3 and a half hours more. What will it be? NXT or AEW?

3 and a half hours more. What will it be? NXT or AEW?

Attached: midnight.png (594x549, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it will just be another tease


I honestly think he's going to nxt, but I wouldn't mind seeing him in aew

He’s going nowhere it’s just to build hype for his corporate masters

imagine caring about matt hardy in 2020

If he does, you have to rebrand NXT at that point.

Hopefully AEW

Brad Shepard says AEW so the safe bet is on NXT

Are you retarded? He doesn't fit Hunter's matchfag mentality at all


He's clearly going to AEW

he's signed a mark contract bros

He's gonna kill himself.

>Matt Hardy
>people care about Matt Hardy in 2020
>this absolute perma-jannettied simp
Surely I'm being worked

Attached: huhwatumean.jpg (852x1052, 149K)

If he doesn't join AEW, well then I guess I'll just fade away and classify myself as obsolete. OBSOLETE!

doesn't matter, he would help on the creative side

Liru was MADE for bbc.

Paul would probably be willing to take a guy like Hardy at this point just to hope it bumps the ratings any and keeps Hardy away from AEW. Same with Nakamura since Nakamura is being whiny.

Neither did Baron Corbin
Neither did Lars
Neither did EC3
Neither did all the womemes
What the fuck is your point nigga?

Matt, please, Matt. I know you're a brilliant, creative mind. Please help me get out of this cage. It has been so long since I've cooooooooooommmmmeeddd!

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midnight what time? eastern?

Remember when Dean Ambrose dropped that video the second his contract expired? Could this be another similar situation?


Yes. He's already been teasing stuff in his free the delete videos on youtube.

The daft coont has been putting anagrams to Dark Order in his vids but I still think Haitch will say him in the end with him and Jefff getting early HOF entries

mountain pacific

Attached: fatt_hardy.0.jpg (1200x800, 107K)



>tfw no one else watches Matt's videos so they don't know that he said he was going to AEW over a year ago

Attached: 1567146844956.jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

based long plans Matt


Flipped a coin and my guess is that he goes to AEW, think he appreciates creative control more now than ever



so hes leaving, WWE wont let him announce it on his meme gaytube channel.

If hes leaving, why would WWE let him announce it on his gay ass yubtub channel?

Starting now

Attached: 1578519582725.jpg (248x236, 18K)




ITS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nxt will NEVER win again.


Free Agent
Sounds like AEW is a no brainer

>Free agent
>Love WWE
>Want to be creative but WWE won't let me


Attached: LET ME OUT STEPH.webm (1280x720, 1.29M)

Based NEET Hardy watching literally every show.

bros they call brandless guys free agents all the time. he's gonna show up on nxt

He let his contract lapse so he could sit on ass and spend 12 hours a day watching wrestling, 7 days a week

If he wants money and creative control he'll probably go AEW or maybe NXT.

Hes gotta be showing up on Dynamite

what is this cringe

He's just like me!!
Except for watching WWE products.

Attached: matt_hardy_twitter.jpg (579x303, 64K)

if hes looking at his options of where to go next, why tf is he wasting his time watching wwe?

Yeah, it's definitely gonna be AEW

Nah, he's talking about how he and WWE are on different pages when it comes to his creativity and he only has a couple years left to do something
He can't fit in at NXT at all

>moving his free the delete series to wednesdays
>killing off zenith (the spirit that controlled matt and led to broken matt hardy)

>creative control
this is your brain on E

holy shit bros hes signing with NWA

I'm skeptical of him being that unaware of what's going on in at least some of those promotions.

>Creative Control

Attached: what_a_mark.gif (320x240, 2.23M)

this guy is saying njpw like they would allow him to do his shit.

I like how he keeps pretending like he'll just go back to WWE now...

Hardy’s match rate is dogshit these days and I’m a fan. His creative side and bringing back kino is his value. Something nxt gives zero fucks about.

