arm soreness”.
So that leaves Cleveland with:
Salazar (or possibly Anderson...)
Who took that monster left from Garrett? Dude went in looking to heem somebody.
Premier12 gonna be such a meme
Trevor Williams, but slow-mo showed it kinda of missing and grazing the top of his head.
if you're in this thread, nati_sports, i fucking hate you and you should delete your twitter
You're getting Kluber back and you're going to win the ALC. You don't need 7 starters in the postseason. You won the trade, brainlet
Now what the Reds are doing is anyone's fucking guess
how the fuck can they expect anything at all from Salazar at this point. I'm going to miss watching my two cleveland games a week, I really liked STO. I hope the reds have good broadcasters.
Rising cost of park attendance thus kicking out the lower class which the sport was founded on.
is that you dont saw what WBSC did for U18 and U23
They removed 9 innings and will be 7innings from 2020
only pro competitions will be 9 innings from now (besides U-18 and 23 already made of pro players
I do what i want, faggot!
Eat shit retard
there has to be more. HAS to be
Is the mets bullpen really a complete dumpsterfire?
Our Closer ladies and gentlemen
wtf garrett and bauer are going to make me actually care about the reds
Good game, Braves. Stay mad, Mets.
So in the nlc we have the Cubs v cards and reds v pirates, and then the broors trying to stay relevant in any conversation.
I don't mind watching more NLC baseball, but i really think bauer going to SD would have been a lot more interesting.
You'll be the first
is amir garrett, dare i say it, based?
It won't matter because Abroo is even more of a dumpsterfire. GIDP 100%
They judge me because I love my own
I love the most, and because I defended
What's most precious for me
Enemies judge me, my love
But they don't know that the truth
is deep water
he's been, he was a pitch or two from throwing hands at rizzo two months ago
why you gotta hit me with these negative waves?
I wish
slavs and relievers have the same mindset
good job making me feel like shit after what was a blowout Jackson you fucking bum
Being negative helps me cope with failure and makes the surprise better in the rare times of success.
>letting an 11 (eleven) run lead turn into a save situation
>the sprawling ghetto of atlanta
Is Anthony Recker a boy or a girl? What is the basis for your answer?
yeah, youre an absolute fucking piece of shit.
dads needed a lh bat with good defense. gave up a bat only of and a pitcher who didnt fit. reds are banking on competing for a title next year apparently
ban assault puigs
Abreu has been bad enough lately to make me miss Yonder Alonso, don't blame me.
David Bell confirmed man child
david bell going in on the priate thugs
I missed the part where he's a coward in there. Evening things up is part of the game.
Why don't you dig how abroo is due for something with bases loaded out there? Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?
>fuck i gotta rewatch this movie tomorrow after baseball is over instead of vidya
Just >mest my shit up senpai
what a legend
"My brothers. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship. An hour of wolves, and shattered shields, when the Age of men comes crashing down. But it is not this day, this day, we fight!"
How soon can the Yankees get Garrett?
>Missed with all 3 punches he threw
Zero command
Vladito Salamito El Grande Dingerito!
alright, bad day we'll pick up and be better tomorrow!
but they do get even.. is ag a fagot?
tick tock cubkeks
based man
some players nowdays cant undestand good celebration and have fun playing baseball
Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.
I want all of those Padres fans who thought Trevor Bauer going to them was imminent to never fucking post here again.
It never did. Zoomers have just taken over Yea Forums
astros desu
zoomers are easy to spot, and they're mostly in /nfl/ and /nba/. lurk moar
this is based as fuck tho. went charging their dugout by himself with a big fuckin ass haymaker.
>tfw zoomer but like baseball
dont lump me with faggots
When they juiced the baseball and won’t admit it
You would have been the first zoomer I cited in /mlb/. Are you that mets fan?
>bring in a lefty to face two lefties
>he gives up a home run to both of them
White Sox Baseball
Niggers as well.
They're here. Most of the time they're complaining about insignificant shit that has been answered 100 times and or on with the drivebys of hurrr ur sport sux/irrelevant/dying
why is it that the reds always get in the best fights?
fuck off
fuck off
Baseball is a classy sport. showboating and gloating minorities need not apply
>70 Wins
where is she now
This is a move for 2020, not 2019
How can they be so bad?
yes i am.
can I sigh with you lillies bro, my team lost too :(
my wife : ) i can't wait until the first time we go to cracker barrel
what did i tell you about posting this smug sausage twirling bitch again?!
figured, you seem underage desu
And they're best positioned to win the NLC next year. I'm happy. Reds are my fave in that division.
