NWA is officially cancelled

NWA is officially cancelled.

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based "gookshitlmao" chad Aldis
But the answer is a NO from me

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he could never work there and get over, thats why. everything he has is due to cutting a 1986 promo for NWA.

Boring shitter is mad that he can't connect with an audience

based aldis making weebs seethe I might watch NWA now to support him

He's right.

Based. Only geeks watch it.

Post a Japanese wrestler who's as big & athletic as he is. I'll wait.

even nujamals should agree with this since they're the same people that sperg out when dudes like buddy murphy does some move that some gook did one time desu

I like Aldis and his old-school style but this is a ding dong diddly cringe from me. You're just not everyone's cup of tea as a worker, it's got nothing to do with "fetishizing Japan", some guys are just having more success than you. Deal with it, dumb mark.

I’m watching NWA now. Fuck gook shit LMAO

Based Aldis

Based. We keep on winning Powerrrchads. Fuck gooks and fuck numanlets. Based Worlds Champion.

Bad Luck Fale

>It’s really physically taxing and I don’t get the same adrenaline rush from it because the audience don’t react. It’s like I’m killing myself and its *light clapping*

Based Aldis shooting on these wanna be tough guy zero dimes shitters

Sounds like he's just not good enough to get over anywhere outside of his NWA bubble. Maybe he should try being less boring if he wants a reaction from the crowd.

Clickbait title but the message is true. Hipster fans think that just because its from Japan they must fit in and say its better than anything else.

>Aldis crying because he isn't getting enough praise

>The ironic thing is you’re working the audience because most of them have never been to Japan, they’ve never been in a Japanese audience, they’re not Japanese. They’ve just been co-opted to believe ‘oh its Japanese, it must be better. I better agree or everyone else will think I’m stupid or everyone will think I’m not elevated enough as a wrestling fan. I’m not knowledgeable enough.’
holy shit nujamals and puro twitter trannies absolutely ethered. he done hit em with the >it's ok when Japan does it

>Where are my “This is awesome chants”
Holy cringe

kek what a jealous bitch

No lies detected. False fans BTFO.

Based Bong making weebs froth at the mouth.

Holy fucking based and truthpilled

>Yea Forums contrarians think a guy literally whining he isn't over and that wrestling is too much hard work is 'based'

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i watch and enjoy both njpw and nwa and will continue to watch and enjoy both njpw and nwa

Seething. He'd work there just fine, and he's one of better promos/actors in wrestling.

Japan has better crowds but that's about it. The stuff New Japan has been doing the last few years was massively overrated. Tanahashi is the only wrestler who can tell a story there instead of move spam

NJPW and Joshi shit is better, it's just the truth.

wonder why weebs seized on the audience part and not this quote

I like NWA but when you can't even get 1 million rednecks to support you something has gone wrong lol

Yeah bro, Wrestlemania and Dynamite are just as good as the G1. Totally overrated.

Well, he's the champ of a promotion where any match longer than 5 minutes is a drawn out slugfest and the fans are 10 feet away and are encouraged to yell dumb shit.

I would rather watch WrestleMania, a spectacle than a multi day tournament with no substance but le workrate and what stars will lord Meltzer give them

>Tanahashi is the only wrestler who can tell a story there instead of move spam
You lost me there.

Those long ending sequences new japan does are fucking cringe I don't care what you redditors say

Ah, so he's racist.

Get a clue



lmao just look at this thread and the nujapanlets are reacting with the exact snob reaction that he was talking about. stay worked you weeb faggots.


Tanahashi has two matches: work the arm and work the leg. Okada has one match: do nothing until the last five minutes and hit his five moves of doom. The rest are just shitters who spam moves

>Nick Aldis: Gook Shit? LMAO!

There's a difference between people who automatically say it's the best because of majority of opinion and an entirely different matter for those that actually watch Japan Wrestling and see it's clearly better.
Cringe at weeaboos like Seff, Buddy, & Joe though.

>He has faced off against Colt Cabana in China...
Aldis' best accomplishments really include fighting a no dimes Jew in gookland?

Japanese wrestling is better and Japanese girls are cuter and purer. This is not a fetish, just facts.

>cuter and purer
Ugly zipperheads exist. And they cheat all the time, you virgin.

>Wrestling in Japan is too hard and they won't give me "fight forever" chants
Holy fucking cringe, Aldis literally whining he's not capable of getting over with the crowd

and that's exactly what he was talking. he didn't say it was bad just the elitism around it is cringe which it is :


>You have to not only have attended a show in a country but actually BE from that country to appreciate something that's broadcast all over the world
Coping shitter who can't hang. If he was any good he'd be in an actual show and not in the same platform as Rajesh Kumar Orton.

I say it's true. What now?

