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Other urls found in this thread:


Shit thread

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dubs confirm
where is the new one?

Kings 2022

you get what you deserve

go team

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It is now

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>rags desu

though but fair

Thinking about taking the /nap/ pill

>2019-2020: 82gp 37g 37a 74pts +23

Attached: kakko.jpg (850x559, 128K)

this is the future liberals want

Attached: 1545564589044.gif (300x269, 87K)

>2019-2020: 26gp 2g 8a 10pts -17

Attached: bust.jpg (850x475, 131K)

Attached: leafs btfo.webm (938x660, 2.82M)

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>Clean it up wagie or you arent getting your 8 dollars an hour
what do you do /hoc/?????


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Kill myself which im planning to do anyways.

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go knights

go kitties

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Penguins desu

Chef Boyardee desu

Steely Dan desu


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eat your damn onions, /hoc/

Attached: 1544327095375.gif (500x500, 271K)

Yeah I got a match, your ass and my face

seems kinda rude desu

open up, mother fucker, you earned this one

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But they're bad for you

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Imagine being this wrong

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They're battered and deep fried. That's as bad as it gets

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Their chock full of folic acid
and that's real good for Your Colon


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He said eat your onions, nothing about rings


quit posting gross shit you niggers

He implied it with his attachement

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For me, it’s white people

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Attached: flames.png (512x512, 340K)

thank god it's getting cooler

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currently sweating my balls off in my computer chair

Maybe you should leave it every 12 hours or so

So, what is /hoc/ watching today
>currently watching MINTWINS @ CHISOX

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Thinking about moving to Kakkoo, India

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I didnt used to be racist until it became acceptable to hate white people. Now it's just like, ok. If you hate me for no reason ill hate you back. I grew up with minorities that were more well off than me, and had, and still have, the privilege of money that I never had. And one day it seems like a switch was flipped and they started harking about white privilege. When they had more advantages growing up then I did. Sad really.

Hockey hair has elite flow lads but it’s too fucking hot to enjoy it

Im thinking up ways to kill myself quickly and painlessly. Right now I'm thinking of getting drunk and laying down on some train tracks right before a huge freighter comes by. But i dont want to put that burden of guilt or legal consequences on the poor driver.

Imagine living outside of the blue area

Come to the bar lads I’m super slow

This remins me, they were discussing flat earth on coast to coast am last night, i need to download it.

that's upsetting..
redbelter, here
it's not so bad once the season gets started

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any specials today?

imagine living in the yellow area.... damn...

going to the bed now

please say you at least have a fry cook for rings

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I hand make each onion ring

Surely youll get the sunday night crowd soon

best way to do it... I advised against using your feet

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Yeah I got regulars that show up around 6 every night and stay til close

go knights

Just like hockey the bar isn’t for gays, blacks or Jews FYI lads

I'm gay myself btw if that matters

No entry m8

How do I get a job as a bartender?

But you're already there working?

What you have to undderasyanfd more thats s noso sooao hock ye e e e e e Laine be. Laine e. :)():):):):):):). M...... Jets sa sa sa s s. ........ > 57 I've said my pics. You're weak you're outta control..m.m mebenarensmsmt blah blah ....... SHIUT THE FUCJK VU P

We have enough right now but Sarah is probably leaving


>pots full of donut oil
make tempura rings


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oh, okay

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where is Sarah going?

>cuck your goalie who had a great season by giving his backup every single playoff start
>expect him to just forget and be your top goalie again
Do the >lames really expect this to work? I don't understand the decision making here.

Where is the /hoc/ bar, lads?

I have a powerful thirst

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>Sammy's grammy made him delete the post

I was speaking generally

What’s the best way to watch hockey for someone that has never watched before? Also is Carolina good?

Sorry lad
Letting her go I think she keeps calling off
Be a good looking stallion like myself

by fucking off

watch it on your phone like a chad

Canes are fine, made it to second round of the p/o last year
Best way is probably alone or few people around, with your favorite beverage and some onion rings, and bag of DUDE
>they way I do it, lad

Watch Cocktail 25 times

It's not about the shitty fucking bar food. IM . BEING . ATTACKED. Me existing is eternal war and i know everytime I get banned, I pull out an old phone and come back, and bitch relentlessly about inane shit that no one reads. Not even me as I type it. Is it a cry for help? No. I'm not crying. I'm sober. I haven't cried while sober since...... Thursday? I think. I was high yesterday afternoon and I did cry for a bit. But I'm not sure if they were related. I di

who is /ourguys/

Neither. Fuck baseball

>posting disgusting fried foods
you guys are /fit/ right?