I don't think there's a Cracker Barrel in my state.
kek no they're not
nah im not underage but im just a zoomie
blargl..............guess its another loss................sigh...........why cant they win like the cubs..................sigh.............guess itll be another high draft pick.............blargl
Please let us have our website and go back to R*ddit or Fortnite Chat
ginghle....kah...flarghel....cant win...gugrhle....
So everyone's last memory of Bauer as an Indian is him giving up 4 runs in an inning then chucking the ball over the center field fence. Still better than how he left Arizona I guess.
the shields trade.............sigh............what a mistake..............gabgrbaerll..........
t.texan baseball fan
Cardinals are debatable, but I think the Reds have more upside overall. Pitching of theirs is absolutely loaded. Cards are a bit shaky there.
No I respect this website. fuck the others who ruin this place. I respect 4chinz culture and hate fortnite and r*ddit
astros best team in the AL again? cool
Ugh.... ug.....h....
not a sox fan....but...ugh...ginghil.....just...ugh...burghle,...can't take it...harghele....anymore...
That's Oakland.
James Shields lol
>No I respect this website.
much respect to ya!
Padres fans in general have been fucking insufferable ever since they got Machado, I haven't seen a fanbase celebrate so hard without winning anything since the Yankees got Stanton.
4-14 since the Allstar Break
You'd think after all this losing in their history and possibly being the worst franchise in the entire NL they'd at least be humble, but I guess not.
and the whole tatis vs alonso shit. theyre both great players. but we will figure out who wins it come october
also lmaoooo white sux
oshkosh b'gashka....schmigle.....
Hey White Sox fans, keep ya chin up! Schwarbie never gives up, you shouldn't either! Much respect to ya!
oh the lack of respect on this little zoomie is quite concerning!
trading away prospects when you're a well below .500 small market team is not a good strategy for success any way you cut it
love schwarbie! he's awesome!
Suspended for the entire season, just watch.
get a clue
Hey man, show some respect damn it!
Hey Cusb tranny, why don't you dilate damn it.
i think injun fans will miss him, you can't deny his shit is really funny including supporting trump
I mean at least he's not a coward lol
I wouldn't if I were one.
Best part about the video is Cleveland's 2B flinching and getting out of the way because he thinks Bauer is about to hit him
get fucked you queen city faggot.
nigger team can't help by chimp out.
I missed the gamethread to work, what happened kek
Reds have more payroll flexibility than your typical small-market dregs
>trade bauer for MUH CULTURE
>bring in even more extreme latino outfielder version of him
>Jayson Stark
An NL exec on the #Indians’ return for Bauer: “They killed this trade.”
>including supporting trump
Sort of why I wanted to see him somewhere like NYC or LA, the local media response to a trump supporter who thinks climate change isn't real, Obama was born in Kenya, and tells women on the first date that he's going to cheat on them would have been entertaining.
I was having a pretty bad week until I saw this. It's inspiration for anyone feeling down. Keep it up! ya got this!
How do you know he supported Trump?
They did pretty well. I think it was helped along by the Padres playing in the NL because I don't think they thought Reyes was a major league outfielder.
He tweeted "MAGA" after Trump got elected
>All those fists flying
>Nobody managed to land a solid punch except for Garrett grazing that guy's forehead
A rental vs. a mainstay, big difference.
Nothing just that cancer of an organization losing again.
Their owner isn't a cheapskate like the Bob Nuttings, Stuart Sternbergs, and whoever owns the A's.
Is there a majestic picture of him vs the entire Pirates roster like there was of Puig at home plate when he also picked a fight with 20 guys by himself earlier this year?
To be fair to Nutting, I think Pittsburgh is literally the smallest market in MLB.
That's Milwaukee I believe. Attanasio isn't scared of spending.
McNeil getting batting title
"one bastard goes in, another bastard comes out"
You might be right. I don't think Pittsburgh is far behind.
I think Cincinnati is actually the smallest but Pittsburgh is pretty close to the bottom. And even a small market team can afford to spend if they've already got a solid, cheap team in place. The Pirates and Royals were both in that position in the mid 2010s, the Royals went for it and the Pirates didn't. Now they both suck but at least the Royals have a title.
the whole thing was a "kino" meltdown
the long toss had nothing to do with the trade, you're espn-talk-tier thinking so
he called out a bunch of MSM channels for their support of clinton and hating trump, and straight up said he supported trump
imagine the BD911 as a yankee...goddamn 2020 would have been hilarious. or a youtube video about drone fuel melting reinforced rebar steel buildings.