Yeah, you are aren't ya Nick

trips of truth

Stop being mad.

Yeah, this just comes off as sour grapes. Give people something consistently entertaining and you'll get people interested. AEW ratings show that. NWA doesnt have the roster depth of other promotions that I can see, it's only ever going to have niche appeal unless it can offer more flavours than "big jacked guy picks up and drops other big jacked guys until they cant get up"

Kys low test weeb


>*gookshit live rent free in Wholdis head*

>Implying doing 800k on national TV channel is good ratings

AEW is just as niche on a bigger scale

But he's right

I refuse to believe that this is a real quote. I'm gonna go read the article now to dispel this slander.

>big jacked guy picks up and drops other big jacked guys until they cant get up
The reality is more like out of shape, over the hill shitters lazily fall onto each other for 3 minutes before an unrelated brawl interrupts the match.

Did he really fall for the Japanese crowd is quiet meme while wrestling in front of them lol. I thought that at first but they're really loud actually being there in person, he's just not entertaining

Have you actually watched the show?

Okay it is part of a real quote, but it omitted the fact that he's talking about wrestling in front of a japanese crowd.

Unfortunately, I have. Here's Trevor Murdoch defeating the most over act on the show in a 35 seconds squash with a """bulldog"""

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It's literally true though. And the cherry-picked examples you faggots like to use are not the norm.

Question Mark is a comedy character and in real situation why couldnt Murdoch one up him and beat him in such a manner?

I can't get a reaction in Japan so Japan is bad.

Was literally some of their finales for episodes for a spell.


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Stop watching shitty matches then if the Japanese crowds being quiet bother you.

>logical facts

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Question Mark has no-sold offense and squashed "serious" people with his retarded Santino's Cobra like karate move in the past. This shit is sillier than Chikara.

So glad to see so many of my fellow YUMMY connoisseur friends here defending Big Tunes Billy's Champion's words. Those silly Japanese wrestlers have nothing on our retro studio wrestling goodness

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you've never watched jap wrestling, boy

they really have no self awareness

The moment loud minority, now majority smarks invaded wrestling and forced the false narrative focus to be on matches and the "work" wrestling died. It should have always been about characters and storylines with the matches being simulated fights and not flashy performance art gigs.

>just as niche on a bigger scale
What in the fuck does that mean? Is this rewording nonsense meant to prove him wrong? Yes, wrestling as a whole is niche right now, but that doesn't mean NWA should be happy with their diminishing Youtube audience when companies left and right are getting actual TV deals.

So what companies are getting national TV deals aside from AEW?

It's funny how the only people defensive about what Aldis said are the 2017 bandwagon NuJapanlets. The real New Japan fans don't really care and just enjoy it for what it is.

>Aldis: I wrestled in Japan and this was my experience
>Fat neet weeb on an anime message board that never leaves his house: NOOOOOOOOO HE CAN'T SAY THAT HE JUST DOESN'T UNDERSTAND JAPAN LIKE I DO.

The "real New Japan fans" as in the people Aldis considers real fans, ie Japanese people, don't have a clue in hell who this fucking honkey even is.


>Aldis: they didn't cheer me and it was too much work over there so they're all shit because it's definitely not my fault for not getting over
>logical facts

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he didn't get a reaction because he isn't good enough, boy

>Aldis: I wrestled in Japan and I wasn't over, so people need to stop holding Japanese wrestling in high regard
Shit, if people need to stop "fetishing" every market where Aldis is not over, there will be no wrestling left to watch.

>>Aldis: I wrestled in Japan and despite my not knowing how different the Japanese crowd is and what their expectations were, this was my experience

I've been watching wrestling longer than Aldis has been alive, he's full of shit.

Harold posts here, based

Jesus, this nigga wrestled THREE TIMES in Japan. Twice in a tag team with Samoa Joe in NOAH and once in fucking Wrestle-1, he's talking like he's paid his dues there.

Big Nick is just jealous he has to settle for John Cenas sloppy seconds while big Kenny is banging fresh Joshis all the time

how many times have you wrestled?

Imagine being married to a WWE wrestler during this period of a mad dash to lock up all the possible talent into a 5 year mark contract and still have to make due on Youtube.

Enough times that when I was fucking a rat, I woke up to her brother Greg The Hammer Valentine putting me in the Figure Four and permanently injuring me. Forcing me to retire.

how is him wrestling in Japan and not liking any different that a Japanese wrestler like Kenta coming to America and not liking it and going back? or Mistico going back to Mexico?

Kenta didn't bitch and moan about how people didn't like him, he just left and proved himself valuable, something that Cryin' Aldis is literally incapable of doing. Mistico was fired for being a dipshit.

They don't have any issue with America, just WWE.

