Happy 31st Birthday to Tenille Dashwood

Happy 31st Birthday to Tenille Dashwood

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Based slut escorting her way around the world.

I miss this sexy space cop like you wouldn't believe.

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Based rent a ho

>post 30
>wh*te woman

He's coming...

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does she still wrestle?

She totally slept with Summer Rae right? Those two are everywhere together.

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In Impact. Sadly she flopped in both impact and ROH.

Kek.. Fuck you, I was not ready for a YLYL


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There is only one sexy space cop and his name ain’t Tenille.

Based Richard Justice

based koala coppin a feel

That's a shame, she's way more skilled in the ring than Billie and Peyton.

Fuck whoever came up with that stupid Emmalina bullshit, probably some creeper backstage who thought she'd suck his dick if her got her a big push as a camslut. That was a death gimmick in the midst of a womens revolution

all her fat's going to her ass and face

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that's her real job now. The wrestling is just a hobby that brings in her Arab clients.

Wherever her fat goes, I assure you that many penii would follow

I want Tenille to dash my wood with her feet

based thot

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I hope the fatty in her ass goes to my face


Had to either be Dunne or Hayes, probably the former.

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just because she wears aviators doesn't mean she's a cop you shut-in autist

Wished she did more

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big boss emma should have gotten a better run

based Emma gettin pooped on for big bucks

When tf was even her last Impact match? I watch Impact every week and it feels like literally months ago. She looked lazy whenever she was in the ring like she didn't want to be there.

They should've given Alexia Nicole a contract instead.

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She has zero character/personality. She talks through her nose like she is dumbed down on Xanax or something. Maybe she is to block out the trauma of all the Arabian logs she has eaten. Is a shame as I wanted her to do well in Impact.

"do you know how many parsecs you were going user? Get out of the ship"

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wish she'd escort her outback onto dis dick iykwim

>She has zero character/personality.

yeah with takes this fucking stupid it's no wonder you can't roll trips

Your comment is reddit as fuck bro. This dumb aussie needed a gimmick and slut is basically how she is on instagram. She should've been glad to flaunt her body and be paid for it than do it for free like she did at the time/is doing all the time.

She tried at least 3 gimmicks in WWE and Vince shit over all of them because he's a fucking moron

What gimmicks? All she ever did was dance like a retard as a face or try to look "bad ass" with sunglasses as a heel. The Emmalina thing could have been good if they actually did something with it besides hype it up for a month then have her just go back to her retarded self when it was supposed to debut.

Dancing like a retard is a gimmick

It was good enough for Le Attitude Era

it's pretty damn obvious. summer rae is doing the same thing.

>bringing up the AE for no reason and ignoring the fact that there's been more dancing gimmicks in the past 10 years than any other time in wrestling

Ok zoomer

Based pedo protecting his waifu

Not a zoomer. Take your L e-Drone

based coomers


>They should've given Alexia Nicole a contract instead.
I hope.

man emma was jacked here.

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>defending m’lady on the Internet
>not a pedo

>fedoraposting in 2020

based trip roller defending emma's honor

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So how can she travel the world taking a few indy bookings here and there?

Staying a dancing retard would've been saving grace to her, while she looked good with shades and a bad attitude it wasn't going to last long.
I'm just wondering why she hated a supermodel gimmick, she already takes half naked pics online on instagram for free. If she wanted to be taken seriously she wouldn't have done them at all.

Damn when did Willie Mack lose weight?

Heel Emma was legit dimes and could've been a top heel if the stupid idiots at WWE would've have a bit of vision. Although I'll admit Emma was also an idiot for getting injured when she was starting to get big with that Becky feud.

"could've been a top heel" is a non-argument. That's like saying anyone can be booked better if they were booked to be better. Emma was fine but botched a handful of times, she once pinned Becky because she knocked her out and she wasn't supposed to win the match. Fuck becko btw.

Holy yumola

that last part sounds like head-cannon, any official word to back up that claim


Spot in question

That looked more like Becky fucked up. Not Emma's fault

Kek at Charles fumble fucking around and trying to attack her post match with her shitty move that the person taking has to know is coming, just so she can stand tall with her music playing.

I'll forever love Emma for KTFO out bucky

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Best feet in the biz and she's aware of that
