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is this shit legit or just a meme like H1N1? people seem not to give a fuck here in NZ.
Wouldn't call it a nothingburger but also wouldn't work myself into a shoot over it
I'm predicting things are gonna be pretty fucked for a few months at best
It's like Kaioken Flu. If you get it, it's gonna suck, but unless you live in a shitty third world country, you'll be fine.
You can also avoid it the same way you avoid the flu. Don't drink after people, wash your hands, don't touch your face, etc.
>but unless you live in a shitty third world country
Italy isn't that bad is it?
Untrue. Flu isn't transmitted asymptomatically for several weeks and can't stay alive on surfaces for a really long time, this can. People have traveled constantly and spreading it without ever feeling ill.
It's so much more contagious, basically everyone will get it in due time unless they're innawoods. 20% need to go on assisted breathing, as soon as hospitals fill up people will just choke on their mucus in bed and die. I will assume WM will not be cancelled but that's also a month away and the US breakouts just started
I dont know who's trolling me, thank god I dont mind dying or being in a post apocalypse scenario.
it probably won't kill you, just every senior citizen you know, and anyone that is a heavy smoker
pneumonia is no joke, especially one that no one can prevent once they have to turn people away from full capacity hospitals
Major inconvenience, but wouldn't call it a severe threat.
>dad is a 60yo heavy smoker
no please dawg, now I'm actually worried about it.
it's better to be worried but not panicked, than have your head in the sand about something that can affect family. My dad would also die if he got it, because he's in his late 80s and can't handle something so tough on the body.
Early on news was very difficult to obtain because China was censoring and still is, none of their numbers are real. Meanwhile other countries aren't saying much because they are trying to stop the stock market from tumbling. Just get food in case you run out of something but don't want to go into public if it gets bad, and lots of sleep to stay healthy regardless.
I got pneumonia when i was like 7 years old, i was fine. As long as you aren't old you basically good
I wouldn't say that yet. There's been a handful of deaths in the 20-35 age bracket already, and that's outside of the original country.
At this point because dumbfuck governments let travel continue so long, it's less about how to avoid contact and more about how to be healthy enough to get through it.
Sleep, nutrition (not just eating shit every day), limiting stress and overwork, and of course not being a fat piece of shit or smoking.
The average person won't give a shit until some famous celebrity dies though.
guys i was just in tampa florida
should i be worried
I hope it doesn't come to NC.
not sure if you saw the Iranian kids on the hospital beds, it's pretty messed up... they may have survived, I didn't follow up on it. Doctors there are shitting their pants because it's basically third world infrastructure.
Paranoia is pretty dangerous, I would say.
Panic is dangerous if you look at the videos of people rampaging through stores and fighting over bags of rice, that's the shit they're trying to prevent by downplaying it, but it's also having the effect of making people just not care which could end up worse than just stating it plainly.
probably already there, Florida just declared 2 cases as of 20 minutes ago
I hope Goldberg dies of it, for being a kike first of all, but secondarily cause he did my boy Bray dirty, fucking Jew faggot.
Could be the Pope. THAT will trigger.
you're talking about a guy that cheated on his white wife to racemix, hardly befitting of an ethnat larp
Maybe in Europe. I don't think anyone cares about the Pope out here in burgerland. It'd need to be someone like Clint Eastwood.
It is overhyped
Sister recently traveled through Korea for her honeymoon. Came back to work in Alaska and immediately got kicked off the slope for two weeks when they found out about it.
She should have quarantined herself right away. Someone should have informed her quickly at least.
Putting a baby in Jojo is based, beggin ya to have sex.
> People have traveled constantly and spreading it without ever feeling ill.
doesn't sound that bad then, does it?
imagine worrying about covid instead of the inevitable but easily preventable lung tumor
LMAO literally gookshit the virus.
If you're white you'll be fine or might get a quick flu.
Don't get worked. I mean try to look up "Corona, ethnicity, susceptibility" or some shit on Google and you'll be greeted by a selection of "HEY DON'T BE RACIST YOU NAZI" articles chosen by the faggots who run Google.
NJPW btfo.