Daily reminder that he was going to be in the Cano trade before the fans flipped out on social media. He was 100% going to be in the trade and I guarantee it was Omar Minaya pushing it.
James Shields lol
Trading Puig was a mistake. The Reds are going to miss an absolute enforcer who actually turned their chances before the All-Star break. Now they are nothing without him.
Holy fuck how did Cleveland get 5 players for Bauer
>caring about an obsolete stat
Motivational Schwarber is pissing me right the fuck off
The Reds don't really have chances this year. They weren't going to extend Puig anyway and they probably didn't want to risk paying him $18M for one year.
Going to miss the hell out of Bauer. I guess I hope we get the better end of the trade, but I love that stupid idiot probably because I'm a stupid idiot. Godspeed to him
Puig is what he is. He was totally expendable for the Reds. The question for this trade is how Trammell pans out. The Reds got a good starter they control for a while and they gave up a very good prospect who has regressed for 3 straight years. They know Trammell better than anyone and they wanted to get rid of him while his value was high.
When people say batting average doesn't matter, they mean the difference between .279 and .291 isn't all that significant. They mean it's okay to hit .250 if you walk 100 times or hit 30+ homers. They don't mean your batting average is irrelevant in a vacuum.
If you're hitting .220, it matters. If you're hitting .320, it matters.
based Clint Hurdle making his pitchers headhunt at random. MLB needs more like him
Lifelong Indians fans coming out of the Dillard's
You suck fucking dick
>The Reds got a good starter they control for a while
Isn't he a free agent in 2021?
Assblasted Cusb trannies spamming gay Schwarber pics because they feel ignored and don't have anything else to contribute other than shitposting.
redsfags forget the 5 years they threw at mccutchen. queen city faggots can't handle the bantz.
Kek. This is peak damage control. Reds traded their entire farm and their star player for a rental pitcher when they're 10 games out. It was a stone cold retard move.
my bad dawg
I don't watch much NL but wasn't this an issue when they were playing the Cubs too? He kept telling his guys to throw up and in on Bryant until one of them got him in the head?
Haha calm down it's just some banter! Jeez, didn't mean to strike such a nerve lol
Entire farm system? They didn't ship India and others.
The only thing of value they gave up is Trammell and he has regressed for 3 straight years. Not damage control at all, big prospects don't pan out all the time. He could be an all star superstar and it'll have been a terrible trade, but he's anything but a sure bet. And they were never going to extend Puig.
Someone cut Clint Hurdle’s brake lines AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!
>Stroman to the Mets
>Bauer to the Reds
At this rate, I think we can expect Syndergaard to end up in Seattle and Minor in Kansas City
The White Sox piss me off. How the fuck can you losers lose to the >mest? Well shitcago what do you have to say for yourselves?
They were playing Siri over Trammell in CF at AA. They've got two young players taking up two spots in the OF right now and two other guys who have hit will in limited duty. With kids like Siani, they might feel they had guys behind him, too.
You traded for a rental pitcher when you're 10 games out. It was a retarded move. Anything said beyond that is just casuals making chimpanzee noises.
Suffered a mortal wound when they rode the roid wave to mass relevance and then suddenly pulled a 180 when the GOAT Bonds decided to get in on the action and threaten all their precious records from the 1500s.
Was still bleeding out when Manfred decided to put an end to its misery by copying the NFL model of rigging the playoffs for storylines (and even lazily using the drought/natural disaster ones that we saw 5 minutes ago in football)
Extending Puig would be worth to the Reds because Puig can positive booster for the team. 18million is that much to handle for them.
I am so sorry.
At least true baseball fans don't recognize Houston's fraudulent ring.
He's been great for excitement but a totally average slugger.
No contending team wants to give up their prospects. Says a lot when teams looking to the future are taking action first. Also I'd love Thor on my Mariners but I don't want to give up anyone on the farm at the moment and I sort of think he's a bit overrated.
we made a big mistake
good, Bryant is a fag and needs some chin music
Now you've got the excitement of making a trade that in no way moves the needle for this year or next.
10 games back this time next year, Bauer's cut his entire hand off because he watched Star Wars and wanted to be Luke, and you're down 5 prospects and the only player the Reds have ever had that put butts in the seats.
Take your meds, schizo
I’m a Reds fan and what the FUCK is going on?!?!
This is psychotic
Give the entire >Cusb, especially Schwarbage chin music more like.
Cubs piss me off
It might be too much for them. They have at least two holes in their rotation with Roark and Wood. They might have to get a SS and possibly a CF/2B depending on what they want to do with Senzel.