The fuck is this literal who talking about when the single most exposed and featured race in wrestling are Wh*tes?
Maybe if he wasnt a shitter and could draw even a penny, he wouldn't have to cry himself to sleep over not being Okada.

He's complaining about how the japanese crowds "never reacts to anything" and acts like it's not his fault for not knowing how to work the crowd or how the wrestling culture in Japan is

Not even just wh*te, he's Br*t*sh

Big John was jealous that he was going to actually go over him during that weird thing 5 years Americans suddenly found British Accents sexy after those gay Harry Potter movies

Holy seethe

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I don’t get the point he’s trying to make here. Is he pissed off that Japanese wrestling is more popular than NWA?

He's not wrong

What an uppity faggot. He immediately insinuates race as a factor.

KWAB. And I have never watched an episode of original studio wrestling, am in my 20s and NWA is the only show I really enjoy these days.

I love nick even more now puro twitter needs gassing

You and a consistently dwindling sub 150k group of people.


But saying "its 80s" nostalgia is just objectively wrong. Billys philosophy of wrestling is closest to mine, I believe in the plan.

>John Carroll

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This is such a stupid fucking thing to say when you’re Nick Aldis. What was his peak? TNA? He’s never been a big star anywhere he’s wrestled but he singles out Japan specifically? Really not a good look.

>people are only allowed to like unpopular things if they're Japanese oh and you can't say anything bad about them ever


ah yes the official spokesperson of pure oreo wrestling JAHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNNN "im unofficially an official japanese citizen" HHHHNNNNNNNNN

>hipster fans
I think it's funny how people think the wrestling fandom is so divided. Fucking hipster fans. What makes a hipster fan different than a smark? ya mark

How is it not 80's nostalgia? Every single thing about it is 80's nostalgia and parody.

>I've been found out.
fuck this fag and I like gook shit

Apart from the studio and maybe the corny commercials it has the basics of how wrestling was until this indy invasion. So storylines, promos and characters being the focus and not overly long matches just for the sake of having them.

He's right you bitch ass niggas because everybody, EVERYBODY, just follow one template of wrestling match layout now of strike exchange and reversal dancing wrestling and there's no variety anymore.

Right. It's an imitation of how wrestling was in the 80's. It's 80's nostalgia. It's a bunch of washouts from TNA playing pretend like it's the 80's. It's cosplay wrestling.

wtf i'm on aldis' side now

The absolute virus of forearm strikes makes wrestling unwatchable

What a whiny bitch

Thats how wrestling was up until the end of around mid 2000s. And look how the mighty has fallen.

It's NWA style wrestling presented by the NWA. That isn't cosplay.

Watch something other than New japan, you idiot.

that is why corona chan virus is wiping them out for their sins

Based and Truthpilled

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Based and truthpilled
Fuck uppity jamals and their headcanon promotion.
Holy fucking cringe

Question Mark is booked way stronger than he should desu.

I only watch NWA because Eddie Kingston is a promo god, and I think the inring is pretty fucking mediocre but that finisher is based not gonna lie.

oh yeah glad you brought it up, because if its not reversal dancing, its choppa spam and dudes screaming like they're constipated and forcing shit out because of my never ending fighting spirit. EVERY. SINGLE. MATCH

Ah, so you're racist.


No, but you're an uppity cunt.

>Based and truthpilled
>Fuck uppity jamals and their headcanon promotion.
>Holy fucking cringe

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The quiet respectful japanese crowd only exist when you're a dumb shit that don't matter to them.

So they are being respectful to you, because they don't want to embarass you with how much they don't give a shit about your work. When it comes to the real main eventers though, the people that they really care about, the japanese crowd is loud as fuck.


Call me when Eddie Kingston beats Aldis for the title desu.
Maybe then we will get great promos

Because wrestling in a tiny studio is noisier than a stadium full of Japanese people wetting themselves to Okada and Naito

No wonder they call whojamal a headcanon promotion. Embarrassing post

tbf i'm sure they feel the same way when they come here and have to wrestle in the ecw arena

you could have stopped at the first sentence and i'd agree but then you went on to headcanon. Cringe

But he's right, watch any show with Gajins on it like Rob Conway

It's the truth.
Quiet Japanese Crowd is a meme invented by people who aren't over in Japan.

Based CZW

Huh? Are you telling me Aldis havent seen the Kawasaki vs Toyota classic at the Ching-Chong arena?


Yeah he should've seen Question Mark & Aaron Stevens vs Colt Cabana and Kevin Anderson on the Studio

It was very basedrino

Ah, so you're racist.

nice headcanon

Good wrestles get over everywhere,
Hogan is over in the US, Mexico and Europe by being Hogan.
This guy is just a shitter

If he's saying that it's cringe that every company is trying to do NJPW style main events then I agree. I'm sick of that exact same match, I was sick of it years ago. I skip most main event matches.

