Why was one hated while one is cheered?

why was one hated while one is cheered?
nothing has changed except the letters on the belt
>explain yourself

Attached: dean_moxley.jpg (1300x400, 259K)

Dean was cheered.

WWE restrictions made him a anti-draw and E-Drones cannot, and will not, refute this.

People liked Dean, it was just awful being a fan of his.

My most disappointing moment ever as a wrestling fan was his match with Lesnar. For every good moment he had in WWE he had 5 bad ones.

>4/10 look
>That hairline
>Shit moves
>Knock off stone cold even using his vest
>Le wacky guy

Yep, he’s a shitter

Dean was cheered buddy

He's still an anti-draw. Jericho is the only legit draw AEW has.

what makes him a draw to AEW fans? reminder these are the same fans that shit on jericho and deano while in WWE for the SAME SHIT they are doing in AEW

>literally called the wwe title a mid-card jobber title friday in a quote
>wins the title from a former WWE guy being a former WWE guy himself
>remind me who draws in AEW besides WWE guys

because the other one's fans is all cults. they call wwe fans drones yet wwe fans always shit on shows, trannies cant help but deepthroat mediocre jobbers like the bucks moxetty and CAWdy.

Dean was never hated, he was just put against Ziggler, which killed his momentum and then put up against AJ, which nobody was gonna boo over him

i'm not loyal to any wrestler, i'm loyal to the belt, there's a difference

The live Stone Cold interview fucking ruined his WWE career

stone cold was right about him
unpopular opinion here but he and Jericho were made champion to stick it to Vince and nothing more. also pretty fucking sad the company is being carried by former wwe guys

not a cultist tranny at all but jericho was the right guy to be the champ, he shouldve held the belt longer. ambrose is a no dime shitter, hope this means he wont be in new japan anymore shitting up those cards taking up time and spots.

so what does jericho do now? mox already demanded cody

This and this, Jericho was a good title holder and putting the strap on mox now was a fucking stupid idea. Who challenges next? Kenny v mox in another shitty match? Vs pac who is infinitely better? Remember when he was exposed hard core in his match against Sammy who carried him the entire time just to fucking lay down for that shitter?

Cody can’t challenge for the title

Mox said he was gonna offer Cody a title shot sat night/sun morning

Makes the entire point of that he mjf storyline pointless

Go back and watch the lumberjack match he had with Rollins, and then his cash in years later. Face Dean was over as fuck, but WWE and Vince didn't want him to actually main event WrestleMania, so they buried him just like they're doing to Wyatt now.

remember when wins and losses mattered to getting title shots? remember when that didn't work so they reset the counter and made seasons? not even five months in and only wwe guys had held the top belt yet most aew fans shit on wwe
>no logic

>nothing has changed

Except for Jons entire presentation and booking you fucking retard

killing wyatt makes no sense. i personally didnt like the character but he and it's over as fuck. now they booked themselves into a corner. cena cant lose since hes being labeled as goat. meanwhile wyatt cant lose otherwise the lore of fiend is done

>lol wut
has had the exact same style and promos since CZW days. only now he uses muh edgy attitude era on tv

>only now he uses muh edgy attitude era on tv

Yeah and thats whats different, stop being retarded

Stone cold admitted to fucking up by asking about his personal life. DEAN grew up with a crackhead mother in a bad part of town and didn't want to talk about it and told producers who didn't tell Austin.

Also, the stupid as fuck "muh brass ring grabbing attitude era guys" questions deserve no answer, they're way too micromanaged to get over organically and doing so gets you buried or cooled off because you aren't allowed to be bigger than the brand.

by that logic he also changes clothes each week so that's different

I just don’t find dean/John entertaining. He’s always carried. The people that make him look good could have wrestled a mop in the ring.

He does considerably more chain wrestling now while brawling like a hoss if his opponent is small enough like the Darby match.

didn't bother becky, pagie and others that grew up in a life of woe. the brass ring is a meme, nothing more. vince chooses who lives and dies. if you get over without his permission, you die!

have you seen the cringe NJPW matches he's done lately? makes takers and shane-o-mac strikes look top tier

They didn't specifically ask not to answer questions about their personal life. Mox's family issues was having a prostitute crackhead for a mother and no one else around. If you don't want to talk about that shit you shouldn't have to.

The Suzuki match was pretty good. About half way through Suzuki got him to through with force.

