USWNT gets paid more than the men

>Womens team made 8million more during 2010-2018 despite making 80million less revenue
>They claim it's all fake
Who is in the wrong here bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I don't think any of them should be paid anything. Why don't they just play for the love of the game?

>Cordeiro also highlighted tens of millions of dollars of investment by the federation in women’s soccer, noting specifically more than $18 million in direct support for the National Women’s Soccer League, the seven-year-old professional league, and millions more in spending on youth programs.
Wow so they rather invest in something that can benefit all women rather than the 23 who happened to be picked in a team.

no one cares stop shilling

Damn.... women are so retarded and self-centered. They genuinely can't understand why men playing a sport watched by literally most of the planet get payed more than women playing a sport watched by a couple of million.

I blame the britcucks and americucks for forcing everyone to give these bitches any rights.

I blame the brits and americans for most problems in the world unironically

i blame chile for every wrong in the world

I blame chilli for this massive shit I'm churning out right now


You're right to do so. Although our women are slightly less dykish that mutt women

So now does the American men's team come out and demand equal pay?

That would be sexist

it sound like a German spoken by a retard

Not far from the truth.


men's teams should demand FIFA to pay equal percentage of World Cup revenue, like men recieve 8-10% of World Cup income(TV deals, tickets etc), while women get like 15-20%

To a German in definitely sounds like a funny version of our own language.

They were paid less because the CLUBS paid them less than the men players.
They want the federation to make up for it.
They basically want free money for existing.
It's the same thing as the wage gap. In the end, women are paid the same or more doing less. Way less.

surprise women have no integrity and exist to suck male resources

They should but they won't. Men have some actual respect for themselves and don't go around crying when something isn't going their way

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Wow she really told them huh?

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Their point is that in America specifically, the USWNT makes the finals every time while the men didn't even make the group stage last time, so more people end up watching the women's team.

You take that back our women's team is cute

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I'd be content with one of them coming out and saying that they don't care about the money and they just love the opportunity to represent their country

Man or woman, selffie takers are faggots.

13 going on 46

>The Sue Closet
Forgot she married cutie-related.
>All those shoes
Imagine the smell

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it makes sense then that the men's team should get more investment so they develop more

Do you make such a big ruckus for womens hockey world champions as well. Why is it only football?

Yeah that actually is an argument, there's no room for the women's team to improve so what would giving them more money do? They've already reached their ceiling, whereas more money to the men could make them contenders.
IDGAF about hockey except that I know some of the women's players are also cuties. Iirc the last Olympics had a pair of sisters on the team

No, more men watch the male's team because in the world cup for men the viewership is in the billions. So even if you just make the groups, you'll be seen by way more people than the female champions.

When will some nigger just decapitate this thing?
Disgusting human being.

No one watches womemeball so it doesn't matter how far they get.

I hate women.

Why do women ruin everyhing? WHY!?

What if it's not even about the jews, it's the women that have been fucking over nations for all eternity...


What if it's actually Jewish women?

Have sex.

Oh you don't believe the numbers? Well uh I don't believe youd get a bigger closet! Ha take that

don't most men end up donating their WC salaries anyway?

No that is not true. If they donated I would've gotten a new car by now, believe me

>Sue closet
Sadpanda ruined me, I'm constantly imagining a closet with just an ass sticking out of the wall ready to take whatever you shove in there

>men's international soccer
>10-15 elite teams. 20-30 or so competitive teams who can pull off upsets
>soccer not most popular sport for males in US so it splits athletes/talent with football, basketball, baseball, etc.
>US national team has harder time getting far b/c there are so many other good teams

>women's international soccer
>2-5 good teams. rest a shit (see Thailand)
>most of world doesn't give two shits about women's soccer (or have Sharia) so their women's teams suck
>soccer very popular for females in US so they get all the "best" female athletes
>shocked they beat down on crap-hole teams year after year
>still lose 5-2 when they scrimmage against a U-15 boys soccer team

The men's team isn't great compared to other men's soccer teams. But they'd butcher the women's team. Hell I think the Thai men's team could beat down the US women's team if they played.

An american with a good post, what a time to be alive

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Nobody watches woman's Football. It is boring and therefore very unprofitable

The USWNT loses to High School varsity teams, user. They lose to US academy teams, too.

You know American women really are heartlets. They can only win when they are fighting cans. It only took one letter to utterly DESTROY them with FACTS and LOGIC. Now they can't even respond properly.