Pirates are the dirtiest team in the NL. It all starts with Hurdle. They throw at ppl all fucking year cuz of this clown. Appreciate the Reds going after those fags.
>le does nothing at the trade deadline man
The Mariners would be wasting their time because Syndergaard wouldn't be enough to fix them and he'd be gone before they were good.
You guys seriosuly give a fuck about this stupid bullshit?
Hell, why don't we even give the entire North Side chin music? The pasty unathletic fucks who only go outside for IPAs at Wrigley Field and name their furbabies after Kris Bryant
Haha this guy gets it!
isn't that two times a single Red has tried to fight the entire Pirates team this year? why not wait for backup?
Yeah I know. I'm just saying he'd fit in well there. There's no time to lose with building up the farm. Doing a good job there and I don't want it to be subtracted yet.
I am deeply sorry I had no idea.
Backed ya mama up
I don't think anyone knows except maybe the Reds GM. This and the Stroman trade are just fucking weird.
How are the Cubs going to salvage their season? Will Boystown survive without hot October action next door?
I wonder if he's finally figuring out he shouldn't have doubled down on the remnants of the 2011/2013 teams back when he gave Molina a 3 year deal, got rid of the entire outfield, and extended Carpenter and Goldschmidt.
Trammell *is* a nice prospect. The Reds get that much and used him for a piece they wanted. Don't be surprised if he's used again shortly, for a Thor trade perhaps. He should keep his bags packed.
Only retards think they’re doing it intentionally and not because their pitchers suck
Would you trade Yadi for Trout though
I like the ketchup vs mustard fight from earlier this year.
It's literally been happening for years. As long as Hurdle has been there. He's a shithead. If you're a shitrat fan you should either love him or hate him for it, but the denial is unbecoming. The Pirates are what they are because of Hurdle.
Honestly could see that, but I don't think the Mets will deal him after all. Brodie is buying for next year.
Yadi is a legend, so I kinda get that. You can't really let him walk, after Pujols. Fans will always come to see him play.
But extending Carpenter was the dumbest thing he's ever done (besides sign Brett Cecil)
Again, their pitchers suck. I hate Hurdle because he’s a bad manager, but he’s not telling his pitcher to hit people, that’s absurd. They just have a pitching philosophy of throwing inside, and when your pitchers mostly suck, some will get away. That’s baseball, get over it and stop trying to pin intent where there is none (except for Archer, but he just has a fragile ego).
Can't fucking wait for the Brewers-Cubs brawl of game 163
Clint Hurdle is too based there's a reason why Pirates organization because he's truly a Pirate.
Oh God what are the Reds front office thinking AAAAAAAAAAH WE’RE FUCKED!!!!
>one game playoff to play in a one game playoff
so this is the power of Manfred...
You cannot be this retarded. Of course it's Hurdle and of course they're retaliating up and in. It's not the paybacks that the league takes exceptions to with Shitsburgh, sometimes teams deserve them and everyone gets that. It's that the Pirates routinely throw up and in and get ppl in the hands or the head area. That's how you get teams to fight you, by being massive faggots.
>You can't really let him walk, after Pujols.
He was a 36 year old catcher. You really can let him walk. Pujols leaving was the best thing that ever happened to the Cardinals.
Another angle not being talked about is if the Reds see Bauer as a piece to get another piece they're after.
Really? 3 playoff appearances followed by 3 missed playoff appearances?
lol if Mo let Yadi walk he'd already be gone as GM. Cards fans would not have it
I don't understand.
Padres-Braves is still the best brawl
They would care as much as they did when Allen Craig replaced Pujols.
I forget the teams involved but the brawl where the Korean batter tried to karate kick an American pitcher will always be my favorite
I mean from a business perspective, not a baseball perspective. DeWitt and co don't care about winning games anymore, they just want 3 million thru the turnstiles. Yadi helps with that.
I'm aware that letting Pujols walk was good, but Cardinals fans were furious about it at the time.
you're right they would've been extremely pissed off this time too
Harper v Strickland
Holy fuck you’re the retard if you think it’s all intentional. Pitches go up and in, it happens. There’s no conspiracy behind every high and tight pitch. Some pitchers just suck, more so for the Pirates. They aren’t even top 5 in HBPs this year
astros desu
>have a great 2nd baseman already
>"lol lets trade for cano!"
fuck this team!
Chan Ho Park vs. Tim Belcher
They were mad when Heyward turned down their contract, too. The picture coming into view is that Cardinal fans are dumb as dog shit and their front office has only been saved from crippling their team through the idiocy of other clubs.