>Matt Hardy gone from WWE
>The gimmick everyone liked is dead, though


Attached: you lose.gif (300x300, 2.92M)

I actually hope this.

If he wants all this creative control he should probably just go to TNA since theyll probably let him do whatever the fuck he wants at this point

>I'm watching everything and I could go anywhere woooOOoooOO
okay lol see you Wednesday matt

Yeah, I said this in 2015 when him and Jeff were feuding in TNA. Then look what happened.

Why did Jarrett and friends kick him out anyway? Is was over like fuck and the buried him

They are really hurting for star power right now. Outside of the 2020 versions of RVD and Rhino, who is the biggest name on their roster? Moose? Joey Ryan? Tessa?

>getting worked
He's just throwing out as many names as he can so that it's a "surprise" when he shows up on AEW in the next few weeks.
Honestly though, New Japan would never work, but imagine him in DDT. Now THAT would be dimes.

AEW just tweeted this

Attached: ESFHLw-WAAAUkP5.jpg (2048x1152, 93K)

I hear he's going to India to main event poojeet mania against rakesh kumar orton

its fucking happening


>those tags
>Kobe Bryant

Attached: Matt.png (654x210, 26K)

can they afford him now? they just signed colt cabana

The company was in a power struggle and the new management wanted to play hardball with Jeff and Matt's contracts. They said something along the lines of, "If they don't like it, they can just go to WWE."

Matt was caught between a rock and a hard place. Impact was basically giving him complete free reign creatively and letting him do whatever he wanted. Everyone knew if he went back to WWE, they would make him and Jeff do some kind of nostalgia run and strip him of any and all creative input. In the end, Matt left because Impact pissed off his wife, went to WWE, and big surprise, Vince quashed his creativity and used him and Jeff for a nostalgia run.

sitting in a dead tree? what that mean?


I don't think 2020 Colt Cabana is going to cost AEW too much.

becuase if every option out there is shit, maybe he has to go back

very unlikely but hey the possibility do exist.

>Bartie Hardy
>No Senor Benjamin
Shamefur Dispray

Attached: senorbenjamin.jpg (800x467, 77K)

Cabana is hardly breaking the bank. Even Billy could afford him for NWA.

>WWE, ROH, Impact and AEW in the tags
>Even ECW, which has been dead for over a decade got in
>Matt and Jeff's backyard fed even got in the tags
>NuJapan and yummy retro studio wrestling didn't


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Because he is being very careful and choosing his words cautiously. He's not an idiot, he knows a WWE HOF place is inevitable but he also knows that jumping ship to a hot new competitor is going to be betrayal in Vince's eyes.

He's softening the blow as best he can and making it look like he's seriously weighing every possible option before popping up on Dynamite this week or next as the Exalted One.

Fuck left
Marry right.

Attached: benoit_valenties.jpg (790x600, 102K)

Matt was sitting in a wooden throne

I would say its more likely hes just trying to drive his price up. Saying WWE and NXT is a possibility is just to bring in a bigger offer from Vince. I wouldn't be shocked at all if he ended up going right back to WWE.

I'd agree except for two reasons.

1. Matt is 100% set for life financially. The dude has his own zoo at his mansion. This is about having one final run on his own terms and putting his art out there.

2. He's way more interested in doing his creative stuff now which WWE has been stifling since he's been there.

Nah because by this point if Matt hasn't re-signed it means Vince made him a final offer already. If Matt comes back he knows that final offer is what he'll get.

If Matt actually signs, they are going to clearly make this a bait and switch. Have the exalted one be someone like Nakazawa to generate buzz for such a poor decision only for Matt to show up soon

3. Matt only has to work one night per week and if it goes the same way as Impact was doing it, all of his actual wrestling is going to be pre-recorded in the safest way possible.


This desu

I think its going to be Reby
screencap this

Hopefully he makes the decision that's best for him, rather than the one the internet wants


No matter what retards say about him or what he does from now on, this thing will always be his magnum opus. His masterpiece. Truly a moment that changed wrestling forever.