No wonder there are no wmma champs from America anymore. Ronda really represents them well as bullies who can't deal with real adversity.

I know. That's my point lol. I mentioned it in the green text.
The reason the women "dominate" boils down to lack of competent competition and a less diluted talent pool of female athletes compared to men. The best US female athletes going to soccer is more likely to happen than the best US men athletes going to soccer.

They're getting praise for doing what they should be expected to do - winning in a tournament that has really only a small handful of good teams in it. Anything less than a victory would be an embarrassment to them as it should be.

Men's soccer gets mocked (and there's no excuse for us getting knocked out of the WC by Travel Advisor and Tobago) but the men's team advancing to the round of 16 in a world cup - where the competition is generally strong even from "lesser" teams - is a far more impressive achievement than the women's team winning the whole thing against literal who's.

They should delet the men’s team and officially declare soccer a women’s sport

The best way to describe it is

The women's team is basically a big fish in a small pond

The men's team is a medium sized fish in a giant lake or possibly even an ocean.

They exist to make babies and satisfy their husbands. Take that away from them and this is what you get.


Good analogy.

But I'd take it even further with the women's team and say they're a fucking megalodon in a rain puddle of tadpoles.

womens' team performs significantly and consistently better than the mens' meme team. if you can't grasp this you're probably an incel

I could perform significantly better than Lebron James if I played basketball vs a bunch of 9 year old girls. Does that mean I’m better at 9 year old girls basketball than Lebron is at NBA basketball?

So in other words, a cumbrain?

For this analogy to work you would also need to be a 9 year old girl and you'd need to be the best in the world.
is this like a roodypoo or am i missing something

- US
- Germany
- Norway
- Sweden

Up until a few years ago, these were the only nations that had a proper women's soccer team. And the fact that Germany won the Women's Euros for three decades in a row says everything about Norway and Sweden.

So please stop talking about men's World Cup titles. If you want to compare performance, put the USMNT in a tournament with three teams on their level and the rest Sunday league kickers... oh there's already such a thing, I think you call it CONCACAF. :^)

>Having to pay players to play for thier national team

The fuck is this bullshit?

They perform better within their league, but they don't perform on the same level as the men. It's like being the fastest 9 year old runner in the country because you're 6'0" and trained by Usain Bolt and thinking you're better than Tyson Gay because he lost to Justin Gatlin in a race. Being the best women in the world is great, but they are only the best women in the world, which makes them worse than the worst team to make it to the world cup.

>talking about the USMNT and titles in the same breath

so do UFC fighters in lighter weight classes need to be paid less because they can't fight larger people?

>For this analogy to work you would also need to be a 9 year old girl and you'd need to be the best in the world.
It doesn't matter. You can have a U21 team that's the best in the world, they won't be paid the same as proper adult teams. And it isn't because young people are discriminated against.

That is the face of someone going to get their first used car, no warranty, cash only.

Yes. McGregor gets paid 1m+ coz he's a huge drawl.

Meanwhile the rest can get 500k if they are like khabib. For comparison mark hunt and overeem got 800k per fight even though they were fighting rather poorly by that stage. That's why you don't see HW needing to trash talk much coz they get paid big bux anyway.

androgynous women will be the death of our civlization

Any other flags but american dont understand what the USWNT is fighting for.

Sports is entertainment. You get paid by how much you can draw ratings. In US market, the women team draw more ratings than the men. Equal pay for equal dime made by the network. It's a local, US problem. That's all they asking for. It has nothing to do with being better than men, but many retarded online feminists latched onto the struggle and make it bigger than it seems.

It's more like a Bellator champion earning less than UFC champions. The actual world cup and womens world cup are distinct tournaments with completely different viewership and level of competition.

If the women's team are a bigger draw, why did the men's team make 80 million more in revenue with fewer games played?

Funny thing is save for the month every 4 years the media shoves women's soccer down the US throat... nobody gives a shit about it. No one cares about women's soccer outside of the World Cup, and even then one must wonder what impact the media's focus on it has had vs. organic interest.

Because of the FIFA pay structure which is different than the USNT pay structure ffs it's outlined in the article did you even read it

I don't think the USWNT know any better

Sorry USSF pay structure

lol who cares

I did not

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One major problem is the Men's and Women's C.B.As aren't argued collectively so incentivized pay structures, compensations, and protections are wildly different

>Yes. McGregor gets paid 1m+ coz he's a huge drawl.
McGregor get paid more than many HWs because he draw ratings and PPV buys. The guy would get canned by Tito Ortiz because Tito Ortiz had like 60 lbs advantage.