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Yes, Satan
but I can't speak for the lot of us

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The flames made the playoffs?

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Smith was playing hot at the end of the season so he played the playoffs. there wasn't really an established starter/backup role between Rittich and Smith. Smith played 42 games in the regular season, Rittich played 45. The idea now is to make Rittich the starter and have Talbot play backup

It was such a meme playoffs i forget sometimes.

Why are you willing g a a a. A man sjsu just all he's sooao doing is his frog gkickciks
I'm vampire . Hows the ice in my castle?!

yeah and next year we will have the cup

It's a shame how badly the oilers fucked Talbot up.

I kinda wish we could see another Stan Lee with all the first seed bouncing out again, that shit was bananas
>image related

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The Rangers will be making big moves in the next 72 hours. Trades or buyouts. It's going down soon.

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I think he's happy to get a fresh start. Same with Lucic. I hope they both work out well

whos this fluid druid

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Provide one (1) valid reason why the Edmongolia Soilers should continue to exist

Fuck off, Ray

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because we need 2 Alberta teams at all times

Lucic can't play anymore. The game is way too fast for him.

If they didn't McMeme might end up somewhere he's happy
You don't want that, do you?

part of their new arena deal the city of Edmonton made included a 35 year lease to the NHL, so if they do move it will be in the 2050s

what's wrong with a NHL team in Edmonton?
where do you want to put them??
Indiana? Portland, OR?
those are stupid answers, You're stupid...

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I hope he has a comeback year but I agree he's slow. At least it will be nice to have a proper fighter in the lineup to take the pressure off Tkachuk and Bennett.

Why doesn't Monahan fight? He seems like he could throw down. He's got size at least.

Who the fuck would bother fighting milan lucic in 2019-20

might get a Fiver artist to draw me some OC anime hockey girls and then post them on here pretending it's my own and collecting sweet (you)s

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You’re banned from the bar

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Haha. Bye bye :) love you babes
Waste of money. Bad content. Those aside, you're a fucking liar. Slit your throat you fucking dog

good question. I haven't seen him fight ever

Saskatchewan, New Brunswick or Nova Scotia.

I hope this blinkie faggot drowns in an underground sewer system composed entirely of flushed cum rags

do it

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Are the fucking time in the Universe, and you still got it wrong...

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tripping balls guy is like family at this point

Just stop already

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Yeah your gay retarded cousin

>Jim Lahey won't be there

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They're really milking it dry aren't they

yeah but he's OUR gay retarded cousin

lahey is deD

can't say I blame them

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He was doing tours like a month after he died.

Its like ok i bet a good part of the show is telling lahey stories but are they really that hard up for cash.

Randy has gay sex with his gay retarded cousin

stop lookin at it

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you know, it's been years since I binge watched the TPB
>might be about time

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They must be hard up for cash because I don't think many big acts perform in Ringle Wisconsin.

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That’s how I watch football, so it’s all good

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Fuck beaverrs
Fuck Randy
Fuck you.

I think it's past your bedtime, dabbing Norge

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I thought you left Sam

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the first 3 posters to reply to this will get custom hockey anime from Fiverr with the NHL team of their choice. I'm hiring the cheap artists so it will probably be very shitty btw


I'm gonna blow my fucking brains out if I haven't left yet. If I haven't left yet then what are the odds now. Nothing changes.

Twins absolutely clobbered the White Sox all series

Simple isles edit on her

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Tfw you clean you're apartment

Misato Katsuragi
Las Vegas Golden Knights


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pick 1? I'm not doing 3 separate orders for you
isles it is
ok lol



Samuel, please
calm down
have a juice box and think things through

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Ok the Fiverr order for shitty hockey anime will be Habs, Isles, and Knights. I will post them when I get them. could be a few days

Thanks bud.

Don't fucking reply to me. I hate you

They probably base their tours where netflix shows the most viewers

this is the Trinity for shitty hockey anime
thinking about scripting a Yea Forums show for this, depending on how the artwork comes out

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I know, sweetums, just don't hurt yourself
think of your family
>/hoc/, I mean

You're far too young to be this angry

No you are

I'm thinking alright thinking it's coffee time haha so so SO thirsty...... OP. KEURIGS ON... DING*. Made a coffee before I even thought to make this post I'm so thirsty yum yum yum . Want to see me drink this coffee want to see me do it again???

i'll just have a cup of decaf
>i don't like to get hyper this early in the day hehe

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Sam is my tag team partner and you’re all getting worked

Popular /hoc/ Myths and Legends

>Theodore and his Girthy Member(counts as two)
>Tripping Balls Guy
am I missing anyone?