They really gave up one prospect for a starter who was an all star last year, who they can either use or deal next year.
Oh Dodgers vs. Angels
the amount of emotions in this omg. He tips the ball right out of that chicks hand
>can you feel the love tonite starts playing
remember when Pweeg was a .400 hitter? man life comes at you fast
Omar pushed Kelenic in the deal so they can keep Gimenez. He was 100% the guy trying to shove McNeil out the door.
Really any of them where someone actually lands a punch are good, I hate these "brawls" where it's
>pitcher: I'll fuck you up!
>batter: I'll fuck you up!
>both wait for their teammates to get in the way before actually making a move
>benches clear
>some mild shoving, lots of "fuck yous" being thrown around
>those two guys who used to be teammates are laughing with each other about it
>bullpens decide to get in their daily cardio with a strenuous jog from the outfield
>by the time they get there it's all over
he ate her because he’s a fat fuck
Sick em AJ
>No contending team wants to give up their prospects.
I'm not a Dodgers fan. But this is just playing into their hands. You have teams like the Brewers,, Twins, Rays, Athletics, etc. around baseball that are in their window to win right now, and they would rather hold on to their prospects. So the machine-type teams at the top are perfectly happy seeing none of the other contenders get better. It's good as well for the Astros. The really powerful teams are benefiting from this. It's the teams in the middle who are fucking retarded.
The Twins and the Brewers especially. Oh, you have the NL MVP and the best pitcher you feel like trading for is Jordan Lyles? Wow, you're really going for it!
imagine being so pathetic that you have to lie about being married
go astros
Yeah that’s what it is you fat fuck sack of shit
oh have a heart attack fatman!
>Jason Heyward = Albert Pujols
Based retard
why do i get the feeling that puig and reyes aren't going to do well in cleveland
I totally get why teams would want to hold onto their prospects, because those teams you listed probably know they can't afford their current cores so they're too preoccupied with having to have a harder time replacing them. Still, you really can part ways with one or two every now and then. Prospects aren't meant to be taken for granted. The Marlins with their bottom 5 farm system at the time contained Marcell Ozuna, JT Realmuto, and others.
Bye Pig, it was fun while it lasted.
Hi Bowser, try not to get into fights like Pig did.
Jason Heyward turned out to be a massive overpay. Turns out Mozeliak was right here in not bothering.
Reyes=Longterm DH
Anyways, we know what h
In the sense that they were players who received large offers from the Cardinals to stay, but went elsewhere for more money and did not deliver. Pujols has been an unmitigated disaster in Anaheim.
appened with Jake Bauers, so you're probably on to something.
A bit far, but considering how mediocre the NLC division the Reds can come back or at the very least come close.
>unmitigated disaster
Strong choice of words. He's just been a shell of his former self. Productive in some years, an afterthought in others. That's what megadeals are to people exiting their prime. Happened with Pujols, happened with Cano, happened with Votto, Harper's next.
He offered him more total money than the Cubs. Chicago just paid him more per year, gave him some opt outs, and a big signing bonus that he keeps even if he opts out. The Cardinals were only saved because the Cubs were just as dumb as they were.
I don't know how anyone looked at Jason Heyward and said "yeah, mark teixiera money sounds about right". Credit to his agent.
This is psychotic
A's walkoff dinger!
Pissconshit lmao
this is crazy wtf?
No shit. I never said he hasn't fallen off in Anaheim. I just said Pujols was a legend in STL and probably the best player in the game from 2001-2011.
I can't believe you don't understand why it was hard for fans to let that go. Heyward is an overpaid jag, I'm glad they didn't re-sign that bum.
That's not Matt Klentak. But good one though.
haha brewers sucks
the shitposting has gone too far this time, someone get...*HIM*
David Stearns
>Jordan Lyles as the highlight move
It's not a strong choice of words, it is accurate. Last three seasons he's been one of the worst players in the league. Four years before that, he was a .780 OPS DH. You'll take the homers, but it's not a good way to use $25M a year. He's still got 2 or 3 more years to go.
Shhhh, don't tell the pundits this. They're trying to do some 7d chess right there. Don't expose their plans.
Some big name fags out tonight bros
>why you don't understand why it was hard for fans to let that go.
He was 32 and wanted a 10 year deal.
You think they might flip him today then? Or wait until the offseason?
Forget what I said. I am silly.
nightengale said the reds weren’t doing that
I think Pujols has the steepest drop off of any truly elite hitter in baseball history.
tfw Philthy's biggest move of the deadline is Jason Vargas lol. Enjoy finishing 4th again and spending almost half a billion dollars for literally nothing lololololol.
