Was he exposed to the point that he can’t be taken seriously? Even in pro wrestling.
Was he exposed to the point that he can’t be taken seriously? Even in pro wrestling
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Cuckman Phil
It could work if he was basically like MMA Jeff Jarrett, acting like a big deal MMA fighter but is chickenshit. He would need to set his ego aside for that though which isn't happening.
almost anybody on the WWE roster would get exposed in a real fight against a trained MMA practitioner. phil is just one of the few that was a big enough self-mark to think he had a chance.
i'd bet my bottom dollar that if there was a big time cagefighting promotion around the time The Shitman was getting jerked around he would've followed the exact same path as Phil
all legit mma fighters
Oh look, it's a UFC mark.
The Phil thing would work if he was a heel, as stated. Do that shit for enough months and people would start liking him again and he could turn face eventually and be taken somewhat seriously. It wouldn't draw anything more than any other decent wrestler though, would just pop the smarks.
got tooled even harder than Phil did by a geriatric Tito Ortiz
fighting cans in Bellator is not the same as fighting up and coming prospects in UFC
the only legitimate point you made
hi Mark
You blew my mind a little bit
How do you take anyone seriously in pro wrestling?
Yes, he was. I probably would have grown to hate him any way cause I've grown a lot since 2012-2013, but his UFC "fights" and cringe atheist neckbeard tweets have made sure I will never take him seriously in any capacity.
The point of pro-wrestling is to make you believe the illusion of the fake fight is real/genuine/take you into the spectacle like a TV show - You dont say to yourself - This is fake/acting watching GoT?
The problem is when you make a transition to reality, expose yourself as weak then how can you watch Punk talk a big game when you think even YOU could beat him up. It'll always make you remember how badly he did regardless what he says or do.
The illusion cant work on you if you're already aware its one. Punk's too exposed. He needed to win that second UFC fight badly but he got toyed around.
Yes. Wrestling may be fake, but it is an illusion of real fighting. You have to believe that these wrestlers know how to fight at least remotely decent in order to get any enjoyment out of watching the matches. If CM Simp goes back to wrestling and suddenly becomes the world champ, then that pretty much paints everyone else in the same light as he is. The only way back I see for him is being a jobber. That could work.
double j double m a challenge was based
He’s moodier than a menstrual teenager. His own actions on social media and in the wrestling press killed his character.
Let's be fair with Dorito for a second
>cage rust
>old af
>has lots of wrestling related injuries
>geriatric tito could unironically kick both gall and jackson's ass
He wasn't THAT good when he first got into MMA to begin with but still was a legit fighter unlike Punketty
He can talk, he'll be relevant. Plus his losses give his opponents an open at responding on the mic, because one of Punk's flaws was he was too dominating on the mic, basically crushing his opponent and causing creative to book Punk as a beast.
He took the Super Cena method, and applied it to his mic work rather than the gym.
Was there any opponent Punk didn't shit on with a mic?
To me his appearance on MTV The Challenge was even more embarassing than his first fight. He lost every challenge he was a part of and he got punked physically AND verbally by a bunch of regular joes.
His only "memorable" promos are literally worked shoots
Gif related was his only memorable phrase and even back then it was a pretty ridiculous statement considering The Rock was like 50 pounds heavier and 4 inches taller than him and an absolute gym rat vs a skinny fat vegan manlet with a napoleon complex. And of course his most "epic" phrase aged like shit after not just 2 UFC losses, BUT the 2 most embarrassing fights in the history of the UFC. People would be more welcoming with him if he wasn't such a cocky piece of shit both irl and in the business, him getting mocked and toping every WOAT fight/fighters list in MMA is just him getting his just desserts.
The only way he can work is as the Harvey Wippleman of 2020
I'm still baffled how absolute dogshit he was considering how long he "trained". Got choked by a unproven prospect and decision loss against a turbocan.
He deliberately tanked in both fights as a final "fuck you" to Paul by making WWE wrestlers look like absolute pussies in the eyes of the real world.
the saddest thing is the said turbocan gave him the chance to survive so Phil could show off his "skills" and it only made Phil look like an absolute dork.
Not to mention the turbocan could have ended the fight in any way he wanted to at any time but he chose to humiliate him and go the full length, which was so based it got him fired even though he won decisively.
I pretty much agree with everything you've said, but Punk still dresses his opponent down too much.
He's forcing creative's hand when doing so. There's good and bad in that.
But at the end of the day, wrestling fans are smart enough to understand CM Punk can do horribly in MMA yet still want to watch him compete in a wrestling ring.
The only ones who would have an issue may be Pajeets I'm YouTube comments who believe this shit to be a shoot.
I still kek when I think of that retarded pirouette kick punk threw for no fucking reason.
>literally talking to his corner while on top of punk
>laughing during the whole fight
>cartoonish hammer fists
>literally and unironically tickled him
Has any fighter been embarrassed like that before? I kinda felt bad for punk but then i remembered how much of a piece of shit he is and laughed for the rest of the PPV
The closest would probably be Couture slapping Tito's ass like he was a kid throwing a tantrum.
This is an industry where >MIZ can main event the biggest show of the year. It doesn't matter.
you can't even beat your dick
It's not your fault.
this, he could cut promos about how he fought the best fighters alive in ufc and receive nuclear heat
At the time phil was exchanging words with The Rock, Rock was no more, just Dwayne Johnson. The Rock everybody knew and loved was Dwayne Johnson in his 20's and early 30's just being himself, unscripted and uncensored. By the time he came back he had matured and was now scripted and getting held back by super tight strict PG rules so he couldn't even try to channel The Rock back. Anyways, the point i'm trying to make is that punk's got nothing on prime Rock, he was pretty much Conor Mcgregor before Conor McGregor, only fat smarks who literally weren't even around when rocky was active parrot le epic rock was only catchphrases meme
>And right now this isn't CM Punk talking to Coronavirus, this is Phil Brooks talking to Covid-19
I still get goosebumps
Imagine if he'd stopped tweeting and making public appearances after the Cabana podcast. Imagine the payday he would have commanded. Imagine if his business sense were bigger than his ego.
>Couture slapping Tito's ass
What? lmao
What did phil mean by this?