Same argument with US Women National Team. This is USWNT specific, and not a commentary on womens football in general. The fact is that they draw ratings, made the network more money per broadcast than the men's team. Similar to Conor's analogy, probably USWNT would get canned if it moves to other division (in this case, move to men's soccer). This has nothing to do with skill level or being better than men. This has to do with the networks and football governing body not paying their fair share for the revenue the team generates. This is a fair comment pertaining to US market only. If your respective women national team, like for example just pick Sweden sucks, doesn't draw ratings and generate revenue there's no reason to have women player making the same money as Zlatan.

Would be pretty based.

Do you also complain about how the female team basically gets subsidized by male teams?

So basically we are going back to the debate on whether the women's team is a drawl?

Then we have to have to reread this entire thread.

Or better yet just look at the hard figures which no one has posted.

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But those are not true. Why, because I say so.
t. American woman

The first point deflected the question. Women soccer team draw more TV ratings for sure.

USA vs. Argentina (2016 Copa America semifinal): 3.3 million (FS1)
USA vs. Mexico (2019 Gold Cup final): 2.88 million (FS1)
Mexico vs. USA (World Cup qualifying, 2013): 2.39 million (ESPN)
USA vs. Mexico (World Cup qualifying, 2013): 2.24 million (ESPN)
USA vs. Panama (2013 Gold Cup final): 2.1 million (Fox)

USA vs. Japan (2015 World Cup final): 25.4 million (Fox)
USA vs. China (1999 World Cup final): 18.0 million (ABC)
USA vs. Netherlands (2019 World Cup final): 14.2 million (Fox)
USA vs. Japan (2011 World Cup final): 13.5 milion (ESPN)
USA vs. Germany (2015 World Cup semifinal): 8.4 million (Fox)

That's hard fact. The pic you posted is biased as it deflected the question on TV ratings, where the bulk of money were made but show the live tickets earnings. I give you that women soccer don't make as much live tickets as mens. But they generate straight up 3-4x TV ratings

>The fact is that they draw ratings, made the network more money per broadcast than the men's team
Is that an actual fact tough? If so I propose to delete the USA from international football entirely as they are beyond hope

The women's hockey team did the same shit and caused their league to collapse.

well obviously nobody cares about the fucking gold cup

U.S.A.-Belgium World Cup Game Drew 22 Million Viewers in Ratings
>With just under 16.5 million viewers on ESPN, and 5.1 million more watching on Univision, the World Cup game on Tuesday between the United States and Belgium was the second-most-viewed soccer game ever on American television, trailing only the United States-Portugal game earlier in this tournament.

I just googled one single game that I remember and it already has more views than most of the highest women's game. I wonder why they didn't include this in the article?

Honestly, shit like this makes me not surprised Europeans hate us

Sadly yes. Normies bandwagon and tune in to support their country every women world cup because the US women soccer happen to be good.
Here it is actually one of the few national sports other than the olympics where americans can tune in and support team USA. Basketball is not competitive internationally. Other teams don't have american football national team. Hockey its just us vs. Canada vs. Russia. Men soccer team we sucked. So the women soccer team fill a niche in american sports broadcasting landscape.
You can blame media generated hype, bandwagonism, woke feminism, social media shills, etc. which certainly contributes to some of the ratings, but the ratings are fact.

well, you couldn't possibly have watched last year's men's world cup for the US team, since they were literally inactive and unqualified

why the fuck are they comparing men's non world cup matches to women's finals?

I really don't get your article. Did they forget that that the us men's team was actually in the 2014 world cup?

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Honestly, that's fair. The USA is one of the many problems we created.

They do it because the USSF pumps in a ton of money to advertise it and shove it down everyone's throat.

Evil men as usual.

t. the town rapist

And honestly we dont give a fuck. Cucked n fucked little Chili.

The big difference there too is that people have to pay for ESPN and FS1. FOX and ABC are broadcasted freely.

A crucial aspect is that mens player make millions for their club, and their time is literally worth more. There's a supply and demand and male footballers are in higher demand.