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no I don' fuck off

don't forget bracketnon

I think I will if it's all the same to you

bracket is a cool dude. he's so cool I'd let him fuck my sister


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Bracketnon IS my sister, and I let him fuck Me

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I doubt he'd be interested unless she's north of 200 pounds


Popular /hoc/ Myths and Legends

>Theodore and his Girthy Member(counts as two)
>Tripping Balls Guy
>36 Chambers(whoever that is)
>me(all lower case, unless we get an update)
I'm gonna file this at the /hoc/ HQ
>where is the HQ



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thread theme


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Winnipeg of course

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Hal > Will > Pete > Sam > Ted > bracketfag > Randy

im too high for this shit right now

I think the whole fo Manitoba might disagree, but I put on my preliminary List for next Quarter
I need your application, just mail the certificates to the HQ
>i think the HQ is still being built

/hoc/ island retard

Hal > Will > Pete > Ted > Randy > Sam > bracketfag > Ed

/hoc/ island is fucked and so are you

>this post has been brought to you in part by: the Mountain Chads


>hoc island and mountain
never been there, never met anyone from there
>all three of them

Hq is in my garden shed that I've never hung anything in

watched avengers

If you think I give a fraction of a fuck you're misguided. Someone meet me at the beach next weekend. If you can drown me you can keep all my stuff

sunday? more like get-stoned-day hah ha haha

ill be there with bells on bitch

that sound fine
we'll move in a desk and laptop, wifi and printer
hire a secretary(make sure she's hot AND celibate)
and I guess we should have a office opening party, I get some cake and onion rings, beer, some Dude

Attached: 1554726918718.gif (500x281, 552K)

Who wants Cake??

How is 2012?

oh shit, right here dawg


2012-mid2014 were literally the best of times
anyway, i'm talking about the new avengers

Mountain Chad here, presently laughing from the summit and pissing onto the homo island

Every day

Attached: bostons-finest.png (975x727, 1.15M)

just cracked open a mountain dew core red

Mountain Chad here, presently laughing from the summit and pissing onto the homo island

Mountain Chad here, presently laughing from the summit and pissing onto the homo island

what's the best Riff Raff track according to /hoc/


Nobody wants your cumrag and PS3 pal

Anytime he is with 3loco but its still pretty bad desu

OK, that's two(2) pieces of cake
I'm afraid it's just a shutterstock image, but here you are..

lava glaciers

whoops.. hehe

Attached: 1554187756701.jpg (275x183, 8K)

Best part of being on the mountain Is oppressing the poor brown "people" on the island

Air Canada

3loco was elite

larry bird freestyle

island vs mountain bo7 series
winner annexes the loser

I miss seeing Alex Jones in my twitter feed

MEMO FROM: The Commandant, /hoc/ Mountain


Please do not give details about the location or operations on the Mountain. Operational security is an absolute basic standard, and the Ski Patrol considers it high treason if you divulge secrets. I must give warning, the Ski Patrol will shoot you on sight if you divulge details and get on their "Shit List".

Remember to always have your security badge on display when in public, and HAVE FUN ON THE MOUNTAIN!!!

The Commandant

Don't talk about riff raff here. Just don't fucking do it. I'm serious. Or I'll kill myself. I'll drive head-on right into a fucking rock truck.

Bust that bp open

Attached: lickMe (1).gif (39x37, 16K)

Ski patrol = incels

business idea: /hoc/ space station

business idea: /hoc/ sealab

Incels with guns so watch yourself pal

Shant, mountain is already in place


see your sorry ass January 6th

island cucklets gonna get styled on

Captain Murphy would do.... unspeakable things to anyone that tried to overrun Sealab
>fair warning

Attached: 1547890558101.jpg (264x464, 32K)

whats your favourite Riff Raff song?

