Guess this forward lines IQ

Guess this forward lines IQ

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>muh iq
Reminder that Jews are significantly smarter than Whites.

says who?


Now IQ tests don't matter? How ironic.

I see Dwayne Wade and LeBron James, Danny Green. Pretty high IQ bunch.

t. nonwhite

IQ measures autism not intelligence

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Christopher Langan has higher IQ score than Garry Kasparov, but i know which one is smarter.

Langan's biological father was Jewish and Kasperov is 100% Jewish. Well done proving me right.


You didn't get my point
If you have a higher IQ that doesn't necessarily make you a smarter (more intelligent) person

Now you're just coping.

left: 90
middle: 80
right: 120

Stephen hawking has lower IQ score than those two (and he's not a jew)
and If you think he isn't smarter and more intelligent than either one of them, then i have nothing more to say

left: 73728

He's certainly not smarter than Albert Einstein. Just because there are smart Whites, doesn't disprove the fact that overall, Jews are smarter. Your low IQ is showing.

Lmao, Einstein has lower IQ that Hawking but is smarter. Now thank (You) for proving me right.

that's a lie. jews never include ALL their jews when they compare themselves to the entirety of whites

>He has to lie to "win" an argument
Lol typical low IQ tactic.


>ahh yes goyim, muh high IQ six gorillion!
fat mutilated cucks should move to Yea Forums ASAP

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They are smarter than me, that's for sure

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left, high 90s
middle, low 90s
right, low 80s

>The exact IQ is unknown
>but experts peg his IQ somewhere between the range of 160 and 190
you read jews


Crazy to think that the three are french somehow, Lacazette being from Guadeloupe or something like this

Oh look, a bunch of virgins losers on the internet are boasting about whiteness and intelligence as they keep wasting oxygen
Oh and the dude is right, joos are generally smarter and more successful as well and none of you have or will ever do anything to disprove it

Guess their iq

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Unironically very high Vieira and Henry are masterminds, I swear Henry could have been a rocket scientist

that is three ethiopian jews pictured there

80, 220, 75

128 140 117 124

They are three so it is going to be very high, 30.

t. Shapiro

You're supposed to be racist towards the niggers. Look at the rest of this thread, learn our culture, or fuck off to plebbit. We take pride in racism

Combined 400+ easily.

not a single person in that pic has a triple digit IQ

>I swear Henry could have been a rocket scientist

well that's funny because fixing monaco wasn't a rocket science and he couldn't even do that

No actual nation
No need to have a part of the population uneducated for millenia to take care of the physical work
Ends up with a few more IQ points
Literally leeches

>Says the Algerian immigrant

Combined or average?


69 lole

if they were so smart why the nazis caught them in ww2 DUH ?

Patrick Vieira and Lilian Thuram are smarter than anybody on this board

nah thuram is dumb as a rock he just put glasses and pretend to be smart
vieira is doing a great job a Nice in the other hand

Unironically less than these two combined
They've been known to create new sections of pitch with their mind where previously nothing existed.

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Smart enough to turn


Jews are white



Whites are to Jews, what niggers are to whites.

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>he fell for the jew supremacy meme
neck yourself

reminder that Americans mutilate their children so their Jewish masters don't look like freaks

Last 3 digits of this post

nah that's just his media portrayal of le smart classy frenchman, nothing more