>Hockey its just us vs. Canada vs. Russia
Friendly reminder finland won the last worlds against nhl stacked teams with our domestic league players.

the revenue comes from the tournament as a whole though, not from domestic ratings.

lol why the fuck did you cherry pick those figures? look at 2014 world cup. The women still have an edge, but you're an idiot for using those comps

you're implying they'd refuse call-ups to the world cup if they weren't paid what they currently make?

yes but they didn't qualify because they have to compete against actual athletes

it is much easier to dominate the other countries bored dikes than it is to qualify for the actual world cup

Some might. I mean look at ice hockey wcs, most top players don't even want to play.

I unironically hope this cunt gets run over when walking to her car in a Starbucks parking lot

that's because the olympics is the premier international ice hockey competition, and there are only 4-5 good teams

In the England men's team, they do play for free and have done since 2007 as they donate their fee to a dedicated charity as a gesture (probably helps that they make far more than the match fee via advertising/publicity from the hype surrounding World Cups or the other international games, but still).


Yes in ur country, cause yall suk

>has to cherry pick games because he knows his argument is bullshit

I like the emergency mustard packet in her bra.

the thing is, the our women's team does draw higher TV ratings than the men during world cups, though it's difficult to get apples-to-apples for a variety of reasons. tho that's hardly the only determinant of their pay, this fag isn't to be trusted if he's going to randomly throw out that data

>Men have some actual respect for themselves and don't go around crying when something isn't going their way

t. hasn't been to Yea Forums a single time since ~2013

winning the world cup twice gets you a shit load of money so kind of makes sense

When did it all go to shit lads? When women were allowed to vote?

Is that Bill Cosby on the left?

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Don't forget Title IX, which makes the college system the best developer of female athletic talent ever, except maybe the east german laboratories.

tv ratings aren't everything, the men team get more money From the fifa world cup as a participant than the female team get for the female fifa world cup as a participant, much more money

women earn 4 times more than men in world cup revenues percentage wise, women are thus overpaid

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The Thai men team would absolutely beat the USWNTBQLGYYZ

This is Yea Forums tier rethoric

Carlos Cordeiro

>You get paid by how much you can draw ratings.
Only in boxing and MMA is that true. The ratings are a bargaining chip that the networks use with advertisers. The players and federations can re-negotiate contracts but they don't get paid directly based upon ratings.

Completely meaningless argument. The numbers are still there regardless if they advertise it heavily or not. People only care about the Olympics every four years too.

i get that, and that's why this is all murky water ,and it's obviously the main reason that the men make more. I was just saying that the poster being referenced didn't need to skew the figures to make his point - he chose to be transparently dishonest in presenting the argument for no real reason

>You can have a U21 team that's the best in the world, they won't be paid the same as proper adult teams.
They would if they could generate enough revenue as the adult teams

>women earn 4 times more than men in world cup revenues percentage wise, women are thus overpaid
Funny how you chose to frame it that way when you could have stated that the men are underpaid.

>women earn 4 times more than men in world cup revenues percentage wise, women are thus overpaid

that is certainly meaningful in the discussion, but the assumption that a flat % is the fair way to compensate is hardly objective.

definitely not defending the fucking media but it's more that Americans are pretty nationalistic and likely to do well. the vehicle for used for that doesn't matter much.

like other dude said swimming, gymnastics, any weird shit Americans are good at in the Olympics is aired(or re-aired) in primetime here

This. Letting women move out of the household wife position was a mistake.

Advertising rates are negotiated long before the tournament, so the women’s World Cup is a gamble for advertises. If the US does well, they have a big success, but if not, they will take a loss. Therefore, rates for the WWC are generally a lot lower because it is a bigger gamble.

The women's team can't generate as much revenue as the men's team, and yet the argument remains.

>USA vs. China (1999 World Cup final): 18.0 million (ABC)
>USA vs. Panama (2013 Gold Cup final): 2.1 million (Fox)

kek, with amerilards you really have to wonder if it's a bait or they're genuinely that fucking retarded

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They already cućked to the women

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USA theme

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>blaming brits not just americans
i am shocked honestly. you should only blame america for everything. isn't that what they teach you in school?

You also have to keep in mind the concept of investing in the future. The women's team has basically hit the ceiling for how much money they generate short of some mass-brainwashing to make people suddenly care. The men's team, were they to actually be competitive on the global scale (as unlikely as that is to occur), would not only generate a shitton more money, but has the potential to also make the MLelS popular. Nobody, not even fervent supporters of the women's national team, gives a flying fuck about their MLS equivalent.

Britain is obviously the source for all of this shit, but you amplified everything and spread it everywhere.

are you a girl

cringe and baitpilled