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who is this jiz whizz

Suarez’s fucktoy

Messi needs to be careful. Should've never married this thot

>that reflection on her skin


>Fabregas in the back

He should swap her for Cesc's step daughter

I hate Messi, but he has the hottest wife.

thought that was Wanda from the thumbnail


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Me in the back

It’s not fair that this manlet cunt gets to fuck her because of money. He’d still be a virgin if he didn’t get those growth hormones

lol, she dreams to look half as good

i would leave my seed inside her

To make it even worse for you, she's a latina, which basically confirms that she's submissive as fuck in bed. And with the amount of money he makes, he could shit every day in her mouth and she would still be loyal.

Her eyes man, she looks like she died in someone else's arms last night

Divorce incoming.
Messi's on the twilight of his career and as such can't keep up with her increasingly expensive taste. He's also getting old and can't possibly be good in the sack like in the beginnng of their relationship, if he ever was any good to begin with.
Worst of all, they most likely agreed to pre-nup agreements, so she gets half of his lifetime earnings and properties.

honest question, why is she always surrounded by men in her photos?

why not find an angle that at least doesn't show them all? take a photo like a normal person

>Why did someone with a growth deficiency helped to become normal by modern science
I'm sure she would've chosen you instead, you'd both be shitposting right now

At this point theres no doubt that she cucks him, right?
Goddamn imagine being one of the best players in history and still lut up with this shit. Thats why Ronaldo is better than Messi, he knows women are worthless.

Because shes a thot and will divorce him once he retires
He is going to end up marrying Wanda Nara

I am ADDICTED to ass.

Must have been something he said.

Reminder that she's Ronaldo's fucktoy

>someone's eyes looked fucked up after visibly drinking

someone call the ambulance!

>someone is near people in a social setting

she must be cucking him!


We're all Ronaldo's fucktoy. Especially me.

>he knows women are worthless

Then how come he pays Irina/Georgina millions to be his beard?

Pep in the back

thanks for that bro i didnt stare at her tiddies at all before you circled it

He makes x100 what he pays her from Arabs and Africans who would abandon him if they learned The Truth

incels btfo


Ronaldo is like the Senator from the Office. A wife is hired because his entire fanbase consists of United fans (paki muslims) and muslims proper, he can't look gay or he'd lose all his worth.
You can imagine how hard his publicist has to work after he was caught pole dancing with men on his yacht and taking weekend trips to Morocco to fuck his boyfriend.


money la

disgusting fake tits

me 2

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Imagine spending countless hours playing competitive matches for your club, national team, training, shooting advertisements for sponsors, doing interviews, etc. All that hard work, time away from your family, and forgoing any sort of privacy for the rest of your life to accumulate a fortune only to have it taken away because you married some ungrateful favela thot. If he's smart, he'll take a page out of Tsunaldo's book and sue for full custody if he gets divorced. There's no way her legal representation could beat the Galactico legal team Messi could assemble. That's the only way he could possibly save the lions share of his wealth should things ever go south with his marriage.

They’re not fake

>If he's smart, he'll take a page out of Tsunaldo's book and sue for full custody if he gets divorced.
Don't need to sue for full custody of test tube babies

really? could totally pass for female.

explain this

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Aw, I was hoping hey were real. :(


Suing for full custody of his first born bastard, and saving his sperm before getting a vasectomy is unironically the smartest thing any athlete has done. Think of all the former athletes who have been taken to the cleaners and had their lives ruined because they let some star fucker or ungrateful wife took got custody of their kids, half their net worth and alimony. This should be the blueprint for any wealthy and famous individual.

Maradona in the far back just off her shoulder, just above the phone

Tits get bigger after bearing children nerd

She was cute af and wholesome. Now just another generic bot with bolt-on melons.

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I always imagine Dembele splitting that phat ass

Wasn't his first kid a result of him knocking up a waitress or some shit like that?

That's a nice bum.

3 pregnancies

only while breast-feeding, kid.
then they shrink and after a while go back to normal or a little smaller, if bodyweight stay constant.

I'd pay thousands just to lick the sweat on her chest.


Dembele has a micro penis

He paid a woman to have his child but even if it was an accident, he wouldn't win suing for full custody. Paid her off to sign and she wasn't smart enough to know he's rich but even those things are easy to void for women in court these days so I think it probably is the he paid her to have a kid and sign off custody

women get better with age

I would pay a thousand dollars just to watch her shit

>sh-she will cheat on him!
>multi millionair athlete
>married his childhood love
>has 3 son that all have his face
>the goat of his sport
>muh manlet
Top kek Yea Forums is seething hard

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If that's the case then Ronaldo is an absolute genius or has some fucking smart, forward thinking lawyers. For a couple hundred thousand he saved himself hundreds of millions.

imagine thinking this
you need to go outside and stop posting, low energy-low test beta cuck


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The fact that this old man drinking whiskey is dead .qqhaunts me.

>peach fuzz

Okie dokie


Did you lads know that she fell madly in love with Messi only shortly after he went pro for Barca? His persistence is what won her.

True love does exist! You can do it as well!

>Women go for successful men and not losers on Yea Forums
Shocking, isn't it

Why doesn't she go by Antonela Messi?

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nice red pill

she wants to sound italian like typical argie "im italian heritage"

Messi is an Italian name

Maybe it's the Italian thing. My ex is from northern Italy and she said it's not customary to take your husband's name, they keep their last names

Messi is also an Italian name dumbass

still born in Argentina. like i said "muh italian heritage" worst than chicanos. at least chicanos live in states that used to belong to mexico and some speak spanish.

fuck both of them tho

Show her dick

Maximum damage control

t. chicano
Considering they only live abroad because her superstar husband plays in Spain and pays more taxes than that entire country, don't compare it to chicanos who are here because their parents fled their shithole and have some blind allegiance to a place they don't even know

women in latin america don't normally change their names after marrying bros

>shiny tits check
>5 pounds of make up check
>shiny legs check
>100$ hairjob check
>wedding ring (ie the "dont hit on me silly boys" of real life) in full display check
Yep I'm thinking it's a thot

same shit you fucking retard. Beaners "muh mexican heritage" argie "muh italian heritage" so im white. Both fucking retarded just like you and you have to go spic faggot

*dabs on you*

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Why did Ronaldo settle for a mediocre face and dark eyes?

now this is a woman.... that fag ronaldo is a lucky guy

LMAO kys assblasted spic

>Still no shop

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I like Ronaldo's wife/gf better desu

Antonella is superior. And only has sons

>Antonella is superior.
lol no
>And only has sons

sure spic fag


Keep seething, chicano

>pays more taxes than that entire country,
hes a tax fraud lol

messi reminds me of the bagel guy

they're roughly the same size you nerd

keep seething spic beaner

what bagel guy

that guy has terminal manletism
very sad

its just part of the bra

kek this, is she still mourning the death of her boyfriend?

Usually women start posting those kind of mating call pictures after the divorce. Messi is such a cuckolded little bitch.

>this thread
For fucks sake bros shave your balls and have sex

Hola, Messi. When are you going to kill yourself?


Stop pretending a son isn't far better than a daughter. Think about it logically.