>living in the past, like island shitters

Attached: 1538708906994.jpg (423x324, 41K)

and again on Feb 19

the mountain is the based future. we will no longer determine things by rolling dubs. we will make our decisions with trips and quads at least

dubs are the Truth, heretic

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Mountain Chads disavow bing bing wahoos

business idea: mountain and island each make a fantasy team. season winner gets control of the loser

End Game was tight
I can't wait for Disne!spny.com+ to open up shop so I can binge the whole the MCU
try to get done with that before the season starts

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dubs come way too easily. look at this

then it is but a Little Truth
>but surely is

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that time I was just testing you to see if you were paying attention. this time I will actually roll dubs




>mountain /cric/roaches can't even get dubs
Meanwhile, /hoc/ island was founded on repeating integers

hah ha haha got you again retards! no more kidding around tho this time I will actually roll dubs

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sad and grimpilled

>3 misses in a row
maybe it's time to think about retirement gents

how did you do it twice you fuggin retard this is bogus

started watching veronica mars


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does /hoc/ want the mustache on or off?

For me, it's a hockey related cabin in the woods

what is your perception of it?

>to bad...

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just shave the sides off, keep the bit in the middle

these digits mean I'm better than you


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Question; will the Argonauts remain winless after week eight?

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are u a pretty goth girl with big titties? want to be my girlfriend?

post fem penis

i'm about six eps in
it's dated, but the writing is pretty decent. kristen bell is cute.

>the absolute city of Boston

well they couldn't manage to get a single point against the Eskimos and they are playing the Blue Bombers next, I would say 99.99% yes

I want to ___ Kristen Bell


>have a quiet cup of coffee with
she must be a fascinating person

onion ring a bell

We regret to inform you that the fryer is currently down for maintenance.

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I'm not gay I've only wore panties like 6 times in my life. For now im just window shopping

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stop hogging all the digits you ass

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Just bought some dude lads

Rent a car from

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what's coming up next for the Ausie and Peeland leagues?
>I'm thirsty

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stinger absolutely bleeeeooown the fuck out by gnash and chance

Attached: file.png (587x1769, 1.19M)

How much did he cost?

Filthy rat jewess

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Playoffs soon

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oh shit, was today the last day of reg season?

>southern hemisphere hockey

Not sure but I remember the cup final was at the beginning of September last year so I think the regular season is coming to an end soon

better than no hockey at all

flames neal

Not anymore

now he's James Oil

Flames Kneel

not having a backup fryer is against US constitution

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Lames Neal

>James Oil

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Typical low class Alberta post

Is this why fins mouth is always open?


I gotta be true to myself user

>being so sunbelt you’re below the equator
grim grim grim things here lads

Smoking a joint in honor of 50years of Woodstock

like i need an excuse to, but
shall join you

Attached: 654841.gif (445x251, 2.26M)

blaze that shit up nigga

Drugs are bad, mkay.

so sale got his money and decided to just half ass it didn't he

just stopped by this thread because I heard you guys were handing out dubs

sorry we are all out

>spend two weeks above arctic circle
>skin is now african american brown
fucking sun mane

Here (you) go la

post season starts after the August games
>I need to see more ice dammit


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summer reminder Tavares is overrated shit

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how come your prime minister doesnt legalize weed bro?

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Its not fair /hoc/ bros. Why cant my cities team and owners with their antifa libtard fanbase relocate so I can finally have a real /hoc/ franchise here in my city again.

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Um user

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I want the Phanatic and Gritty to duke it out on the ice at the Spectrum
>it's the only way

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Aside from fucking off. Id say this franchise should move to SF because they'd fit so well with the politics, corruption, and full of themselves to self fart smelling levels.

antifa libtards aren't the reason you guys haven't had a decent goaler in 30 years
If you guys ruin Hart, its your own fault. That kid has potential

Golden Seals, 21st Century
they'll loving it so much it'll be a sex crime

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San Fran already has a orange and black team tho in the Giants. But can agree the Flyers would fit that system like bread on Butter, and that way Philfags can be converted of their /hoc/ religion to the glories of Pens Catholicism like the fucking crusade purge it needs.

you need to show your work
What teams would have to move to what Division, and why?

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Harts gonna either get ruined/exposed as a fraud, or gets traded for cash consideration and a couple of 34 year old shooters because Fletcher/Flyers culture.

so what happened to the old battery throwing, santa booing flylels fans?

Imagine believing this

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Chicago moves to the East, and Phillty is left without a hoc team except the devils or pens to root for. Anything is a better fate than a franchise ran by cable jews who's goal is to convert the rednecks into antifa söyboys.


Died from liver failure

nice, i like a simple plan
File this down at the HQ

Helps reignite the Red wings/Blackhawks rivalry back to reality.