Both were cheered. When he won the belt, Ambrose was unironically the most over champ since Bryan.

so austin exposed with his own life of woe and that led to him stop caring and then eventually downfall in wwe?
agreed since he was considered by some to be the next stone cold though lite version

Because Dean was always held back by Vince because he was always chowing down on Roman's cock but Mox is unrestricted and can actually draw.

>not over
what meme is this? even when he got buried he still was liked especially the AJ and ellsworth

Roman is about 30x more entertaining than mox

>E drone once again pretending to watch Nu Jamal

>putting the strap on mox now was a fucking stupid idea
>Pulling the trigger on someone who is red hot while they are still red hot is a fucking stupid idea
Are you Vince?

>dats b8 m8
explain why ex wwe guys have been top champs in their supposed rival-competition company

Lol yeah that's why Ambrose was always the more over of the two.

Muh red hot wacky pirate!!
It’s not even remotely possible that jerichos heel work was responsible.

No bait, but kek on the second point

absolutely. jericho was natural. deano seems to forcing it to make up for lost time in E. no where near jerichos level

How about because no one else is an established name like they are? Retard.

roman is being forced again by vince. now goldberg gonna lay down for him. how many fucking coronations they gonna give him!?!?!?!

so you admit aew wouldn't last with out wwe leftovers and people that have quit it?

>It’s not even remotely possible that jerichos heel work was responsible.
Well, no, it isn't, because he was already over as fuck before he even started feuding with Jericho. Seethe more, drone.

What the fuck are you on about?

Fucking based. Making reigns the new Goldberg. Reigns getting himself over, grabbing the brass ring and hope he start using the jackhammer and shaves his head. He does need to drop his shield gear though, it’s cringe.

If you have to ask, you are too stupid to understand the answer anyways

Ratings say otherwise, dipshit

What about him? He never got WWE exposure so of course he's not an established name like they are. What point are you even trying to make?

You do know Jericho works for aew too right? And new japan too.
Screeching out drone for no reason just shows how rent free the e is with you.

>not falling for your b8 m8
we get it, you love roman and believe his cancer comeback storyline... cool
read this and explain yourself petitest
holy fuck dood. omega didnt need wwe to get noticed. believe it or not, people do exist outside of vince's club

>The drone still pretends to not be a drone
Lmao. No argument.

Do you really think that John coxly matches are more entertaining than BBD?

>omega didnt need wwe to get noticed
Way to miss my point, you stupid ESL pajeet.

hi reenee
yes i try to watch you on tuesday nights but it's hard

Did Vince touch you? Where on the doll did he put his fingers?

>seething heavy
sorry bro, deano sucks and is only hailed now for leaving wwe. just like matt is gonna do, just like harper is gonna do. shin wants out, rusev wants out, revival wants out... all fucking jobbers and laughed at by all... hows swagger working out for you!? aew picks them up and then all of a sudden you like them

>Still no argument
Kek E drones are pathetic.

why is your preferred wrestling company carried by it's once rival wrestlers in jericho and ambrose?

Fucking kek rent free.

>Goes on a SEETHING shoot because I called him a dumb pajeet
>Still misses my point entirely


what's the point of your point bro? you call me a drone yet AEW has had two former mid to top card guys as THEIR FUCKING CHAMPION! explain this shit!

Why are you too stupid to understand the importance of using established names to help get a startup company over?

so you admit without wwe guys, aew wouldn't get over on it's own?

Stupid pajeet.

so you admit without wwe guys, aew wouldn't get over on it's own?

Fucking based, tranny on suicide watch because none of the “elite” could draw a bingo hall

I never said otherwise, retard. Do you think this is some kind of "gotcha" for you?

>IP count didn't go up

>continues to rant and evade the question
i love aew cultists. bash and shit on every thing else
cant handle their top guy is a wwe shitter

>I never said otherwise, retard. Do you think this is some kind of "gotcha" for you?

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I literally directly addressed the question multiple times, you sub 80 IQ pajeet subhuman lmao.

don't trigger him bro
he can't handle deano is a shitter but his champion. goes against the npc programming of a petitest

>addressed the question multiple times
never answered other than meme and drone responses to cover up the fact he has no answer

>IP count didn't go up

>Drone seething that I addressed his stuoid non-question and now he jas nothing left


Do you like his match psychology big brain? Or is it his insistence of getting over by being consistently the shittiest man in every match he’s in that you like most?

still can't give a clear cut yes or no without seething and memeing
>muh mental gymnastics


Attached: 1582863501138.jpg (1000x1000, 135K)

>begging and hoping some shitter from another company signs with to get them noticed and over
you've never run a business or understand working for one, do you? do you realize how stupid you sound right now?