It'll fuck with the economy for a bit because most people, including stock holders, are gullible and reactionary retards who buy into paranoia. But in terms of the virus itself? It's literally like the flu - most people who aren't boomers or have respiratory ilnesses will be fine even if they get infected.
No, it means it has a long period of not affecting you while still being able to spread, which means people will go shopping and hang out with friends and kiss your grandparents where with a flu you'd KNOW you're sick and stay home to deal with it and stay away from others.
It then hits you at the end of its incubation period. Said period was first estimated at 14 days but there've been cases linked to people that were 25 days apart.
it's not just stocks, China makes so much of the world's shit that supply chains are fucked while they don't have anyone operating boats. it won't really show for a bit but lots of small companies are going to fold in the meantime while big ones will just have to scramble for other sources
Wrestlemania is not invincible. GDC got cancelled yesterday or the day before, it's a big event too. There may be blanket bans on public gatherings (including events) over X amount of people, that's what they've done in Korea and Mongolia so far. Japan laid it out but not as a law, just a 'strong recommendation', which is why some but not all wrestling events have been postponed.
this virus will die in summer bro
that is the hope so far, but it had no problem spreading in Singapore and other subtropical shitholes and they're constantly in 25-35 degree heat.
UV light destroys it quite handily, which is why everyone should unironically seek sunlight when socializing.
That means 80% of the userbase on here would get it, thank god
its not that q big deal if you live in a country with decent labor laws (paid time off/sick leave, no punishment for calling in sick) and some sort of universal healthcare system but you should still be careful. wash your hands often, don't touch your face, avoid crowded areas. us burgers are pretty fucked though. a lot of employers discourage absence for any reason by threatening termination or denying promotions. also, most americans are either uninsured or under-insured and can't afford hefty medical bills. some guy recently was charged 3200 dollars for a COVID 19 test and his insurance only covered around 2000 so he was left with a 1200 dollar bill that he is supposed to pay out of pocket. a majority of americans can't afford a 400 dollar medical emergency so they won't be in any hurry to go to the hospital if they feel ill. instead they will probably go to work so that they can afford all their next bills. this will cause the virus to spread way more than it did in china as employers will be unwilling to support quarantines when smaller outbreaks start. i expect at least 1 million cases
lmao I thought there were less retards on Yea Forums but at least most of you will be dead soon
russochads will inherit Yea Forums
America really does sound like a dystopian hellscape.
We're just a bit behind the modern world and unfortunately the constant "hurr durr murica" circlejerk mentality makes it really hard to progress. Hard to make positive change when you already view your country as literally perfect
Yup. The spread will be really bad because people would actually go homeless if they did the right thing and called in too many times.
USA is a good place but has a lot of problems too.
I was fired recently for calling in too much when sick. thankfully my family is pretty well off and my parents still financially support me or I would legitimately be homeless right now
it's fine for first-worlders under 70, the worst part by far is the media driven paranoia and the needlessly inconvenient crap it causes like cancelling events that aren't even in china, etc.
media driven paranoia literally doesn't exist, they've been underselling it the whole time right from the top government level. see "it's just a flu" shit that was pushed for a solid 5 fucking weeks before suddenly turning on a dime and saying it's bad
>like cancelling events that aren't even in china, etc
It's in something like 52 countries retard
that first part I meant to add "this time" because there is a long history of overhyping stuff that turned out to be relatively fine. this is different and they know it but had to get their buddies financially squared off before making any big announcements.
>media driven paranoia literally doesn't exist
Imagine being stupid enough to believe this.
Ignore the doomers and /cvg/fags. It's not going to do shit to you 99% of the time unless you're old, a Chinese shitholer or pretty much in direct contact with a bunch of patients 24/7 for weeks.
thanks, I'll try to stock up this weekend. better safe than sorry I guess.
>implying I havent tried
my dad listens and asks my advice for a whole lot of shit, cigs is the only thing he doesn't.
I'll be pretty pissed. I paid $200 for those fucking TJPW tickets and I'm going to the show even if doing so will give me Super AIDSbola.
this weekend is already too late in some places like Texas, if nothing is near you try to get non perishables you'd end up eating anyhow if nothing happens
see the post above yours
it has been systematically buried until very recently only because it's getting impossible to keep doing so. monday's stocks are going to be telling.