Attached: image0.jpg (3024x4032, 632K)

um, hi, Seals were an OAKLAND team, ok, not sf
>they'll loving it so much it'll be a sex crime
b a s e d

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>the cabal of the 5 jew bankers

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>this retarded philthy fag complaining every thread

Doesn't help that most Flyers fans are so full of söy, that it makes the drunken retards they used to have look badass based in comparison. Gritty is the ultimate left wing tool to bring the leftest antifa masses into watching sports. Least the Phantic is based enough to trick girls into showing their boobs.

Wong Hawks rivalry has always been on low simmer
but I know what yer saying over there

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>This retard doesn't know its a intentional forced meme

I think he might be a falseflagger. probably a penguins fan

Go to games and start pro trump chants.

i want to know who the creator of these Philly mascots are. I'm not saying the Phanatic and Gritty aren't successful, but fuck, who thinks up these random ass creatures for mascots for Philly?
I want some of their drugs

I mean Philly does have world class heroin






Fletcher=jew Holmgren=jew Dave Scott=jew
Shabel= Weinsburg= jew Snider=dead jew


what do you guys think life will be like after the fall of civilization as we know it???
>will the Queen ever die??

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Philly is a world class of mediocrity, and known for being an Antifa breeding ground.

Sorry Finland don't think it's in the cards for me

You know its bad that even retarded Yinzers like Tree are actually close to showing a form of pity towards Philthy /hoc/ on how bad things are over there.

I bet Sam is hiding those two kids.

Ye of little faith,

Attached: 1536477888460.png (403x526, 234K)

stop hogging all the digits guy

This rate Philly is rather off being converted into being retarded drunk Yinzers than being söy drinking Antifa anarchists

you're a big boy today, aren't you?

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I fucking hate the flyers with every fiber in my soul

You know you franchise is not even a real /hoc/ team anymore when all the news is just Gritty doing random things.
Least the Phanatic turned a shitty Phillies team around to a extent to a world series winning team in the 1980s.

We all do, and most of us wish they remain this way in mediocrity hell for eternally as divine punishment while Gritty is the Cerberus keeping the gate close of any cup wins.

proceeds to be thrown out of the building for life and then stabbed by the many söy drinkers and poor blacks on the way out.

Mom is in the hospital, getting worked up for a possible cancer diagnosis
Kinda scary, lads. I feel like I haven't done enough to make her proud

Imagine gritty lifting the cup. It would be the end of hockey

There's still time

you havent

do you watch anime? this will let you know how she feels about you

firing up the train simulator

cancer schmancer

Firing up the sex simulator

What loco you driving?

No but my sister dressed up as sailor moon for her wedding
Her husband dressed like tuxedo mask

okay now this is based

get hype

your mom should have drowned her in the bath tub

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Tell her it will be huomenta.

Firing up the mental breakdown simulator (going through all the Snapchats I sent myself this afternoon)

Damn user's sister looks like THAT??

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Never happening bro because /hoc/ is the only international burger sport that isn't scripted.

If you guys thought it was bad earlier you're not gonna believe when the oil hits

If it ain't scripted then why did Gary fax me next season's script?

>he doesnt get Gary's weekly fax

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> someone else knows about the devils/islanders ecf
Delete this

What script has the antifa liberal shithole of a city's orange pube messiah lifting the cup over his head? You'd have to be too obvious of a bad script writer that even a senile Vince McMahon told you to knock it the fuck off.

pretty fucking based, lad

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Shut the fuck up about Philadelphia. Christ

Yeah, let's talk about Seattle, YEAH!!!

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Is there a food/meal I can safely eat multiple times every single day?

fucking based

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>Leaf defending the liberal shithole that the entire US hates.
Pottery coming from a Trudeau supporter.

Warning, large dosages over the span of a year will give you a result such as this.

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I'm not your buddy guy. I'm worning you friend

Stay boiling flyover hilbily

why don't we just cuddle this out, you and me??

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Cheer blue vote blue. I'm an alpha Bombers/Jets/Budlight/Conservative party fan. I just simply don't want to talk about a fucking mascot of all things.
If we're gonna be off topic I'm not gonna fucking fight it. Its the end of July. I hoped we would have discussed the U20 summer showcase this weekend and that didn't happen. Is it too much to ask if we're ignoring hockey that we do it outright? I'd take that over faux casual fan interest 8 days a week
>gritty scared kids ECKSDEE
>look what Pk Subbans doing in New Jersey
If you don't like hockey because you don't like it, then fine. But dont come here and shoot the breeze about a fucking mascot and pretend to be one of the guys.