This. The fuck does Nick Aldis have to offer to the world of professional wrestling? His wife's worn out pussy?
Jokes on him, everyone took that offer nearly 15 years ago.

Dis nigga seething


Backing this up

turns out it's hard to get over internationally with a wide audience. pic extremely related.

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That reminds me, Japan loves Hogan so much that they dedicated an album for him

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Nobody is over in WWE.

Ishii, Okada, Tanahashi, SANADA, Evil...and that's just off the top of my head from NJPW.

>Good wrestles get over everywhere,

But Nakamura was over even in WWE until Vince sabotaged it

Fat manlet
skinnyfat and weak
manlet and not athletic. Doing a moonsault isn't impressive
Fat manlet

Tana is a semi-immobile manlet and not athletic.

Being over to the NXT hardcore crowd is not being truely over

meltzerdrones BTFO

Kota Ibushi. Also fuck you Ace is based.

if i like it its a fetish? I cant just like it? Sound like more of that PC white guilt bullshit.

>Having a MILF wife that fetishizes whytepiporu

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Can someone really be called a star if they wrestle for a youtube channel?

Somehow I don't think Japanese crowds are the only ones who aren't reacting to Aldis.

>seething this hard when even young lions can get reactions

I mean, you are right. Aldis is a boring shitter. But Aldis has a point too. Look at American Indy darlings like Adam Cole, KOR and Cody they received crickets when they wrestled New Japan. Juice got louder reactions than them.
Hell AJ Styles didn't set the Japanese crowd on fire right away. It took that match he had with Suzuki in the G1 for the crowds to care about him.

Well that's different. They cheer for the Young Lions because they're Japanese and hot. You can't tell me that the reason Uemura gets such loud reactions isn't due to him being handsome.

Even the white guys Shibata trains can get over, so why cant Aldis?

To be fair, when Aldis toured Japan he was wrestling in NOAH.

Ospreay said it pretty well, you have to commit to NJPW crowds and give them a reason to invest in you. I dunno about Cole or KOR but with Cody, it's pretty clear that they saw him as an RoH guy that just showed up for Bullet Club stuff.

Which may not be entirely fair, because Cody did bump his ass off in NJPW, but he only showed up a few times a year. Maybe he should've worked a G1 or something.

Young Lions work extremely hard. The crowd knows these guys are toiling in the dojo every day just so they can show up and get slapped around by the dads for ten minutes then go backstage and keep toiling.

Cole was even more of a just show up occasionally and have shit matches type of guy. At least Cody at times actually got boos. KOR wasn't really over in his tag team because no one gives a shit about NJPW's tag team division but his singles matches with Shibata always got some decent reactions.

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Worked by Based Nick

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Okada is not weak, what the fuck? Do I need to post him tomb stoning Fale?

The REAL world's champion

I would've thought that actual NJPW fags would've understood considering how many fucking geek wrestlers there are in the west poorly imitating the Japanese.

Based as fuck

He is right tho. Japanese are doing a good job at what they're doing but not every single wrestling company needs to try to copy this shit

headcanonists BTFO!

>Calling out Hot Topic fans
Cornette did the same thing because they will leave to another trend soon.

but he was over on the main roster, then they turned him into shinsuke nutdestorya

NWA has some kind of relationship with ROH who is partnered with New Japan.

It's a work. Tanahashi is gonna beat him for the 10 Pounds of Gold.

>they're only REALLY over if Corpus Christi still cares about them after months of sabotage

Why are e-Drones like this?

based callback to his CHAOS stablemate Yano Toru desu

He's right. No one wants to watch a match between two under 6' guys that keep hitting their finishers 5 times in a row but never finish the match until the 6th time.

You've literally never once watched a match that doesn't have the WWE logo in the corner of the screen have you?

You’ve described NXT not Japan kek

based retards

jesus fucking christ this nigga

> tfw I like NJPW and NWA for different reasons
> tfw this was a golden opportunity at a crosspromotional match

The real audience is the casual tv viewer. Not the hardcore smark that will pop for anything workrate/japanese related

I hope so. I mean, Aldis is a heel.

Good take here. I like NJPW because it is distinct. I like NWA because it is distinct. If every single promotion was the same I would miss out on other styles of wrestling.


smarks clearly don't pop for anything if they've been shitting on KENTA since january

I would argue that there is some Hogan DNA in NJPW's "fighting spirit" style. Same goes for AJPW when they did it first.

fuck off his song was over not him just like roode. he comes out tor crickets every night. blame vince all you want but vince shit on bryan too and he got over.


>learns about the business from kevin nash at a bar
>hates gook shit
>world champion in kino nwa
>btfo cawdy

unholy based