Robinson Cano dude.
Lending more credibility to the theory that he's older than he claims to be
The Marlins are finishing in 3rd place?
only for the Mets bro, he produced with Seattle
Both are you are wrong. That would go to Larper because he's already declining before he hit 28 lol.
No. They're being smart and finishing last and getting a decent draft pick out of it. It will end with Barves, Gnats,Mest,Lillies, and Fish in that order.
Jomboy analysis of the Reds fight is out.
Dissapointed he didn't catch what Puig was yelling at his teammates about.
Nah, Cano was good until last year when he juiced and stopped hitting it far. I get the whole 10 year deal never works out but Pujols aside from chasing 700 has been nothing but garbage here in Anaheim
If you just add two years to his season age, his numbers make a lot more sense.
Looks like the rodents came out to play. Hit me with your best shot you disgusting idiots.
Remember when the Philthy retards though they were going to get Bauer, Boyd, or even Minor? Yeah they got leftie alright... they got fucking a 37 year old senile Jason Vargas to fix that shit rotation lol. They may as well be the Knicks of baseball this point, and that's giving them too much credit.
>rodents came out to play
Odd. The Orioles are trash this year.
The Phillies were in a tough spot because no matter who they called about, the other team was going to try to make them give up Bohm.
God bless you Inspector
I wouldn't cal the Orioles trash. They are playing tankbowl for good draft pick. That's a classic way of winning by losing. Real trash is teams like the Philthies or Mest as neither will make the playoffs, but not get good enough draft picks.
And some of those trade offers in the end were even less than giving up Bohm, or even Moniak for that matter for how meme some of those trades were.
ouch, the bauer trade really stings
no more sports for a while
Baltimore is full of rats.
Because both of those teams are always known to be the worst thing you can be in a franchise in the world of sports. Pure mediocrity, in which is like a fate worse than death (being folded)
Prioritised, jackass.
Cowardly little prick. I saw it.
>Implying Philthy or Jew York are any better than Baltipoor
>go get 'em pal
I love baseball.
crick was one hell of a weaselly little pussy in this whole affair, wasn't he?
Really wish Puig had gotten the chance to land a hard hit on him. Talking shit from 50 feet away, what a tough guy.
Cracker Barrel's biscuits are straight garbage and their sausage gravy is bland and flavorless. Do yourself a favor and order something else. It's seriously the worst thing on the menu.
Puig getting in a fight against the Pirates on the day he was dealt is the perfect way for him to leave Cincy desu.
That wasn't because of the punch he ended up looking like that. He ended up looking like that in his tenure with the Lillies
LMAO that jomboy media was the best one yet chris archer got destroyed
Pittsburgh is a fucking shithole
Baltimore has a murder rate twice as high as both of those cities. I know what I'm talking about. I'm from that rat-infested shithole.
A shithole that is the sports city of Pennsylvania and not the even bigger shithole city east of there that's known for overhyped mediocrity and shitter fans.
What about Chicongo?
that brawl looked fun, wish I seen it live
Probably pretty bad, but not anywhere near Ratimore
tfw raitmore today was Philthy 15 years ago. All it took was moving most of the poor blacks out and replacing the with antifa libtards.
any marylander will tell you that baltimore is shit. land of pleasant living my ass.
please have mercy
Is it because of ?
Lifelong Indians fans coming out of the JC Penney's
Lifelong indians fans coming out of the closet!
bauie to the reddies!!!!!
pweego to the indies!!!!
Yea Forumsstros
Straight man coming through to save this thread from two eager cocksuckers in a row
based schwarbro
Hell I respect ya
schwarbros...please pray for gallie ;(
I'm creeping on this girl and she gets up to walk and does a grand stall-n-hobble all around her room due to her secret cerebral palsy. I pity her but it also made her a little hotter. Do I fuck the retard, Centralbros?
do what kyle schwarber would do
praying for gallie
praying for you
Mad at the daddies?