Forgot to add that dairy is out and I want to try low carbs. I’m not necessarily talking about something super healthy, but my diet has become so restrictive that I’ve basically given up on trying to cook something that tastes good.

dont be a pussy

Gary just told me that the kitties will win the cup this year. They will beat the yotes.

THIS, and thank you to OP
Man up and do some thing your Moms wanted you to do, Sir

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Problem is you cant be a hoc fan in a city where all the news and efforts is going to said mascot for easy shekel seat fillers and fighting for an agenda offseason as a way to distract city they are even more fucked as a /hoc/ franchise since Snider died.


are they gonna move to QC after??

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indica or sativa?

Based leaf

So in other news there are philly fans who hate other fans and mascot included all because they want a real /hoc/ team back and not some shekel maker because some cable company cares more about a fucking esport and cash than cups.

The Toronto Maple Leafs are the official team of Canada.

He wouldn't tell me

Go to reddit if you want to blow tripfags

He better find an answer to Hartford, QC, KC and Houston

>the Five(5) Jews Bankers are Watching

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This shit right here is what Comcast cares more about and what they used from retarded söyboys as a reward for paying up to get a selfie of Gritty, and not the sport it's represents.

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I'm just a lucky man.

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>oil country
I don't understand, apparently
Are they actual ice fans... IN HOUSTON???

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Hmm. Sounds like you guys just don't deserve a team. Carolina North

sprint off a cliff you filthy phone poster

>dubs are not a given, they a gift from the heavens above
>show your respect

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Jealousy is an ugly color on you

Jealousy is an ugly color on you leaf

Life’s a party and I’m the dj

I bet many /hoc/ posters have died this way

Oh we deserve a team, a real hoc team that makes a eventual relocated yotes team's city proud to have. Then again you are a leaf who probably just hates the Flyers like most people. Prob a Habs or Leafs fan you are.


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Did you know that the prophet mohommed married a 6 year old but wait until she was 9 to bang?

Truly a man of culture

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Anybody wanna do teasers Thursday?

Did you know that a mascot is all what a team has as way to get easy mons from retards to go to games just to pay 20 dollars for a selfie?

digit getting status : standby



Obsessed and seething


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I have the next thread ready to go

What is teasers

better be timely


strip club

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I have faith in this new thread.

Good job cuck

got a very good post for the thread after the next thread

annnnnd in the ennnnnnnd
the loooooove you taaaaaake
is equal to the loooooooove
>youuuuuuuu maaaaaaaaaaake
best musical moment in history
based beatles


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canada sucks balls

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pucks, ass wipe

Guys I got a glimpse of the new thread, its amazing.

What's your favorite foreign movie, /hoc/??

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i've got the new thread typed up and ready to go at 500

Don't let us down, OP

For me, it's Colorado Avalanche legend Teemu Selanne

>thread goes from 0-100 quick
>thread hangs around for 18 hours
>400-490 goes instantly
>another hour for the new thread
Get it together you fucking jabroni smarks

Better not be two or I'm going to flip out

Warren Jeffs' brother was building a commune near my town. The citizens were obviously upset that the city signed off on the permits, now that well have to deal with sex trafficking and young kids leaving the cult and shit
The city finally sent a cease and desist letter because they messed with the surrounding wetlands too much lol

Don't tell me what to do
I'll get the fucking rake, I swear

Guys stop posting the new thread is full of anthrax

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Get a clue
Lose weight
Gain height
Have sex

> not Mark Recchi
>Fucking up this badly

>the end of time is coming

Playing some Be a GM mode right now lads

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i unironically had to do this once when i waged at mcdonalds, did get a free meal out of it tho
wasn't as bad as that obvi but there was shit splattered on the wall behind the toilet

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duck and rag it

>Falling for an obvious falseflagger posting forced memes

new thread in the catalog ready to go

Fuck Hal

>early and therefore false

Inconsistent reminder /hoc/ is a Nick Gage and Hana Kimura general

and fuck Randy

end of thread reminder /hoc/ mountain is for chads while /hoc/ island is for virgins

Get some dubs for once and I'll consider it

ummmm you said you had it wtf

A lot of people go to games for the experience at the stadium. Makes kids happy whereas they would've been bored a generation ago


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Fuck the kids


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really worried now

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2 for 2

As /hoc/a captain I am proud to go down with this thread


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Where is it

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I'm still not allowed to make threads. What the fuck am I uspposed to do. You guys gotta do it

>letting /hoc / die
I like it


let's get this bad boy to 600