He's free Yea Forums. The police ended the rape investigation. Our boy is free!

He's free Yea Forums. The police ended the rape investigation. Our boy is free!

Attached: neymar-najila-3-1561147033785_v2_450x337.jpg (450x337, 20K)

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Blonde women were literally made for BBC

Are they white?


He's white. Only blacks go to jail.


the nt is better without this manbabby
fuck off, shill

Neymar is not black

poor girl

fuck this machist world, you only encourage the rape culture

Seething roastie

No, I'm only a conscious being

Is it true Neymar bonks his sister, or did Yea Forums make that rumour up?

can't spot sarcasm?

It's true

t. Yea Forumsartan

Can you?

soooo...is she going to be punished in any way for making potentially life ruining accusations? or is the world going to keep allowing woman to be free to throw their tampons at the wall to see what sticks? neymar is lucky that this one is so batshit and dumb that she left him completely exonerated. every other case leaves the man with an indelible mark, even if found not guilty.

>she going to be punished in any way for making potentially life ruining accusations?

Hell no.


free to stay in psg for another year

>punished for fake rape accusations

lmao nice joke you fucking bigot

If you think a rape happened, it happened racist

Let this be a lesson to you lads. Don't ever get involved with white women. They are trouble and will fuck you over.

The police is considering pressing charges but I doubt anything will come out of it.

This was bound to happen, there was never a case. She's criminally insane but since she's somewhat attractive she has access to rich athletes. Contrast that will being a man. If a person like this were a man, theres not a bad chance they'd be in prison by now. Or worse.

And then you have this fool. Smacking this crazy girl's ass. "B-b-b-but you told me to smack it. Dumb fuck, you couldn't see this setup coming from a mile away?

just 50%

Shut up retard

Thanks for clearing that up.

>taking anything on this board serious
Gee wiz, I'll let you guess this one pal

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