But really, most San Diegans knew the same old choking would occur, especially since Qualcomm was built on old Indian burial grounds and the curse has followed our teams since
puig should have been ejected as soon as he threw his helmet
these umps are beyond incompetent
>Crick hip thrusts in Puig's direction while shouting "do something" then just lets his teammates push him away without taking a step forward
Wow you sure showed him dude
If Keone Kela wanted to hit Derek Dietrich, he would have hit him. Instead he struck him out. Amir Garrett, having talked shit following a Reds/Pirates brawl earlier in the season, beans Starling Marte. Garret eventually gets rocked by a three run dinger. Already enraged and clearly embarrassed, Garret loses his shit and charges the Pirates' bench. Like his pitches, his punches unsurprisingly miss. Reds' manager David Bell, already ejected for arguing what was a correctly-called strike, runs back onto the field and shoves old-ass Pirates' manager Clint Hurdle. Pirates' hitting coach Rick Eckstein sees this and puts Bell into a headlock. Fight is eventually broken up with no serious injuries. All in all, Bell is looking at a what's certainly going to be a very long double suspension, Puig a suspension, and the Reds quite possibly a voided trade. Reds lose by 7.
There's your actual analysis. Who's the winner in this again?
Go Cubbies.
>yinzer seething
>4 Cincinnati ejections
>4 Pittsburgh ejections
>1 Cleveland ejection
>Besides getting his magical bat, we think that Yasiel Puig will fit nicely in the same spot in our clubhouse vacated by Trevor. - Indians GM
What did he mean by this?
they're both suspended
Did you guys see the big brawl yesterday? Damn, that sure was epic
>I don’t like this trade
>gets 5 players for Bauer
>adds 49 homeruns to team
Indians fleeced the reds and the padres
It’s kinda sad I feel bad for them, they just lost a controllable outfielder who has power and clutch a young top 100 prospect all for Taylor trammel
Reminder that the only people who are old are 50+
So who will play the Indians in the World Series this year, the Reds or the Mets?
Get off my lawn sonny!
How does this trade make sense for the Indians?
Franmil is a nice player to have but I’d rather have a good starter.
gallie to the mets for a top 500 prospect? well ill take it i guess....................
Best part was Puig getting in a fight anyway after being traded.
The absolute state of Rick Hahn.
based Puig
why does david bell look and sound like he wears women's clothes in his spare time
I think they decided Reyes wasn't really an outfielder. If it was me, I think I would have tried living with it a little while longer because I don't think Cordero/Myers/Margot have shown enough recently.
>he would keep a home run ball from the visiting team
What a cuck
Because he probably does, dude looks like he’s about to cry in his postgame interviews
>Ray Castro
>Joseph Jameski
>post SB Nation, Foolish Baseball, or Pete Rose
>get called a facebook faggot
>post jomboy
Don't forget urinatingtree.
God bless you east coast fags for giving me a game to watch this morning to kill time at work
reds and pirates part deux bout to get underway
come on mo get a fucking pitcher
>duvall longdicking the gnats
Should not have been in the minors to begin with.
Jomboy and Foolish are okay in my books.
Riley did the same thing when he came up, then he got cold as teams started to learn how to pitch to him.
Duvall has a legit major league track record.
>Soraka not just taking the strikeout
>almost gets hurt again
>ends in a double play anyway
You're a crybaby faggot at least. Post interesting things to watch, baseball talk is always welcome you pissy crybaby
What can I expect from Jesus Aguilar, broors buds?
Ive always liked Aguilar seems like a all around great guy but he Played way over his head first half of last season. Was a legit all star level clean up hitter that stretch but i think this season is more of what to expect really. Just a average to mediocre 1B with some decent pop. Pretty solid defensively too for a bigger guy.
man I love my man Kershaw but I would take Verlander or Scherzer over him in any high leverage situation. Both those two over Kershaw in a game 7 with same rest.
Are Verlander and Scherzer no question 1st ballot HoF like Kersh is?
Duvall isn’t a rookie. I wouldn’t expect him to continue to hit .550 though
A fat retard that ate all the cheese
he already burdened your team with shit contracts and won't be able to afford his core in the future. what more do you want?
I miss him, bros...
poo darvish 2 lol
i don't. guy couldn't hit sliders for shit
just one lead off guy, shop out carantini and schwarber for one decent lead off guy
darvish has been playing well recently, no complaints there
>darvish has been playing well recently
he has been playing well since the allstar break, he is far from the biggest problem on the cubs
He already got Krimbel though so what else could you need
we dont have a leadoff hitter
>$126 million for poop dooshit
>hamstrung the future
>taking a spot
>has pitched a total of two games "well"
>no complaints here!
I just want some moron to actually try to fight him for real
It would have to be someone really big and really dumb. Maybe Chapman, if the Yanks and Indians face each other in the postseason?
Judge would put this fool on his ass
Foolish and Jomboy are both good
Me too, I hope he comes back next year and continues to terrorize the Pirates.
