...plans change
Elimination Chamber 2020
Imagine not being able to book 4 months in advance?
Why is a match with the fiend a prize?
The men's Elimination Chamber is cancelled because instead of having Roman win the EC and get a title shot at Goldberg, the WWE just GAVE him a title shot. The WWE announced that the men's EC will be cancelled. Imagine.
>Ali screwed out of a second chamber in a row.
WWE could legitimately make something out of this. They won't
fiend isnt the champion anymore so no need for this match
Almost as ridiculous as when Lashely beat Roman (clean) at Extreme Rules to see who faces Brock for the Universal Title at Summer Slam and then WWE gave it to Roman instead so he could face Brock for the 4th time and lose again.
Holy shit WWE sucks dicks..
Shouldn't the winner of the EC match just face the world champion? That could still be Roman. Was WWE afraid that when Roman won the EC match, the fans would boo too much? Or did they just want to hotshot the build up, and skipped the match as a result?
The stip is you get a title shot. Why did RR just get one handed to him instead of winning the EC? Defend this drones
It's almost like this stuff is booked or something
Because this isn't real sports. It's scripted. Cope and grow up.
The match at Extreme Rules didnt have that stipulation, or any at all.
If a TV show has shitty writing or shitty actors people shit on it. Enjoy consuming your shit
>People complaining about booking
If YOU watch a show that YOU think is shitty instead of not watching it and bitching about it, it means you have too much time and need to get a life and move on. Cope and grow up.
Do you know where you are right now?
Cope and grow up.
>Mustafa Ali
The asshole of the internet. Assholes get wiped also. Though many of you seem to not follow this basic logic.
it was still dumb though. may as well have given the PPV match an important stipulation and just had reigns win. 50/50 booking fucking sucks, no one looks good, no one gets over and its why wwe is such a shitshow
>50/50 booking fucking sucks, no one looks good, no one gets over and its why wwe is such a shitshow
Man it's a good thing no one but WWE does 50/50 booking....
Imagine defending this booking by using cope. Just because you like eating shit doesn't mean others have to. Some people will bitch until the WWE either gets better or they leave. If you haven't noticed, they are leaving in huge numbers every year.you are literally on the sinking Titanic eating shit sandwiches and saying this is fine.
Wait what Lashley beat Roman?
>Some people will bitch until the WWE either gets better or they leave
Those people dont have lives and dont matter because they represent a tiny segment of society. Wrestling is niche as is so the complaints of some less than 1% demographic dont matter. It also doesnt matter because you still watch so your complaints dont matter either because you still watch. And if you dont it doesnt matter because a larger segment than you does. And they spend money. You count ratings but you should try counting cash because that's how people cast their vote. With their money. Not on some backwater corner of the internet. Again grow up and cope.
Holy fuck no wonder I forgot
>10 match show headlined by the fucking Dolph/Seth ironman match where the crowd made buzzer noises
>the crowd made buzzer noises
that was my favorite shitchant in years i was dying laughing by the end of the match
Its even worse, Lashley beat Roman at the PPV in a regular match, then they had a rematch the next night on Raw that was a #1 contender match and Roman won
>Wrestling is niche as is
It is now since it chased everyone away. You're probably too young to remember Hogan in the 80's or Austin in the 90's but wrestling used to be part of mainstream culture. Now it's niche because of complacent faggots like you.
Lashley beat Roman clean at a PPV for a title match against Lesnar, then for no reason at all Lashley agreed for a title match the very next night on RAW, which he lost. That sucked.
We've still never gotten a Brock/Lashley hoss fight, I don't know why. I figured the major reason he was even brought in was to fight Brock at one point.
the Raw women's match should be canceled as well since the outcome is so predictable, but at least the Raw match has some juice to it. this SD match had nothing going for it other than Sheamoo wanting an IC title shot.
