Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim vs. Detroit Tigers game-thread

Barria vs. Zimmerman

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zimmermann winless in last 17 starts

worst starting pitcher in the league

this has to be zimmermann's best start in a decade

castellanos has to be gone before wednesday, no?

barria gonna fall apart as usual

fuck we better not lose back to back series to the two worst teams in the league

fucking mercer

Yes, if anyone wants him.

kole is hot as fuck recently

zimmermann legitimately dealing vs. the team with the lowest strikeout % in the league..

the chad calhoun vs the virgin upton

would love boyd on the halos

good boy fletch

trout dead

tigers bullpen is so bad lol

god i love simba

Fletcher+Simmons=MUH DICK

What is the countdown timer they keep showing on the scorebox?
Also, these commentators are trash.

commercial break

buck the cucks gets the job done

if we lose this game the season is over

Buttrey overworked all year, fucking brad

That's gonna be a yikes from me dawg

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>The only team worse than the Tigers is the team with Brad Ausmus managing it
Almost enough to make up for this season,

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