$200 for TJPW? What the fuck did it include Mizuki flashing you?
>it has been systematically buried until very recently only because it's getting impossible to keep doing so.
No it hasn't, retard.
Vince is insane enough to not cancel Wrestlemania during an epidemic because it's fucking WrestleMania.
how the fuck are Americans allowing their government to cuck their taxes for israel and oil companies spending most their money on the army while people are struggling like that? universal healthcare is a norm to almost everyone on earth, the fact that you dont have it boggles my mind.
News saying "its just a cough man just wash your hands bruh" is exactly burying it, so is deciding that not testing for it = it's not there.
I'm not in america. I'm fine to wait a few days.
because universal healthcare boils down to more taxes - while not being able to reduce the already retarded ones in place, like property and income and the other shitty ways you get to pay the government 3-4 times for the same thing.
people would break if they were asked to leverage even more of their wagebucks onto another system that is mostly abused by freeloaders.
>News saying "its just a cough man just wash your hands bruh"
No news site has said that it's "just" a cough or a flu. You're talking out your ass.
>$200 for TJPW? What the fuck did it include Mizuki flashing you?
3 tickets at $60 + fees
what country?
bookmark that and scroll down, it updates quite often.
He's a /cvg/fag probably. Don't listen to him. He probably still thinks that video from last month of the "nurse" crying was real.
New Zealand, im the first poster.
It's more taxes but unlike insurance companies whose main goal is profit, the government will be driven to keep costs low. The government can say "fuck you 3000 dollars for an ambulance ride is ridiculous we'll pay 200 and you'll smile and like it" versus an insurance company saying "well the hospital you drove to was out of network so we won't cover Jack shit". we pay way more per capita for shittier care than a lot of other countries and there was a recent study out of yale that says M4A would significantly reduce that
more taxes but you wont pay the middleman so you'll probably end up paying less, and how about cutting gibs to contractors in somalia and wherever else the fuck your politicians are funneling money to. also, if people seek care before they get too fucked up you'll end up saving money on that too since they wont go when they're on deaths doorstep.
I don't use /pol/, about a dozen bookmarked health sites and info trackers instead.
This stuff is important to me because I'm fairly sure i will lose my father to the sickness if it shows up here.
>don't listen to him
what is your solution then? I've not promoted hysteria at all, that's the opposite of productive. I'm just saying people should prepare for things - both health and economical - to go downhill. That includes not being stuck in your house with nothing to eat because the town store is closed because they decided it's not safe for workers. Think one step ahead of news because they don't give a fuck about your personal life.
>I am 26 and jakked therefore it's no big deal
I walk past a senior home every day for my commute. I try not to look in the window because it's usually people either bored out of their minds or mentally distant from dementia. They're weak and need canes to walk and probably on a litany of meds just to get through a day. Those are the first to fall when they get it because some janitor got sick at their own house and thought "news said i'm fine" and went in for a shift.
It's a selfish mindset to think only of yourself when it comes to this, and I blame both you and news for saying not to worry about it beyond washing your hands when it already gets spread in such a manner that people wear fucking hazmat suits to deal with it in chinkland, who are not known for safety protocol.
based kiwi isolating themselves from the vile species of the earth
Boomers gotta go sometime bro.
Just took all the money out of my bank account and used it to buy supplies. Also quit my job so I can isolate myself. Don't have enough money to cover next month's rent, but I doubt the landlord will bother kicking up a fuss when society is in total decay.
Hell Vince wouldn't even cancel an episode of NXT from Full Sail
A wise investment.
>The government can say "fuck you 3000 dollars for an ambulance ride is ridiculous we'll pay 200 and you'll smile and like it"
and then people will be getting "we're out of free ambulances, your number in queue for ambulances is 125"
Are you really that retarded you need government to plan your budget? If you want healthcare just get a bank account and send 20% of your income each month there, and then if something happens use that money, because this is what you will be doing if government implements a universal healthcare.