Why does Hikaru Shida connect with American audiences so well?

Why does Hikaru Shida connect with American audiences so well?

Attached: 1581920345727.jpg (2048x1536, 500K)

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Post pits

Her soles can connect with my face

she cute

delicious feet thats why

Holy solesola

White American Men and Gook Pussy = DIMES

when does she make her own youtube channel?


Hmm ya know a channel where she cosplays plays video games and eats might draw. Could you imagine here Yuka Riho and Grandma Emi all playing Mario Cart dressed as the characters they are playing?


One day I’ll see what her face looks like in that picture

can she speak english? why havent they given her any promos

yes she can and she has a sexy accent

Is she mixed? For some reason she doesn't look fully asian to me.

It's because she's actually pretty.

She actually can speak english pretty well but she is still learning. It's an issue with japanese people and their hard Rs.
youtube.com/watch?v=5Mi2iq0HNUM (Skip to 0:29)

she's ugly

I don't think she's perfectly fluent but she's alright at it. They've let her do brief backstage stuff in full english.

she looks like a fucking tranny

ding-dong diddly

Attached: shida.webm (800x448, 2.86M)

God damn boys we got to ourselves a queer on the loose!

Attached: Coming 3.jpg (368x440, 44K)

asian brap game on lockdown.