Fuck judge, he's a gentle giant. He wouldn't know how to grow hands when the wild horse is charging at him. Just a pinstripe pussy
judge and/or stanton would neutralize him with some pacifist bear hug in .75 seconds
Puig couldn't even, who was he after last night, Brett Cecil? He couldn't even rush Brett fucking Cecil and he's gonna get Judge
making the playoffs and thinking you will get anything aside Vargas is even cuter.
no one wants to let Puig get after anywhere ne, hes always getting held back by half his team and distanced by half of the other team. I imagine it's difficult when you got 20 guys who have you at the center of th or attention
Yankees suck lol
does anyone know if tony kemp is any good?
>I imagine it's difficult when you got 20 guys who have you at the center of th or attention
Would this scenario be less difficult for any other players? Perhaps a player with more experience?
They should develop forcefields that replace netting
Yeah because some people just have targets on their backs. Puig is one of them, but that's all o. him
Can you personally imagine why 20 guys would target his back?
Judge is like the nicest guy in the world, he wouldn't throw a punch. Just wrap him up like he did in the brawl with Boston.
Exactly, wouldn't be an actual fight. But Chapman, I could see him throwing some punches.
darvish in july
2.93 ERA, 3.16 FIP
30.0% strikeout rate
1.7% walk rate
.202 batting average against
23.1% hard-hit rate (!)
Isn’t Judge adopted or some shit? Adopted people absolutely don’t know how to fight, only real dads can teach you
Actually, women are the strongest fighters on Earth
>Woman fights Tranny in UFC
>Woman ends up in a coma.
The New York Baseball Yankees
single moms can teach you to fight because they grow the capability to do so in a dadless environment, kind of like how some fish can grow a dick to impregnate bitch fish if there aren’t any males available
Odor would do it
Jose Iglesias is a god tier defender at short. Dude gets to everything.
>one month pitching with a remarkable 3 ERA excuses the ridiculous contract and the chokejobs and every other month of pitching like poo
my smuggest heh
Are winning.
>i dont what upward trends are: The post
brewers and giants trade has been made
>upward trends
>extrapolated stats
poo dooshit lol
madison bumgarner for that cool ass slide except now it goes straight into the cove
Why do the jays keep trading with teams with barren farms?
Bumgarner to the Brewers?
Panda's going home lads
Yeah he got adopted by a white couple
Judge is white
when are my phillies gonna do something
Pomeranz goes from #SFGiants to #Brewers, source tells The Athletic.
#Athletics acquiring RHP Tanner Roark from #Reds, source tells The Athletic. Agreement in place, pending medical review.
RHP Elvis Alvarado and LHP Taylor Guilbeau going from #Nationals to #Mariners in Elias trade, source tells The Athletic.
anytime you can get an absolute shit lefty like lyles or pomeranz you gotta do it
Drew Pomeranz lol
Jason Vargas lol
what the fuck are the reds doing
>Based Bauer throws a temper tantrum in his last start
>Based Puig goes beserk in his last game
Puig isn't based retard
we heard you the first time buddy!
What's Smyly's ERA as a Phillie?
Beating the thug ass Pirates
Maybe in New York lmao mutt
He's played 2 games against 2 shit teams
>MLB Network says the Giants and Brewers have made a "significant" deal, according to The Athletic.
>Turns out this "significant deal" is only Pomeranz
>Pillmilwaukee Chewers
Well I can't for The Quartering to make a cope video about this lefuckingl.
kys fucking idiot. smyly is back and the phillies are unstoppable
The Nationals have acquired Hunter Strickland from the Mariners for Aaron Fletcher, per sources. Deal is pending physicals.
lel wat
Nah he's clearly mixed and he identifies as african-american
Pomeranz just won a World Series
>it’s a nationals try to completely restructure their shit bullpen mid season with different shit relievers episode
this rerun airs every year
Where are the blockbuster trades? You told me there would be blockbuster trades?
Nationals trading up to bad from awful
Got judge imagine what he did to their daughters
>Luke jackson, the "elite" closer, coming up for the bottom of the 9th
>mfw nats walk off
You shall call him "Indio loco" from now onwards
1 pitch, 1 base hit
For me, it's suicide.
Both of you hues are faggots
At least he isn’t Jim Johnson
Drew Pomeranz lol
>teams are getting worse
interesting plan to throw two hanging sliders right down the middle let’s see how it works out for him
luke jackson is so bad
Rendon was clearly expecting 2 good sliders, it's excelling pitching.
The big deadline move is Drew Pomeranz
le slider in the dirt man strikes again
is there a team with a single good bullpen
even the yankees peripherals aren’t great