What went wrong?

What went wrong?

Attached: Anthony Joshua.jpg (1200x900, 146K)

Hype job that’s been dodging real opponents since he lucked a win against Klitschko.

Got fucked up by pissed off pedro

chronic case of being a big stiff idiot

Concussed Bruno 2.0 with stiff defense and shitty predictable ( Uppercut + Hook ) offense, unable to cope with handspeed.
And shit gas tank.

No neck movement

on his knees twerking like a thot

Complacency and not fighting behind the jab

Gun shy while still suffering the effects of a recent concussion. Should never have been into the ring.

outclassed by superior chicano genetics

He's a pumped up bodybuilder.


typical pom fraud.

Glass jaw

He was a BUM

Attached: tbtfad.jpg (931x524, 77K)

>english ahtletes

/thread. Casuals wrongly assumed that his one notable victory plus his huge BVLL body made him an actual good fighter.

Big stiff idiot. He needs to drop a few kgs.

no chin and super stiff

should have lost to Kiltschko

he LITERALLY got knocked down by a 40yo. we all knew he would get exposed even more sooner or later

Out boxed.

Because at heavyweight getting punched in the noggin is going to have an effect on you no matter how buffed you are. Also nothing went 'wrong', ruiz is a good boxer. It sounds weird but you should see him with his shirt on

>What went wrong?
It's currently 1:22 am in London. "The Push" has awakened Joshua again

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