>Moves the goalposts
Based E drone burying himself yet again.

Pretending to be a retard doesn't make you any less of a retard.


You realise you have literally not posted anything resembling an actual argument here, yes?

>Except for Jons entire presentation
>same attire
>same gimmick
>same shit moves
>same promos
>still doing the shield entrance(KWAB)

Did you loose your dialator?

>boiling over the post
thanks man, i've filled up on the bait you've posted. you don't get basic business 101
there is a reason they quit, left, got fired... sigh, g/nite m8

Fucking kek so true

you really can't accept the facts bro. aew would fail without wwe guys yet it goes against your petite programming to like anything but aew
sshhh they don't like facts like this guy

The ONLY difference is now he talks about how big bad WWE held him back but he is REALLY good and free.

Go watch any episode of Impact from like 2005-2015, it's the same shit they all said to get more over.

Dean is this generation's Ken Kennedy.

>IP count didn't go up

I dont have the numbers infront of me and I dont really care to look because the tranny will dismiss as he seems to be ManMs'ing, but the only people that consistently draw for them were Jericho Moxley CAWdy and Riho.

>Same entrance
>bitter midcarder
>shitty moves
>not entertaining

Checks out, when is aew hiring Kennedy?

you've said this 3 times
is no one allowed to continue to post in a thread more than once?
so 3 ex wwe guys and a woke tranny that if I dont like, im the the problem!?


kennedy is shitting up powerrr, thankfully he hasn't been on lately, hope hes gone for good.

wait until they get hardy and harper. hardy gonna use his broken/woken gimmick again and harper gonna be billed as a monster heel...NOTHING NEW but hailed as gold in aew

I'm not the tranny, I'm just showing him that you're right, no one draws there but WWE guys except the chick they got the belt off of, Riho was the pedobait gook aj lee. the tranny nyla jax lost like 150k viewers kek.

Just proves you need to samefag and reply to your own posts because you're that desperate for validation. KWAVEDB

Probably gonna have Harper using “the family” gimmick to give the other two shitters a way over. Might even use the old firefly entrance too

by this logic, no one can post more than once in a thread? wtf is this mental retardation? you voting for sanders or something? holy fuck bro!
that firefly thing is gonna follow him no matter what he does

yes let's seek this from this... from you... on 4chins... at 2 in the morning... ok bro... i've lost track of how many posts you've done and I so miss IDs but im sure you werent old enough to post here when that was here...

How to argue as E-drone:
>Call them a tranny
>Tell them to dialate
>Suicide watch
>Find any pro WWE post and type based
>Throw the word seething somewhere in your sentence

The level of retardation in here is too damn high

I don't know why you braindead drone retards tried to shift the argument to the top guys being ex WWE. I literally told you that you're a moron if you can't understand the concept of top names being previoisly well known. You're basically agreeing with me.

>IP count didn't go up

>posting at 2am on a monday
>hes an old retard too
dont cry too hard, mummy might come and find out you were up past your bed time again little boy.

how about arguing the points on this thread instead of crying E-DRONE E-DRONE at whatever you dont like?

I really hope aew pays for Wyatt too. I’m sick of his rebranding it’s sad. Kevin Owens and that fag zayn can go too.

>DEAN grew up with a crackhead mother in a bad part of town
I fucked Jon's mom when she was hard up on the candy. AMA

>21 unique posters
>wants only 1 posts per IP
muh gwad... im done... im just done
wyatt anit leaving despite his 4 gimmicks in 6 years. owens needs to not be a fat stone cold somehouw. zyan is pretty good manager right now

Seething drone.

His faggy little outbursts just make him look like the cuck that he is, he’s an Indy shitter, he should go somewhere they love Indy shitters like nxt

Owens is fucking garbage and is 3 times the wrestler Moxley is. If it had been Owens that showed up at all in, he would have had more of a pop than “hardcore mox” who’s been pretending he has an eye problem and had one cringe hardcore match.

owens is a lite stone cold. most characters now are lite versions of attitude era guys. hardly anyone is original anymore unless vince gives them the ok to be. if you get over on your own, vince ends you
agreed on the fact they can be an E shitter on Monday, show up to AEW on Wednesday and be hailed a GOD. this is the logic of a petitest

dont get worked, even if he was a fag which he is, atleast hes a heel so you're supposed to hate him anyway. hes pretty good as a manager imo.