>You're probably too young to remember Hogan in the 80's or Austin in the 90's
This is what children do. Assume someone is not on their level if they dont agree with what they believe. Adults can handle people not liking what they dont like and not giving a fuck. Especially about fake fighting. No one was chased away from past eras. Did you ever think that maybe new forms of entertainment came about? New forms of technology made huge amounts of new content to watch and play? And that maybe the tastes that came with being a kid to teen changed when they became adults? Grow the fuck up and cope.
>And that maybe the tastes that came with being a kid to teen changed when they became adults?
The biggest demo is 50+ you dummy. Those are people that are left over from Hogan and Austin. It's been on a steady decline since then because it sucks
forget 4 months, they can't even book one afternoon in advance. never forget that Brock breaking Taker's streak was a decision that Vince made about two hours before the match.
He didn’t lose at summerslam tho but I still agree with your overall point brother
By your logic Drew McIntyre should’ve just asked Brock for a title shot then, shutup bitch nigga
>The biggest demo is 50+ you dummy.
Yes 50+ that STILL enjoy watching it you fucking moron. People who dont bitch and complain online about fake fighting not meeting their fantasy booking on the internet. People who take their families to an event or watch it at home without having to ranting threads about how this fake fighting "doesnt make sense". maybe this is problem. Your brain is so pea sized or youre so unfulfilled with the rest of life that you can devote this much pent up angst at some childhood entertainment instead of just realizing it's fake fighting a scripted show. And you can watch or not watch easily. Maybe thats why you cant even follow a few types lines logically without arguing against yourself while you splerg out. Grow up and cope
It's happened before. That's literally the start of 80% of angles. Grow up and cope
>Unironcally hotshotted Roman into a wrestlemania main event
Kek, that's the funniest part of that picture. The true definition of an anti-draw, was never even a Janetty.
Repeating your whiny phrases doesn’t make your arguments any stronger chief. It’s literally not even close to that 80% you pulled out of your ass lmao
this is the old poster before Goldberg went over.
>Repeating your whiny phrases doesn’t make your arguments any stronger chief.
Apply this same logic to every thread and post including your own before you try to use it an argument. You dont like it in this case but would be fine with it if it met your fantasy booking. You're not in the industry . You dont write. You whine. Grow up and cope.
Why cancel the match and not just make "the winner faces Goldberg"???
>Grow up and cope.
Is this what you had to do? Learn to cope as a drone? Good drone.
>Is this what you had to do?
Notice how you skip the first part which is the most important. The growing up. The realizing that its just entertainment and you arent held at gunpoint to watch it and that if you dont others will and you still can watch a shit ton of other things. Things that you actually enjoy. So for you its either you like making yourself miserable by watching this or you secretly like it and dont want to admit it. Grow up and cope.
Nice cope drone
>E-Drones in All Petites
>E-Drones on changing plans on Elimination Chamber within 4 weeks of preparation
*it hurts droneself in confusion*
If you can't say which it is you should just stay quiet. Is console warring in fake fighting online really the only identity you have? Grow up and cope
Repeating your whiny phrases doesn’t make your arguments any stronger chief. This booking style has been & always will be fucking retarded no matter how many times it happens before or after this. It makes everything seem pointless if Roman can just get a title shot by asking. You excusing it is the real cope here, so you should take your own advice
>Repeating your whiny phrases doesn’t make your arguments any stronger chief. This booking style has been & always will be fucking retarded
And again you should apply this to yourself. You whine and complain its always retarded? But you watch. This is like complaining the things that happen in the Fast & The Furious movies are over the top ridiculous yet you go watch the movies, and then hop online to complain and wish the movies were more realistic. Its not for you so dont watch it. Grow up and cope.
Repeating your whiny phrases doesn’t make your arguments any stronger chief. Fast & the Furious has been about shitty movies with cars that go vroom vroom. Wrestling has had better uses of ways a challenger has gotten a title shot besides fucking asking because the company you’re shilling for is that inept with getting a guy over with the fans. I’ll continue to say how stupid it is just for your seethe tho.
who the fuck is the loser on the right?
He mad.