I actually want aew to succeed for this reason. WWE just buried anyone that gets themselves over, or just buys there contract and sends them to catering while pushing shitty mma fighters.
But aew need to not be afraid of putting there younger talent like alin or sammy g over. Rather than jobbing them to mox or Cody:

Pushing wwes old mid card makes the entire promotion look mid card.

allen and sammy are jobbers, they should push based PAC.

vince wuold rather pay them to die then see them live elsewhere. ruthless. sadly, when he goes this will change in a years time, hhh and cody will appear together on a show... cap this
PAC is another wwe guy. anyone remember all last summer cody saying aew was gonna be different.. it's literally wwe scrubs

it's not like they shouldnt push WWE guys at all, but CAWdy and mox are shit, PAC is based.

but why say they gonna be different, but then do the exact same shit as E, but just add muh edgy attitude era promos?
theyve all done about 90% of the same thing they've done in E and everywhere else. it's the same shit every week. thats the part i don't get like with that other guy up top. he couldn't understand aew was having a wwe guy as their top guy, but he shit on him for doing the exact same shit they did when they were with E

Dean wasn't hated at all

why are you lying?

This type of delusion is enough to make a normal man turn insane. Fucking hell even Deanmark wouldn't stoop down to that level of delusion and he's fucking DeanMARK.

What is booking?

Jericho was a WCW guy zoomer

Your opinion is unpopular because it's fucking stupid.

>life of woe

shut up ESL-drone

lmao Nitro used ex-WWF guys and WWE's current champs are ex-WCW & NJPW guys

kill yourself e-Drone

Sup Carter.


Dean as a Smack champ was absolutely kino, you utter clown. That was literally the best era of Smackdown in the past decade.

i don't get it either. they're literally the same character. the only difference is now he can get color whenever he wants and he can cover up his shitty wrestling with weapons spots at will.

it's literally a case of wwe bad, not-wwe good.

>the only difference now is that he has more positives and less weaknesses

it's almost like this is some kind of wrestling promotion

I haven’t seen him in a bear costume on a tricycle or riding a Hot Dog cart in AEW yet

Based, I can empathize with you like you wouldn't believe

how the fuck did he age so fast? 3 years looks like 13 Christ

Because no one in the title picture is allowed to get over anymore in the WWE

>they're literally the same character.
When AEW is dressing him like a teddy bear and having him ride a tricycle, work an angle with "Mitch the Potted Plant," or do things like this, maybe that argument will hold water.

Attached: moxley_ketchup.gif (467x269, 2.34M)

Dean was cheered he just got over shadowed by better wrestlers just like it's about to happen again

Because AEW fans don't actually care about being entertained or watching a compelling product. If they did, they'd have realized that there were plenty of perfectly accessible alternatives before AEW, and a lot were better.
They care about sticking it to WWE, so they cheer for Dean because he left and "stuck it to Vince".
Props to him, he worked those dumb cultists hard.

>he's on a show with 1/3rd the viewership
>he's a draw now

WWE fans who watch wrestling casually and cheer for people they like regardless of booking (turbo jobber fandango used to get insane pops)

Autists who are emotionally attached to m'fed and praise the guy AEW wants you to like so the company may succeed

Proof is Deano's reactions in AEW are suddenly through the roof while being the same old Dean, hasn't changed much in the ring or out. I guess cursing makes you the GOAT?

>AEW fans don't actually care about being entertained.
Yes, nobody thinks orange assidy is a main eventer apart from cultists, now he's a "mega draw" lmao.

Hey I just stumbled upon this board by accident (from /his/) and holy shit you guys take your wrestling companies seriously. Isn't it good that there is competition?

This 100 percent

dean ambrose was more cheered and more famous than "jon moxley" ever will be.

We're all joking you fucking retard.

>cody's coming off a loss
>promised not to challenege for the belt
>mox doesn't have any kind of authority to make matches
>wrestlers doing what they want spits in the face of the whole win loss record schtick

it would be pretty silly to go that route


The product is so protected at the higher levels everything is painfully scripted and forced.

Cody's the only WWE guy in AEW

Both were cheered, one was just forced to dress like a goon and do wacky things and 4 moves on repeat, the other chooses to dress like a goon and does wacky things he chooses to do and spams his 4 moves of his choice on repeat.
I've been a Mox mark for over 10 years by the way.